chapter 5- story time

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He gives me a smile. "Sorry. I thought you were listening. What were you doing?" He sets the fish he caught by the fire and sits beside me.

"Put this in the river for me and make sure it goes downstream. It is a note for Alexon. I told him we were alive and he should rescue us. I miss home." I say handing him the bottle.

He stands and takes the bottle to the river and throws it far downstream. He turns towards me and raising a brow. I give him a thankful smile. He goes over to my dress and sees if it is dry. He seems satisfied with it and brings it to me.

"I will turn around and let you change." He says doing as he said. I pull off the shirt and throw on my dress. I feel more secure with this on. I hold the shirt tightly amd walk to face Peter.

He gasps and walks to the entrance, almost running. He picks up something small. He walks back to me with a wide grin on his face. He is looking at the thing in his hands. He holds his hands out to me and I see a flower.

Everything rushes at me like a surge of heat. I collapse holding my head. Peter immediately drops the flower and grabs me.

"What's wrong?!" He asks in full panic.

"This." I say pulling his head down to my lips. He kisses me back.

I pull away and look into his eyes. "I got my memories back. And I love you too, you big brute."

He grins at me. "So you do love me. I thought the feelings were one way." He leans down and kisses me again.

I pull away and place my hands on his chest. "Not so fast, Guardian. Too much at once will get you hurt." I give him a smile.

"Then I will gladly take the pain." He says with a mischievous grin.

I look to the floor and grab the flower. I hold it up between us. "I gave this to you a few days ago. Did you have it when we fell off?"

"Yes. You gave it to me and how could I not refuse a flower from her majesty? It would be rude and I am a very nice person." He says wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

I look up to his face and see it finally relaxed. He has a smile on his face.

"The flower. How did that trigger the return of my memory?" I say holding it gently. I want to press it when I get home.

"Emotional moment for us both I guess. That was the first time I told you that I loved you." He says pulling me closer.

I stay silent watching the flower. Should I tell him I had a crush on him? "Thank you."

"What did I do to deserve that?"

"You kept me alive since we fell. There is no way I would be able to catch a fish." I wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest.

"That, my baby kitten, is basic survival. And I always protect the ones I love."

"I know." I say with a sigh. I hear my stomach grumble and I blush in embarrassment. Peter laughs and pulls away.

"I will make you food. I might have better cooking skills than you." He says skinning a fish.

I chuckle and sit beside him. I wonder how soon it will be until Alexon saves us. Hopefully tomorrow because I really want to go home. I miss my books and my garden. It is flower season too.

I wonder what flower the gardener picked to be my mystery flower of the year. He always picks a diffrent one and I always guess it when it blooms. One year he was so proud of himself when I couldn't figure it out. A moon gazer lily. He added that to the section of lilies. He then made one inside for me. We are good friends. I sometimes bring him wildflowers home and he always is happy.

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