Chapter 4-The River and the Cave

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They have confusion on their faces until they see the cliff and hear the river.

"Annebelle! Stop please you won't make it!" I hear Peter yell from my right.

I look over and see Guardian Sanders riding close to me.

"I'm sorry, but I need to. I need to talk to them you don't understand." I say, slowing my horse down.

He does the same but has a confused face on. "What do you mean?"

"The witches. They want to talk to me." I say.

"Don't!" Peter says firmly.

My horse stops at the top of the cliff and I go to turn him to head back away.

"I'm not going to jump but I can't...think! It is driving me crazy!" I say looking at him.

I see him frown and motion for me to come towards him. I go to make my horse move but he freaks out for no reason. I try to calm him but he won't listen. I grip on tighter. This is scary! I'm right next to the cliff and he can throw me off.

"Peter! Help!" I whine, trying to move my horse away from the cliff.

He rides closer and offers his hand towards me to grab. I go to grab it until and arrow flies so close to his head it nicks his ear and hits me in the shoulder, makimg me fly off the horse and onto the ground. I scream.

It hurts so badly! I close my eyes to stop the tears from falling. I hear my horse run off and Peter land on his feet.

"Alexon! Mason! She's been shot!" Peter yells running to my side.

I hear hooves of more horses and open my eyes. Peter is kneeling beside me and has his hand hovering hesitantly above the arrow.

"Pull it out!" I cry out. He grabs it and tugs it out. I scream and close my eyes. I dig my hands amd nails into the dirt. The pain!

"It's going to be okay, baby kitten. You will be okay. I'm here and your brother is here and your best friend." Peter says taking my cloaks off to assess my wound. He sets them to the side and sticks his hand to my shoulder and I scream out in pain.

"We hit her!" Someone yells in victory.

Peter grabs my bow and an arrow and shoots the guard in the neck and he falls off his horse, dead.

He kneels beside me again and rips off part of his shirt and ties it over my wound. He wipes the blood on his shirt and stares at my shoulder with worry.

"How bad is it?" I ask. He doesn't respond. "How bad is it, Guardian Sanders?"

"It will leave a bad scar but you should be fine. We must get you home as quickly as possible to ensure your safety." He says with as sigh. He meets my eyes.

"I'm scared." I whisper. He gives me a small smile and picks me up gently to not mess with my shoulder.

"You will be fin-" He says until he stumbles towards the river.

I look behind him and see a guard with a bow. Peter has been shot! And we are both going to fall into the river! I see Alexon ride onto the cliff and go to grab Peter but his hand slips and Peter falls. Alexon goes to grab me but our hands miss and I fall with Peter, screaming.

I see dirt and trees all around me. That is until I feel the water hit my feet and then my head hits the water, knocking me unconscious.


I twitch my hand and feel ruff stone. I open my eyes and see I am in a cave right beside the river. My feet are in the water and my head and torso on the dirt. I look around for anything and see a body.

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