Chapter 3

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B city is located somewhere near the edge of a tributary of the Y river. It is surrounded by mountains blocking the traffic which in turn caused the city to be a very backwater place. However when the highway was built in B city 2 years ago, the city suddenly have a tremendous development and become the economic centre of the province. Like other developed cities, people in B city want to get out to go north, while the surrounding people living near B city wanted to get in.

During the period when Lisa was in university, she went back home every year. Each time she went back to her hometown, she felt like the history of the place was slowly fading away. Old building were slowly being demolished, real estate prices kept going up and the city felt more and more crowded. However, there were still things left untouched.


At eight in the morning, she reached just on time and knocked on the door which turned out to be already open. Peeking in, she saw that the house was entirely silent with only the sunlight streaming in, there wasn't anyone in the house.

Yesterday, Jimin called to inform her that he needed to go back to S city. He told her to make herself at home in the villa, with the exception of the locked room on the second floor. It seems this is the start of 'make herself at home'.

The living room looks the same except for the white coloured square table and chair near the window. There was a laptop on top of the table with a pile of old yellow document. According to the agreement, due to the large workload, it is requested for her to make use of the laptop.

Lisa sat down on the white chair.

Sitting down on the white chair, Lisa turned to look outside of the window. There were mountains that were blanketed snow, she could also see the sunlight streaming through the pine trees, all of these made a beautiful sight.

Looking at the table, everything was neatly arranged - this made a good and comfortable environment to work in. Switching the laptop on, she saw that a word document was already opened. But there was no content in it except for the email address at the top of the page.

Getting up, Lisa decided to do a little exploring.

The kitchen is next to the living room and Lisa could smell pyrotechnic gas in the air which could mean Mr. Jeon usually cook at home. Placing the fruits she brought into the fridge, She saw that it was almost empty saved for the half eaten fish soup.

Close by the kitchen, there was a door which was connected to a hall way. Taking a few steps, Lisa discovered a fishing rod placed against the wall. It wasn't a surprise since this place had a few water bodies and fishes could often be seen swimming in the water so most of the families here had one or two fishing rods at home.

What surprised Lisa is the brand of the fishing rod 'Red Tiger'. Not to mention that it was a limited addition and probably considered to be one of the most expensive in the world. This version of fishing rod was hailed as the best in many anglers' mind.

Taking out her phone after a minute of admiring it, Lisa took a picture before she continued walking. Nearing the end of the hallway, Lisa halted her steps. In front of her was a rather dark small room. Heavy curtains were used to block out the sunlight, this room felt dull and cold. There wasn't anything else in the room except for two tightly closed door.

Going into the room, Lisa headed to one of the doors and tried to pull it open only to realise that it was locked. She then made her way back to the living room since she had enough of exploring for now.

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