36- crying girl

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"You have your riding trousers on?" Mason asks for the millionth time.

"Yes, Mase." I respond. "I also have my midnight blue cloak on and my boots on as well. I have my bow and a sheath of arrows strapped onto my back. The only thing I am not bringing is you. I have a protective older brother, a warlock, a personal guard, and my own weapons. If you must come, hurry and find a horse, but you can stay if you want."

"Just be safe. I'm not good with confrontations as you are. I'm more of fight right this second." Mason says and tilts his face up, tugging in my cloak.

I smile. "Does the duke want a kiss?"

"Yes, princess." Mason says lowly, making me shiver. "If you would so kindly give me one I would die a happy man."

I lean down and hold my lips an inch from his. "Then I guess you aren't dying a happy man yet." I whisper and pull away from him to see a pout on his face.

"Not nice, baby."

"I will give you a kiss when we get home. Getting to the king before he gets to the witch is more important."

"I expect more than a kiss when you get home. If you play with me then you deserve some punishment." Mason warns with a wink. My face heats up and I look away.

"Come on, Belle! We have to go!" Alexon yells, already at the edge of the forest.

I blow a kiss to Mason before making Starlight run to catch up to Alexon and our little group. We both catch up to Alaric and Peter.

Peter has full leather armor on and Alaric has a smooth stick on his back.

"Alaric? What is that?" I ask as I ride beside him.

He blinks and looks at me in confusion. "What?"

"What is on your back?"

"My staff. I have that instead of a wand like a wizard. I use it as a guide then for actual weapons purpose. I don't need it but it offers me comfort as much as your horse offers you comfort."

I nod in understanding and pull my hood up to cover my face. I let out a long breath and my breath makes a white cloud in front of me.

"Winter is coming soon. You know what that means, Alexon." I mutter.

Alexon sides his horse beside mine and sets a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Yes and I hope dad survives that long. I have the perfect gift in mind for his birthday."

"What do you have in mind?"

"What does father love the most other than us?"

"The kingdom and weddings, why?"

"Well, let's give him a wedding then."

"Who would we wed?" I look at him then Peter. "You two don't have anyone do you?"

"Belle, he isn't talking about us." Peter says as if he is teaching a kid, he turns his horse to face us. "I am fully devoted to protecting the royal family."

Alexon chuckles. "I am fully devoted in ruling a kingdom and if I find love then luck will be on my side."

"Then what are you talking about?" I ask, confusion filling me.

"You, princess. They are talking about you. You were supposed to be married to Mason years ago an-"

Alaric immediately becomes quiet, not finishing his sentence.


"Shh!" Alaric quiets Alexon.

I meet my brother's eyes and he nods. I pull my bow off of my back and notch and arrow.

All the horses are moving around restlessly and whimpering.

"Shh." Peter says lowly.

I scan the forest and notice nothing wrong. I listen and hear no chirping of the birds or rustle of leaves from the animals, just the unsteady breathing and the soft whimpering of our horses.

I see a blur to my left and my gaze snaps that way only to see more trees. My brows furrow and I look around the forest again as the men move to circle me.

"Who's there?" Alexon demands, his voice echoing in the forest.

Crying sounds from all around us and my body freezes in fear.

A beautiful blonde girl walks from the trees closest to Peter with her hands covering her face. She has a flowing white dress and her hair is all knotted. I place my bow and arrow away.

"Miss, are you-?" Peter gets cut off by loud wailing from the girl, startling us all. Her hands pull from her face as her teeth elongate and she begins to levitate.

I scream. "Banshee!" I stear Starlight away and she takes off.

"Run!" Peter yells, following me. "Run!"

I look behind me in fear to see the banshee following directly behind Peter.

"Peter! Jump!" I yell, reaching my hand out towards him.

He looks behind him and screams. A large ball of light flys from beside me and hits the banshee. She falls down and is smoking. I turn to see Alaric looking worried.

"Princess are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine thanks for asking." Peter pants.

"I am currently more worried about a friend than someone who has insulted the friend." Alaric snaps.

I look around and notice that Alexon isn't around. "Alaric?" The panic is obvious in my voice. "Where is Alexon?"

Alaric looks around as well and notices that Alexon isn't around.

"Your highness?!" Peter calls out.

My panic increases and I lean closer to my horse. "Star, find him."

"This is when I wish that your father agreed to allowing the wolves to join our kingdom. They would benefit us very much." Peter mutters as we begin riding towards where we saw Alexon last.

I roll my eyes. "They are dangerous and father didn't trust them around both Alexon and I when we were younger. He barely knows about the fae."

"How does he not know about the fae? Even I know of your alliance with them." Alaric joins in.

"I don't want him to stop me from doing even more." I mutter. "The alliance with your brother was purely accidental."

"Alexon!" Alaric yells.

"Over here!" I hear my brother's voice yell back. "Belle, come and see this!"

The Favorite Princess [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now