Chapter 54

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The long street is noisy with a never ending flow of cars, and the hustle and bustle of city walkers.  The sun shines brightly in the lane that Jungkook disappeared through just a few minutes ago.

Lisa decides to follow.  She gets out of the car. 

It’s dangerous.  But she will be careful.  Jungkook is an academic. Now he is chasing after a mentally unstable killer.  She can’t let him go alone.

A thought comes to her mind as she passes through the crowd -

Even though he keeps saying the physical work should be left to the police, every time when he is face to face with the suspects, or sees someone in danger, he would rush to help.  He knocked Sun Yong unconscious with a stick, ran over to rescue the boy held captive by Momo. And this. 

Arrogant, but firm in his beliefs.

Jungkook, please stay safe.

She is about go into the lane, when a few officers appear. Lisa is relieved.  One of the taller officers blocks Lisa : “Stay here.” Then he and three other officers hurried into the narrow lane.

Lisa anxiously looks in.  Behind her, a lot of pedestrians are gathering.  It’s too far away for Lisa to see exactly what is happening. The police officers are blocking her view. She can vaguely work out there’s lot of movements, and then she hears a ‘dong’ sound, like something has fallen on to the ground. 

“Don’t move.  Don’t move.  Put down your knife.” She hears the police shout out.  

Lisa’s heart tightens.  She sees Jungkook’s face for a split second. Then more police officers rush past her.  Her views are completely blocked.  

“We got him.  We got him.” Someone yelled out.  

“Stay down!”

“Someone is injured.  Please send an ambulance.” Someone else says.

Lisa runs towards the officers and tries to squeeze past them to get to Jungkook : “Excuse me.  Excuse me…  I am Professor Jeon's assistant.”

“The Professor is hurt too.” Someone said.  

This is not good news.  She pushes through even harder.  People start to make way.  She sees four or five officers holding on a man with blood shot eyes.  He is still struggling to break free as the officers walk him towards the street to the police car. Lisa quickly stands to the side to let them pass.  She recognises him from the photos emailed to them by the police.  That’s Seungri.  

She hurries forward to find an officer lying on the ground.  He has been stabbed in the stomach.  There is a pool of blood beside him.  He looks very pale.  He is still conscious, breathing heavily and obviously in pain. Jungkook stands next to him.  There’s blood smeared on his face and suit.  A few officers are standing around him.

Lisa’s heart aches as she sees blood dripping down to the ground from Jungkook’s sleeves. 

“What happened to you?  Are you ok?” She asks anxiously.  She wants to hold his hand, but she is afraid she might accidentally touch the wound.  She looks closer. There is a knife wound from his left shoulder that extends to his chest. 

She looks at the officer lying on the floor.  His wounds are much more serious.

“I am ok.  It’s just a flesh wound.” Jungkook says to her.  

When Jungkook entered the lane, there was another policeman who was going towards Seungri from the opposite direction.  The police officer thought he looked suspicious too.  The two of them tried to stop Seungri.  The policeman was stabbed in the stomach, and Jungkook has a deep cut on his arm.  Fortunately, more officers appeared at the right moment.  

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