40-worthy of my princess

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Alexon, Mason, Alaric and I take a seat in father's office.

It has been a week since we got home and everything is back to normal. At least as normal as possible. Dad sent Peter off to another kingdom and never told me why.

"What is this surprise you were talking about?" Father asks, leaning back in his seat.

"Hmmm, should we make it a public announcement?" Alexon asks, knowingly.

"Ah, that is a good idea. It would bring joy." Alaric responds, a smirk on his face.

Mason and I look at each other with a smirk before I turn towards father.

"You mean no one told you?" I ask, a sweet and innocent look on my face.

"Tell me what, Annabelle?" The impatient tone in his voice makes Alaric and Alexon sit up straighter.

"I wish to marry your daughter and I would love your consent." Mason blurts and all eyes turn towards him.

He is sitting uncomfortablely straight and his entire face is nervousness.

I hear creaking and see father standing up out of the corner of my eyes. Mason stiffens and pales slightly.

"What makes you think you are worthy of my princess?" The king asks with a serious tone.

"I-I," Mason clears his throat and stands, his entire body shaking in fear. "Your highness, I love her, I want to keep her and never let her go. I did that once and it was pure torture. The thought of her being away from me, of someone else having her, kills me. I would rather die from her han-"

"Alexon, take your sister to show her the present I ordered her." The king cuts in. "You too Alaric."

Alexon and I stand at the same time before watching Alaric blink in confusion. "Come on Alaric, I have someting I want to show you!" I exclaim, tugging on his cloak.

He nods and allows me to tug him towards the door.

"Oh, Annabelle?" Father asks. I turn around and face him. "Are there any tunnels to my office? If there are, do not use them to listen in, am I clear?"

"There is none and you are clear." I respond before walking out of the room. I meet Mason's eyes briefly before closing the door behind me.

I turn around to see both Alexon and Alaric have their arms crossed over their chest, watching me with expectant eyes.

I smile, lift my skirt and run towards the entrance. I slide behind the tapestry and push the fake stone door open to reveal a secret viewing area.


"Shush!" I quiet him quickly. I turn towards my brother. "They can hear us just as we can hear them!" I whisper.

He quiets down and follows after me along with Alaric. I stop at then end of the halls and look through a hole in the wall.

"Mason, what are your intentions with my daughter?" My father asks.

"Nothing she doesn't wish, your highness. As I said earlier, I love her!" Mason exclaims, pure happiness on his face.

"Oh? And describe how you love her."

"Describe? Oh, your highness, there isn't enough words to express how much Annabelle means to me. She is the sunrise, bringing color and happiness to my life. She is what kept me strong when I was a slave. Everyday I went without her was a day not worth living but I realized the moment I saw her face again I would be the world's happiest man."

The smile on his face when he speaks about me makes my heart clench in happiness.

"Her smile can brighten the darkest of days and her cheeks are like the red roses in her garden. Her eyes remind me of the diamonds and I would never want to see them dull and lifeless. Her laugh is like music to my ears and her crying is worse that someone stabbing me with a sword. Her clumsy self and tendency to rely on me to keep herself upright makes me feel like she needs me, like she wants me.

"Her mischievous side draws out the playful side of me that I didn't know existed and her curious side makes me want to tell her everything I know. I wouldn't live without her, your highness. I love her too much. I would rather die than have her out of my life again."

Mason finishes off his rant and I'm standing, completely dumbfounded.

"My gods, that man loves you." Alexon whispers.

"I wonder what Annabelle will say about you?" The king wonders, turning towards his desk and winking at us. I look at Alexon and Alaric to see both confusion and a shocked expression.

"Hmm, well I guess you have my consent to marry my child. Do you have a ring?" My dad covers the hole with his body causing a silent groan to come from both of the boys.

"I wanna see the ring!" Alaric mutters before pulling me out of the corridor and into the hallway.

"What did you have to show me?" Alaric asks, a smirk on his face.

"Oh! Yes! I have a book that you might like!" I say, remebering the green leather covered book.

"A book you say?" Alaric asks, amused for some reason.

"Follow me." I state as I begin walking towards my library.

We walk in silence and I fling the doors open.

"My gods, Annabelle!" Alaric whispers in shock, his eyes wide at all the books around him.

"Welcome to my library! It's my own personal sanctuary." I tell him as I walk up the bookshelf on my far right. I trace my fingers over the covers before spotting my alchemy book, a book scouts have been trying to get for ages.

I pull the book off of the shelf and walk over to Alaric and Alexon. I hand the book to Alaric and he gives me a confused look.

"I'm not an-"

"Take the book, Alaric." Alexon sighs.

Alaric gently grabs the book from me and opens it. His eyes widen as each page flips by.

"This isn't just alchemy." Alaric mutters in awe.

"It's all yours now. I have no purpose for it." I tell him.

His head snaps up and his eyes shine. "You mean it?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Thank you, Annabelle!" Alaric hugs me tightly, taking me off guard.

"Your welcome!" I gasp out.


"A trip? As in we go from every city or town we rule over to the next kingdom?" I ask for clarification.

"Yes, I need to talk to the king of the Northern kingdom and you and Mason need to be known." My father explain.

I shift in my seat and lean forward. "And what for?"

"What do you mean, Belle?"

"Why are we doing this now? Making Mason's debut as duke?"

"It's not just that, Belle. You will see." The king responds, waving me out of his office.

I sigh and leave the room. I have to speak to Mason.

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