Chapter 27

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Lisa is scared.  She pauses for a moment :  “I’ll call a taxi.’  She turns, estimates which direction the front door is and starts to walk slowly. 

    "Wait Lisa , I have something to say to you." Suga’s voice is coming closer towards her.  

    Lisa :  “What is it that you want to tell me?”  

    Suga suddenly laughs : “You are a brave girl. Mina, you know, your predecessor. The two of you look alike, but your personality is so different.”

    Lisa’s  heart starts to thump.

    “Why are you suddenly mentioning her?" Lisa asks with a calm voice,  "She used to be your girlfriend?"

    Suga replies : “Nah.  You remind me of her.  That’s all. Wait there, I’ll be out soon.”

    She can hear the sound of something being wheeled out. 

    “The Suga you usually see, that’s not the real me ......" He says.

    Lisa is getting more and more nervous : ”Then what is the real you like?"

    “You’ll find out.  But now, lets the show begin.” He smiles.  “Can you not tell, it’s my plan all along, that I would have some private time with you tonight?”

    “Do you have a torch or some candles at home?" Lisa tries to sound calm.

    "No, it’s more fun this way.” Suga is getting closer and closer.

    Lisa starts to run towards the door : "! Do come near me...... ah"

    Suddenly, she trips over something.  Lisa loses her balance and her body falls forward to the ground.  In the chaos, the listening device has dropped out.  It only picks up sound within a small range.  Jungkook might not be able to hear her anymore.  And with no lights, he can’t see what’s going on. She is completely on her own now!  

     She hears Suga's footsteps coming towards her : ".. I told you to wait for me.  Come, I’ll pull you up.  Suddenly, she feels something falling on top of her. It’s Suga.  They both cry out of pain. 

    Lisa’s  whole body tense up and shouts : "Get off me!"

    Suga is not moving : “Hey, you tripped me with your foot.  Come on, give me a kiss first.”

    Lisa can’t bear it anymore.  She kicks him in the chest.  

- Ouch! He quickly grabs her foot to stop her from kicking him again.  Lisa tries to break free from him, but he is stronger than her. 


 After he has lost contact with Lisa, Jungkook quickly gets out of the car and rush to the apartment.  

“What’s the situation like up there?”  He asks through the walkie talkie.  

“No. 1. 3, 4 and 5 has limited vision where they are positioned.  No.2 can see what’s going on in the lounge with his infra red night vision googles and through the telescope on his sniper gun.Suspect  A is lying on top of Bird.  Do you want him to shoot?”  

    "Suspect A" is Suga code, "Bird" is the code name for Lisa.

    Jungkook is walking into the elevator.  He ponders : “Be ready, but don’t shoot yet.  Continue to observe.” 

    The elevator has gone up two floors, sniper speaks again : "Report: bird struggled, the suspect has grabbed Bird’s right leg.  Should we…” 

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