34-I don't want to die

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"Someone messed with Belle, father!" Alexon growls.

"That's impossible! She was surrounded by guards!" My father yells at Alexon.

The whole place turns deadly silent except for my sobbing and pleading to be alone.

"What happened!?"

"A raider slippes in and used her to try and talk to you-"

"None of you tried to protect her!?"

"We were messing around when it happened!" Mason defends them all.

My limbs slowly loosen up enough for me to stand and run. "Get her!" Alexon yells.

"No no no no!" I cry out, turning a corner and hiding in the shadows.

The guards run past me and keep going. I look around for a secret tunnel and see a painting. I look around before going over and moving it.

"There!" Someone yells. I scream and rush through the entrance, slamming the door closed and running in a certain direction.

They are going to kill me! Oh my gods, please let me find a hiding place. The tunnel splits into three different sections.

Which one goes to my chambers!? I look around and take the left one. I don't care where I'm going anymore, I just need to be alone.

I find an exit and climb through to realize I'm near my garden. I sigh in relief and walk into it, closing the doors behind me quietly.

I walk over to my bench and sit. I look over all the flowers and relax. My shoulders drop and I slouch against the bench. My eyes close and my breathing deepens.

"Princess!" Someone yells. My eyes snap open to see Peter walking towards me. Fear fills me.

"What do you want?" My voice sounds strong while my entire body is the opposite.

He hands me a piece of paper and I carefully reach out and take it. His hand clamps on my wrist and my eyes widen.

"Oh no. No thank you. Please release me." I state loudly.

"Thing is princess, no one wants you around here. They all think you should go and see Alaric for your damn mental problems. So I was ordered to bring you to him, with or without your consent." He growls.

I struggle to pull away but more guards enter and fight me. Their large arms wrap around me and keep me immobile. My panic increases.

I might be priest but if someone is tired of them they can kill them. Maybe they all hate me and agree to killing me. Yes, that sounds correct.

"Please don't kill me." I beg.

"Oh, we won't darling. Alaric will fix you up." Peter sneers.

I gulp and close my eyes tightly. I don't want to die. I've survived many things and dying by the hands of the people I love is not the way I want to go.

He is going to hurt me. I just know it.

"Alaric, I have her. Do you know whats wrong? Why does she act like we are going to hurt her?"

"Damn potion the man gave her. I think I have a cure-" He suddenly stops and the flicking of pages fills the air. "Got it!"

"What do you want us to do, warlock?"

"Make sure her eyes stay closed. If she sees what I'm doing then she will panic. If you need to talk to her, speak to me. She will hear. Anything you say to her now is made to sound like her worst fears, twisting your words and reactions." Alaric says.

"Okay, I can do that." I mutter.

"Okay, Alaric," Peter begins. "Mason is pacing and having a panic attack seeing his girl scared. He doesn't know what to do and it is funny."

"Don't pick on him! Love is a very powerful thing and he loves his princess with all his heart." Alaric says with a chuckle.

"I would hope so. I love the princess with all my heart and all the guards do too."

"I meant-"

"I know what you meant. I was trying to mess with you."

"Alright, here is the remedy. Make sure she drinks it all."

I hear someone walking towards me and panic fills me again. "Calm down, Peter. I mean you no harm!" Alaric mutters softly.

I hear a glass placed on the floor before scraping.

I open my eyes when I hear feet leaving to see Alaric, Mason, Peter, and Alexon standing on the complete opposite end of the room.

I look down the see a small glass bottle of a red liquid. I reach forward to grab it but a boot on my hand stops me. I cry out in pain and look up only to have something cover my eyes.

"What are you doing!?" I hear people yelling and rushing towards me.

I reach out blindly for the bottle, which almost falls over, and drink it in one gulp. I swing my hand out with the glass in my hand, hoping to hit my attacker with it.

"How did he get free!?" Alexon bellows.

A hand clamps over my mouth and I bite down hard, drawing blood from him while holding back a gag at touching his hand. Who knows what he has done with it.

The person yelps and hits me on the cheek. I fall away from him and my eyes are uncovered. I look around and back away from him and into someone else. My eyes widen and I look up to see a guard holding a bow up and aimed at my attacker.

"Belle!" Alexon whispers. My head snaps to him and I see his arms wide open. I stand and bolt towards him. I trip the last second and land face first into his chest. His arms wrap around my waist and pulls me against him in a correct hug.

"You know that whatever I said to you I didn't mean, right? I love you, baby sister."

"You don't think of me as a pain? Do you think of me as a kid? Don't you hate me?"

"Now why would I think of you as any of those things? I'm proud of you, of everything you've done. Yes, you can be a pain but there is no way I could ever hate you. You will always be a kid to me, you are my baby sister, after all and I love you for it." He says softly before pulling me into a hug.

"Okay, your highness, my turn for my girl." Mason says impatiently.

I chuckle as Alexon's arms tighten around me. "No, she was scared of me and I didn't like that one bit."

"She was scared of us all, Alexon."

"She thought I was going to hit her. I never hits girls and I would rather have someone beat me before I lay a finger on her in a harmful way."

"I'm sorry." I mutter against his chest.

"How is it your fault?"

"I shouldn't have been playing around with the guards." I explain, pulling away from him and looking at my feet.

"You were playing with Mason, not anyone else. I brought you there to show the archers that they now have competition from a girl. I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean it that they don't want their princess to out shoot them. It's their job to protect you, not the other way around."

I stay silent and hold onto him tightly.

"How did you know what potion that man gave her?" Peter blurts.

Alaric looks starlted and frightened. "Ummm...you see-"

"Warlocks have that sense. They tend to have an instinct towards things and people they care about." I cut him off smoothly and lie.

"You're a warlock?" Alexon asks, anger straining in his voice.

Oh no. Not again. "Alex-"

I get cut off by my brother unshesthing his sword and pointing it at Alaric. My eyes widen and I back away. Oh no no no, please, don't kill him.

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