42- I love you

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At that statement my head snaps up in worry.

"A question? You know I will always answer honestly."

He smiles and takes a deep breath before pulling away and standing a foot away from me.

"Belle, you know how I feel about you, right?"

I nod, confusion filling me.

"Well, as long as I have known you, and for as long as I've known what love was, I have loved you. You are what makes me wake up in the morning, what makes me want to breath, what brings light into my messed up life."

Mason drops to one knee, in the snow, and holds out his hand which if closed. Instead of confusion, shock fills me along with a few other emotions.

He is on his knee, in the snow, but mainly on his knee. We were talking about getting married and I was never expecting a proper proposal from him even if father talked to him. I never expected him to give a speech or to waste his spare time thinking of a way to make this special for me.

"I swear on my life that I will always protect, love, cherish, and care for you. I will never leave you and the only way I will not be by your side is if I die before you." Mason clears his throat and meets my eyes.

"Belle, I love you with all I have and want to be by your side for as long as I am alive." He opens his hand to show me a silver ring. The band of the ring looks like silver leaves and on the top is an amethyst. My eyes snap to his green ones. "Will you answer me honestly, no matter how much you might hurt me?"

I nod, too overhelmed with emotions.

"Will you marry me?" He asks, his voice full of hope.

"Yes!" I cry out and throw my arms around him in a hug, knocking us both to the floor and into the pile of snow.

We are both laughing, not caring about the cold.

Mason's face is as bright as the sun from happiness. "You're allowing me to live the rest of my life with the one woman I love."

"Oh? Who said it isn't allowing me to keep you by my side until death do us part?"

His smile widens. "Try it on."

I show him my left hand. He moves his arms from around me to hold my gloved hand. He pulls the glove off and slides the ring on my finger. It sits perfectly.

"Mase, I love it." I breath out, staring at the gem.

"More than me?" He laughs nervously.

"I will always love you more." I tell him honestly. I lean forward and kiss him on the lips, gripping his shirt in my hand.

He instantly kisses me back, wrapping his arms around me even though I am laying on top of him.

He pulls back and whispers a few words that any woman would love to hear. "I love you."

I lean close to him face. "I love you too, you oaf." I smile and peck him on the lips. He frowns and rolls over so I'm underneath him, my back to the snow.

"Hmm, I like this postion." Mason murmers, his breath fanning my face.

My face and neck heat up. "Mase-"

"I won't do anything you don't want me to, I swear." He promises before kissing me.

I kiss him back, savoring the taste of his lips. I will never get tired of kissing him.

He pulls away and stands then picking me up and holding me in his arms.

"Let's go, princess. We should get you somewhere warm before you get sick." I humm in response and cuddle against his chest, my eyes closing and my ear rests over his heart listening to his heartbeat.

"I'll take care of you, baby." He whispers before I fall asleep, soaking in the warmth of my future husband.


"Tighten the corset." One of the maids yells.

I feel hands on my back before the breath is sucked from me. I gasp in air for a second before becoming accustomed to the lack of air.

My eyes slowly move to the mirror.

"Miss, please, don't look yet! You told us to surprise you!"

My gaze snaps to the window and I watch the snowflakes fall from the sky.

"Are you sure this is a good idea? We are going on a trip to the Northern kingdom-"

"Your highness, Alexon would like to speak with you." I guard pipes up from the door.

I sigh. They increased my guards and the security ever since Mason and I got back from our little vacation.

"Tell him a second. I need to get my dress on." I tell the guard, knowing he is outside and one of the maids is barely letting the door open enough for the guard to speak.

"He says it is urgent, your majesty."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, let him in."

The maids help me into a long sleeved green and cream dress. They tighten the front enough to make the dress to make it fit my small body.

I hear the door close quietly and the steps of a booted man. I turn around and come face to face with my brother.

"Beautiful as ever, Belle." Alexon compliments me, nodding to the choice of my outfit.

"Wouldn't want the princess to get sick now would we?" A few of the maids announce, running around the room for pins to put in my hair.

My brother chuckles and takes a seat on my bed. His cloak now matches our royal colors with the blue and green.

I will have to wear a blue cloak to match the kingdom's colors so I am opposite of Alexon.

"Pack my red dress, Claire." I speak out towards the maids.

"Yes, your highness!" She squeaks and runs around the room to find my red and white dress.

"What do you plan to do on the trip, Belle?" Alexon asks.

"What do you mean? I thought it was still about us going to show off our duke again?" I ask, confusion filling me.

"That too, but it is mainly about our duke getting a princess as a bride. I'm having a brother in law. Mason is becoming a prince now."

I meet Alexon's eyes. "But father denounced our duke-"

"Father has a brother that can take the duke role. He contacted them and they happily agreed. He said that they would love to meet us."

"When did father have a brother? I thought he only had a sister that died way before we were born?"

"He also had a sister but he has a brother too. Umm, his name is...?" Alexon scratches his head trying to think of the name.

"William Kinston. His wife's name is Felicity, and his real son is Nicholas." One of the maids explains before running around the room to pack clothes.

"We have a cousin?" Is the first thing that escapes from my mind.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now