23-I just have to be with you

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We arrive back at the castle, earning cautious stares from all the Elven people.

Some even go the distance to whisper, "What is she doing back here?"

I look over to Cyril and see him watching me. "May I ride? I will stay in sight-"

"Go ahead." He says with a nod.

I smile. "Star! Show!" Her head stands up straight and I straighten my entire body. She begins a trot and pulls her knees high. I laugh as she goes a dozen feet forward and goes back to make Cyril happy. She flips her mane over and snorts. A few children emerge and walk towards her.

"Hey! Young-ones!" I tell her. She softens her movements and lowers her nose towards the children. They giggle and reach towards her nose. She snorts playfully and the children scream and start giggling uncontrollably.

A shadow casts over me and I look up to see Cyril by my side.

He is smiling and waving towards the children. They stop giggling and watch him, wide-eyed.

"Is she safe?" A little voice asks.

I turn my attention towards one of the doors to a house and see a small little girl. A human girl.

I smile towards her and slide off of Starlight, whose head comes up to watch me. I walk over to the girl and crouch in front of her. "Yes, my horse is the sweetest you will ever meet."

Starlight walks up to me and bends down so the small girl can pet her nose. The girl giggles when Starlight snorts into her palm. An older female form walks out of the house and stares at me, wide-eyed. She gives me a deep curtsy.

"Princess." She mutters respectively.

My eyes widen. "You recognize me?"

"I was from your kingdom until I married a man here. You always have been my favorite princess."

I smile a bow deeply to her. "My pleasure to be your past and favorite princess."

Her cheeks turn red before she addresses the girl. "Say thank you to the princess. It was nice of her to let you pet her horse."

The little girl looks at me. "T-thank you, princess. I truly appreciate it."

I smile. "My name is Annabelle, sweetheart. And I am glad you enjoyed my horse. She just loves attention." I whisper the last part and Starlight whacks me with her tail causing everyone to laugh.

We hear hooves running towards us with a frantic guard on top. "Y-your highness! W-we have tre-tresspassers."

"Did they state their names?" Cyril asks calmly.

The guard nods rapidly before speaking. "A-Alexon and Mason."

I look to Cyril before climbing on my horse. "Cyril! My brother! Please!"

His eyes widen breifly. "Why is your brother here!?"

"I'll explain but please." I beg him with sad eyes that no one can resist.

He sighs before nodding once. "Alright, princess. Let's go see your brother and Mason." He turns to his guards who are holding a smirking Peter. "Take him to the dungeons."

I look towards the frantic guard. He points and takes off in a dead sprint. I follow right beside him, Starlight not even breaking into a sweat. The ride is shorter than I remember. I see Mason standing and yelling at a guard.

"Mason!" I yell out. His head snaps towards me before opening his arms. I jump off of my horse and run into his arms, hugging him close to me and breathing in his scent.

"I don't care how much trouble I get into, Belle, I just have to be with you." He whispers in my ear.

I bury my face into his chest while he holds me against him. "I missed you."

Someone clears their throat and Mason and I pull away to see Alexon with his arms open. I walk over and wrap my arms around my brother and rest my head on his shoulder.

"I missed you too, big brother. How is father doing?"

"I want to talk to you about that privately but for right now we need to talk. HOW COULD YOU JUST LEAVE WITHOUT A FIGHT!?" He bellows at me.

I take a step back in shock and slip on dirt. Someone wraps their arms under my arms and holds me up.

"I got you." Mason whispers and stands me up.

"I-I don't know how to explain it, Alex." I mutter.

"You always fight things and the one time someone comes for you, you don't fight it!?" He yells.

I feel tears form in my eyes. Why is he so angry? I couldn't help it! I was being controlled! Mason turns me in his arms and places my head into his chest.

"I didn't bring you along to snap at her!" Mason snaps.

"I didn't save you to yell at me! I am still your prince and future king!" Alexon snaps.

I break away from Mason. "Stop it! Both of you are acting like selfish brats! What if I stayed here to get away from you both!? Didn't you think of that?" I snap at them.

They both stare at me with eyes wide and gapping mouths. Alexon is the first to compose himself wirh a scowl. "I came for you, Belle. And I'm not leaving without you."

"Then you aren't leaving at all. She will be my bride." Cyril states.

Mason looks horrified. "Your bride?" He cries out. "I already have an engagement with her!"

All eyes turn to look at me. "May I help you all?" A few guards snicker.

"You are engaged?!" Cyril asks in a deadly calm voice.

"Oh? My father didn't tell you that?" I ask, faking innocence.

He frowns and sulks. "You should have told me."

"You never asked." I tell him.

"Well, brother, she did say she loved someone." Alaric states, trying to hide a smirk.

Cyril turns towards his brother with rage on his face. "You knew!?"

Shock forms on Alaric's face. "Hey! Originally, she was suppose to be my bride."

I look over to Alexon and see him paling. I begin panicking. What is going on? He should be fine! He stumbles where he is standing before collapsing. I scream and try to break from Mason's arm to get to him.

"Alexon!" I cry out. A few guards walk forward to pick him up. "No!"

Alaric is suddenly beside Alexon with worry on his face. "I have him, Annabelle." He tries to calm me.

Tears run down my face. "Mase, please tell me he didn't do anything stupid while I was gone." I reach out towards my brother, still in Mason's arms.

"I promised to never tell you a lie." Mason mutters.

I begin crying and my legs give out from under me. If it wasn't for Mason I would be on the ground. Please, gods, don't let him die. I don't even know what is wrong with him but I want him to live. I won't survive if he leaves me.

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