28-That is classified information, men, sorry to blow your ego.

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"I'm going to miss you, baby girl." Cyril says from beside me. I look down slightly from the back of Starlight and meet Cyril's olive eyes.

"I will visit and you are welcome over any time. Just write to me when you plan to come so I can be ready." I tell him before kissing his forehead.

"Belle! Alexon only has a few hours before he can't ride, we have to go." Mason yells, starting to head off with my brother. He is holding the reins of the horse my brother is riding on.

"Go ahead, I will catch up!" I yell ahead, shifting to a more comfortable position in a saddle.

He nods and they begin at a steady gallop. I turn towards Cyril to see him holding a tiara towards me.

"Whats this?" I ask, reaching my hands out to look at the charm on the end.

"Our alliance contract. As long as you are wearing this I will be your ally."

He places the silver tiara on my head. Parts of it swirl around and in the center of the tiara is a small moonstone. I lift my head up and look at him to see a smile grace his lips.

"A beauty like you needed a crown to show her worth. You know what a moonstone resembles, correct?"

I nod and grip the reins tightly. "Yes, it means acceptance of clairvoyant abilities and powers. I have neither of those though."

"You will find out soon enough. Your blue eyes and small frame means everything to us. Ask Alaric, he will explain everything."

I nod again. "Thank you for everything, Cyril. I truely feel bad for what-"

"Not your fault, you love someone else and I respect that. If you ever need anyone, I'll be right here."

I reach over and give him a hug. "Thank you for everything. I mean it. Take care of yourself and I will take care of Alaric."

Cyril hugs me back. "Thats all I could ask for."

We let each other go and he takes a step back. I whip Starlight's reins and she takes off at a quick speed in the same direction Mason, Alaric, Peter, and Alexon went.

Cyril releasd Peter from the dungeons this morning after giving Peter his horse back. He should meet us at home. Alaric is supposed to be riding beside Mason and Alexon to keep them safe and I am all alone. I convinced Cyril to give me a red cloak because I hate riding with any other one.

They let me ride alone because I have the fastest horse and they gave me a set of arrows and a personal bow made just for me.

I focus on the world around me and see the trails of three horses. My cape whips behind me along with my braided hair.

I hear hollering and look around to see a group of hunters running behind me.

"Slow down girly! The Wolves love a chase!" One of them yells.

My eyes widen. The Wolves are a group of theives and hunters. The main theif is Robin Hood and the main hunter worked for the queen from the dark forest.

I cannot let them get a hold of me. I look behind me to see a group of 12 men on horses with weapons and bags on them.

"Get her crown!" One of them yells.

No, you aren't getting my crown, Cyril gave it to me. I should be able to hold peace between the two kingdoms for longer than a few mintues.

"Star! Faster!" I tell out, whipping the reins. Thankfully I am wearing trousers and a shirt today with my cape. My bow is slung over my shoulder while my arrows are clipped to my waist.

My horse listens and speeds up just enough for the Wolves to loose me.

"Alaric! Mason!" I scream out when I see their horses.

They slow down and face me.

"Belle! What is going on?" Alaric yells, stopping.

"T-the Wolves!" I gasp out, pointing behind me to show them the Wolves that followed me.

How they caught up this quickly worries me. My horse is the fastest there is, so there is no way they could catch me.

"Shit!" Alaric growls out, turning his horse to face the Wolves. "Annabelle, run ahead and take Alexon with you."

"I can take care of my baby sister." Alexon croaks out.

Starlight walks over towards Alexon and Mason. I reach over and hug Mason.

"Thats a pretty crown."

"Thank you, Cyril said it was to hold peace between the two kingdoms. We are now allies."

"Take your brother and have a head-"

"Hey! Just give us the crown and we will let you be on your way!" A man yells to us. I look behind me to see a few huntsman with their bows aimed at all of us.

"No." I say sternly, taking everyone off guard. "It is mine and you will not take it."

A few theives snicker. "Oh? Whats a pretty lady like you going to do about it?"

"Belle, don't kill any of them!" Mason whipsers to me.

"You think I'm pretty?" I ask sweetly.

"One of the prettiest we have seen in a while, ma'am." Another tries to flatter me.

I flash them a sweet smile. "You are too kind."

"What is your name, ma'am?" Another man asks, lowering his bow.

I look over to Alaric and Mason to see them shake their head.

"That is classified information, men, sorry to blow your ego." I smile and hold the reins tightly of both my horse and Alexon's.

They all look back and forth between each other, giving me the perfect chance to turn Starlight around and take off with Alexon right behind me.

All Alexon has on is a bag with clothes and food. I open my mouth to tell him to hop on Star before an arrow wizzes past my head and lands in a tree.

My eyes widen. "Alexon! Hop on my horse! We can go quicker."

He grips my saddle and slides on behind me. He wraps his arms around me and grabs the reins while I pull my bow off and grab an arrow, notching it.

I twist, cautious of my brorher behind me, and aim my arrow directly at the man chasing me. My fingers release the end and the arrow wizzes and hits the man in the neck.

"Shit!" Someone yells. "She shot and killed Gregory!"

"Belle! We told you to not kill!" Alexon yells hoarsely.

"I'm sorry. But they want my crown."

"Just give us the girl, boys! We can show you the right way to treat a lady like her!" Another man yells.

"In your dreams, boys!" I yell at them.

I snicker as Alexon scoots closer to me. "I want you to hop in a horse with Mason. Ready...go!" He says before pushing me off of the horse.

I scream and reach out to grab something while an arm snakes around my waist and pulls me against a warm chest.

I wrap my arms around the chest and bury my face into it.

"I got you, princess. Don't worry, I'll never let you go." Mason whispers in my ear.

"I never want you to." I tell him before smacking my lips on his.

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