Chapter 13. Contradictions Confliction

Start from the beginning

"...need a bath."

"You're alright? Crescent stop--"

"Ahni..." He growled. "I just need a bath."

Watching his brother stumble towards the bathroom door, hands placed at his side as his fingers flicked repeatedly, Ahni couldn't help but again feel useless. Crescent was going through the most he has ever experienced in so little time and yet Ahni remained unscathed- well, physically.

Crescent's feet carried him and like melted ice, clothing dripped, falling in clumps to the ground as he weakly released its weight from his body. Crescent dragged certain items along with the scuffing of his shoes, refusing to lift his feet until it was time to climb into the tub. His shoes hit the tiled white floor in a small thump, socks pulled and tossed like useless rags.

He flipped on the knob, running the water to the hottest temperate as a warm liquid burst from the showerhead. The silent cold bathroom filled with sounds of flowing water, steam coating the entire room moments later. Not even standing in the line of fire, Crescent stood hunched over at the back of the tub.

He didn't honestly want a shower. Thoughts of wanting to be alone when he knew he couldn't drove him to seclude himself behind closed door. Ahni would pry even if he denied him insight. His legs finally at a loss, body slumped down to his knees. With his head falling low, the young man sat in clear defeat.

Idiot. Believing that he was going to be ok. Drugged, touched sexually without consent, vulgar hands did whatever they wanted to him. This was the horror of a gang. Rules were not applied as normal citizens. They suffered their own and sometimes that included taking someone's dignity. What did Saikai mean when he told Kisha he was showing him something? Crescent balled up one fists as tightly as he could. Was he some kind of experiment?

The only other time he had felt utterly helpless was when they were chased and attacked by street vendors for stealing food. While Ahni was pinned down, Crescent had taken the aggression. As a kid he was afraid of the strength grown men often inflicted upon him. Known as a town theif, whenever people saw him they increased the stares. It didn't stop Crescent from seeking those that fell short. Old people were his favorite. Had this been punishment for the ruckus he has caused?

At the moment he only denied the desire to stop because everything Saikai had been doing felt right. As if the redhead knew where to touch, how to touch and how much pressure to apply to every spot. His digits wrapped around Crescent's erection, stroking and rubbing the tip, as well as parting his fingers to apply individual pressure. A technique that time to perfect. If he had no regrets during the entire moment then why--

Crescent brought his hand up to his face to wipe at the developing chilly layer of fog at his cheeks. As he rubbed away what he thought to be just from the water, a line of warm liquid ran into his palm. Maybe just a splash from the shower.

He drew his hand back in shock, eyes widening to find that a tear traced a path to his wrist. It was his own. He gasped, balling his fists and suddenly cupping his small frame into himself.

He was sexually assaulted. There were no excuses. It was his fault! He shouldn't have gone. His wanted answers were not enough to sacrifice his sanity. No matter if it felt good or not, this regret could not be washed away so easily.

Unable to contain the immense rush of emotions anymore, the sound of a soft, heavy cry echoed. He was hurt, tricked, and weak, he knew that. He didn't want that.

"Ngh-" Sniffles. "Ngh!" Crescent bit down to conceal his body from erupting. He tucked his head into his knees, tightening his hug until his skin began to turn red. No one would help him in a time like this. This small bathroom felt like a cage, harboring a cracked soul. Suffocating inside the misery of his own actions.

There were always times where a fist had been his savior.

Why has he come to such a place like this again? He'd rather be sleeping with the rats in the sewer and all the other bums that were slowly dying. That's right, it was for Ahni. Attempting to control his breathing, he allowed his lungs to fill with steam. Slow inhales, heavy quick exhales. So far nothing worked though he repeatedly pushed it from his mind only one thing came zipping back.

Those eyes.

Matching a wolf, finally he understood what they were trying to tell him. That ice-cold chill of being the target of an animal fueled by desire. Those eyes never blinked as they watched Saikai play with his body like a puppet.

It was clear, Kisha wanted something from Crescent and he could no longer ignore it. The way his gaze was frigid, gushing with a desire abnormal to human emotion. A pile of meat layes before him, but he held back on taking it.

He could feel that wave of pressure, enticing his darkest desire to surface. Without words, they were always asking, begging for him to approach. Charming seductive gaze that made his heart heavy. What was so alluring about possible regret? Why has the repeated sense of doom behind that door been more interesting than a life of positivity without struggle.

Those eyes told him he'd be entering into a world that could break him even if he was careful. He wanted the destruction. What would happen if he was swept off his feet? He failed to know. Natural human reaction told him to run, and he often break from his curiosity, but contradictory measures were his government.

Frozen, trapped in a pit of fire, that's how it felt. The intense stare only projected struggle. They wanted to eat him and something inside of Crescent wanted to die. Deny as may, deny as he might, his growing need was swift, mimicking the sudden rain of spring. Time would tell if Crescent blossomed beneath that frozen cage.

"Y-you didn't help..." He called in a whimper. He would've believed in it-- someone who was so silently into him or so he thought. They would've saved him from danger or maybe this was all just Kisha's bidding. What if Saikai only did what Kisha wanted him to do?

To force Crescent beneath him until he could no longer find his strength. Until battered, he came crawling into the arms of that famished beast who would in the end look like a hero. Clinging to the needless idea that they both could no longer fight the urges.

"Fuck you..." Crescent spat back. It would be a cold day in hell before he decided he would be taken so easily. If this was the game they had wanted to play, he knew he had to be smarter.

As strength, anger built inside, given him courage he had lost. Crescent gritted his teeth. Even through his growing dislike for Kisha, his heart still pounded, his mind still ached, his body still wanted and that shown with the undeniable ache between his legs.

His head fell backward, thudding against the wall. Crescent's arms unraveled and legs slowly parted. One hand began to trail downward to calm the raging sexual need, gripping at his erection.

He exhaled in pure satisfaction.


So, confliction arises in Crescent. He doesn't know how to take it...

Maybe he's a man that is drawn to danger...? What do you guys think?

Don't be afraid to tell me what you think by commenting.❤️❤️

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