46- the journal

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"Your journal?" I ask for clarification. Mason nods and lays on the bed.

"During my time as a slave." He explains.

I walk over and lay beside him before he pulls me to lay halfway on top of him. I cuddle against him before opening the leather book and seeing Mason's thick, loose writing.

August 28th

The farmer has finally allowed us to have time to oursleves. He gave us until the clouds covered the sun. I give it a twenty mintue break. The only thing I miss is my favorite princess.

Nobody believes me when I say she is part of the myth, the prophecy. She has certain powe-

I frown whenni ser the writingnwas finished there. I flip the page to see a different type of writing. A loose, feminine scribble.

September 3rd,

I asked my master's wife if she could write what I say because my hands are bruised and blistered. Hopefully her writing is more legible than mine. Master made us plow acres of farmland and cut down hundreds of trees. At least it feels like it.

I look up and grab his hands. Mason gives me a confused look as I examine his hands. No blister scars. I kiss the palms of his hands before looking into his eyes.

"I love you, you know that right?" Mason whispers.

I nod. "If you didn't then you wouldn't be here. Alexon wouldn't have saved you for no reason."

He smiles and misses my forehead. "Wake me up if anything happens?"

I nod and he cuddles against me. I look back at the page an continue.

I swore not to tell anyone but I have a plan to try and escape. A dozen slaves have died this past week alone by his harsh beatings. His whip is tainted red and looks like a bunch of cat tails. He has a torture device, something I've never seen in this kingdom.

Please, gods, just do me a favor and never let me forget my princess. My angel, the one thing I am living for.

I can't draw because I am afraid the other men will find out and make fun of me for it, they already joke about me being "just a boy" and how I am just a "bastard's special child". They don't know who I am and I am thankful for that. Two weeks of being here and I'm already forced into being the slave of slaves. Ironic isn't it? Someone who was born to possibly take over a Kingdom is a slave for slaves.

I have to go, master is coming. Belle, I love you.

I read through all the pages until I get to one that has one sentence and a picture.

December 21st,

Screw if they see me draw, make fun of me, if I risk the little freedom I have, if I break the rules master put out, I want a picture of my princess.

On the rest of the page is a drawn picture of me smiling as if someone said something funny.

It looks as if I was right there the whole time and they drew it is seconds. It's like you are looking at me in person.

The page is yellower than the others and more worn out than all the others. The corner is also folded down as if marking a page.

Tears fall down my face. Mason drew me from memory, risked being made fun of, risked his master finding out, risked his journal and free time just to draw me to look back on.

I bury my face into his chest as he sleeps. His arms unconsciously wraps around my waist and holds me against him.

Two knocks are heard at the door. I stand up and walk over to it, opening the door to see Alissa standing at the door with a man behind her.

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora