chapter 14- Alpha meeting

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"Are you sure you want to go?" Peter asks again.

"Yes, I'm sure." I tell him. I throw my red cloak on and walk towards the stables.

"We could offer for him to come here?"

"Peter, if I want all the supernaturals on my side, then I have to go to them and show them I am serious about this. I'm glad tha alpha agreed to talk with me."

He backsboff but continues tonfollow me to the stables. My red cloak is clipped firmly on and Starlight is ready to run. Peter stands to my side as I mount my horse.

"Are you goingnto ride a horse?" I ask.

He shakes his head. "I'll run right beside you. I might shift but I don't know yet. I'm still skeptical about you knowing what I am."

I smile warmly at him. "Hiyah!" I say, whipping Starlight's reign, making her take off in a run.

The woods whips around me and I see a blur of brown beside me. I look and see a wolf. That must be Peter.

I look forward and lead Starlight towards the dark forest.


My breathing is heavy as my horse's hooves hit the floor in a run. My red cloak fans behind me. I peek behind my shoulders and see the wolves catching up. I swallow a scream and make Starlight run even faster.

Something lands on the back of my horse and I scream. I swing my arm out but a warm, masculine hand catches it. I follow the arm and my blue eyes connect to his tw different colored ones. He has pale skinnfor being a wolf. The guy smiles at me. His white teeth showing. His cheeks are sharp he has stubble as if he hasn't shaven in a few days.

"And what is a pretty lady like you doing on my territory?" The guy asks, his voice is ruff. Why am I thinking this!? I am soon to be married.

"I came to talk to your Alpha," I speak firmly.

His head tilts to the side and he watches me closely. He yells out to the wolves and they stop chasing us. I slow Starlight down and she walks in a circle, warning the man behind me that she will buck him off and run.

"And why do you need to speak to said Alpha?" The man asks.

I smile, showing him I'm being nice. "Because alpha, you wanted to speak with me. I thought you knew the royals from my kingdom."

His shocked face makes me laugh. Starlight calms down when she hears my laughter.

"How did you figure it out, princess?" Alpha asks.

Starlight stops moving and Alpha slides off and offers me a hand. I take it, and sparks shoot up through the touch. His hand fits mine perfectly and he radiates heat. I land on my feet and a brown wolf appears beside me before becoming a crouched down Peter.

"Do not run off li-" Peter begins before his eyes land on the alpha. He bows his head. "Alpha."

The alpha looks at him. "And who are you, lone wolf?"

"I am Princess Annabelle's personal guard," Peter responds.

Alpha looks over to me. "So you are Annebelle. Such a pretty one you are."

I blush. "Thank you, Alpha."

"Call me James, princess." He bows and kisses the top of my hand. The sparks crawl up again.

"Call me Belle. All my friends do," I tell James. Finally. A nice name for a handsome face.

Why am I thinking about him like this?! I am soon to be married to a man that I love!

James's eyes look all over me. I turn towards Starlight and reach my hand out to her mane and brush it out.

"Well, we should go somewhere where we can talk. Would you follow me, princess?" James asks.

"Yes," I tell him.

He gives me a heart stopping smile. I smile back but it falters when wolves start emerging from the trees. I take a sharp breath and back into Starlight. She starts to freak out. Peter looks at me with fear.

"You aren't scared of us right?" He asks. I quickly mount Starlight, my red cloak fanning behind me.

"No, I'm not scared of you all," I tell him. A wolf snarls and my heart beat picks up. "I'm frightened."

A wolf jumps at Starlight and she takes off at a fast speed. I lean closer to her and the wind whips past me making my hair fly back and my cloak to fly behind me like wings. The trees blur past me and I try to control my breathing.

"That could have gone better," I whisper out.

I grip the reigns toghter and pull back, trying to slow her down. Starlight slows down and knocks me off of her. I scream and fall to the floor. I hear snarls and lift my head up to see the wolves coming towards me. I take a sharp breath and a black wolf leaps forward and lands in front of me. He turns and faces the other wolves, snarling with canines showing. He backs up until he is over me, in a protective position.

Peter runs towards me and crouches beside the giant wolf above me. He offers a hand out to me but the wolf snarls and snaps at it. Peter's eyes widen.

"Belle, you have to calm him down," Peter whispers to me. "Touch him."

My eyes widen as I look at him in shock. "T-touch h-him?!"

He nods and I look above me at the wolf. The balck wolf snaps at him and Peter leaps back at a respective distance. I lift a very shakey hand before dropping it.

Control your emotions! You are a princess and they are nothing short of perfect!

I close my eyes and muster as much courage as I can. I open my eyes and reach a hand out to touch the black wolf's side. His head turns towards me, snarling. I yelp and pull my hand back.

The snarling stops and his eyes soften. The wolf suddenly becomes James. I gasp and back away. I try to back away I should say. James pulls me against him and sparks erupt from where ever our bare skin touches.

"Mine!" He snarls. My eyes widen even more and I look to Peter to see the same reaction.

"Oh shit. What is Mason going to think?" Peter mutters. Our eyes lock and realization hits us at the same time.

"Alexon!" We yell out in terror.

"James, can you please let me go?" I ask quietly. I turn my head and I look at his face. His eyes meet mine.

"You won't run off again, will you?" He sounds heart broken.

Did running of fright hurt him somehow? I shake my head. He lets me go and I scramble to Peter. I hug him.

"We will not speak of this to Alexon. Am I clear?" I ask, pulling back and meeting his eyes.

"How's Raymond going to feel when he finds out that the Alpha's mate is you?"

"What about Mason?"

"Who's Mason, Raymond and Alexon?" James bellows. I flinch and look towards him.

"Mason is my fiancee, Raymond is the Prince of the Fae, amd Alexon is my older brother. The only family I have left really," I tell him.


I nod, fear taking over me. "All I came for was to see if you would side with me. Tristan, Prince of the Northern Kingdom, wants to make me his wife and queen but I refuse. He has bigger plans and I think he has the witches on his side."

Anger- no, fury- morphs on James's face. "He won't touch you if I have anything to do with it." His voice is calm. It is almost scarier seeing this calmness then anger.

I look him over. He said mate, but why loome? He is extremely protective over me and I barely know his name. Why couldn't I have a normal life?

"We have to talk, little one." James says before grabbing my arm and leading me deeper into the forest.

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