Jungkook stops him in mid sentence: "What are you waiting for? Shoot!"


    Suga’s Penhouse Suite.

     Suga is still not letting go of her.  But suddenly he laughs : “Don’t be so tense.  I just want to give you a surprise."

    He lets go of her leg : "Your skin is so smooth ...... Get up!  I ‘ll give you a hand.  Ok Ok, I will turn the lights back on.  Happy?"

    Lisa is not sure what he is up to.  She just wants to get out of there as soon as possible. 

    Just as she tries to sit up, she hears a small piercing sound. "What ……? " He whispers something in his mouth.  Suddenly, Suga’s body falls on her again.

He lies motionless.  Still as a corpse.  

Lisa quickly pushes him away.  She staggers to get up against the wall.  

    ...... What’s happened to Suga?  As she wonders, the phone rings.  She reaches for her pocket.  It’s Jungkook.  

    She quickly reports to him: “Jungkook, Suga is unconscious.  I am not sure what happened… ”

    "Open the door." Jungkook interrupts her, "I am standing outside."


    "You arranged a sniper?" Lisa looks at Jungkook.  She is surprised.  Although it’s in order to protect her.  But it seems like his actions are a bit over the top.

    He turns the power switch back on.  He walks over to where the listening device is and picks it up.  

    Jungkook leaps over Suga’s unconscious body : “It’s just anaesthetic.  He will wake up in an hour’s time.”

    Lisa and Jungkook walks into the next room, where there is a trolley on wheels.  There’s a white cloth covering the top.  This is what Suga was trying to push out just now. 

    Jungkook uncovers the trolley.

    A Cake.

    It is actually a fruit mousse cake with the words Happy Birthday on it.   There are candles on the cake, covered by a plastic lid.  Next to the cake is a plastic knife and a couple of paper plates. 

    Jungkook turns to look at her : “It’s your birthday today?"

    Lisa is a little surprised to see the cake.  She nods.  It is her birthday, based on the Western calendar. She usually celebrates her birthday according to the lunar calendar, as that’s the tradition of her hometown.  .

    She looks at Suga, who is ‘lying dead’ on the ground.  He did all that, just to surprise her with a birthday cake? 

    Now in retrospect, those words seems to make sense : Tonight program, everything is planned, wanted to surprise you ......


    As if he could read minds, Jungkook says coldly : “How can you be sure he didn’t have other motives?”

    Lisa remembers some of the other comments he made… Nice skin… kiss me… 

    “What should we do now?" She asks.  When Suga wakes up, he will be suspicious.  Their identities will berevealed!

    Jungkook walks up to her: “Give me your taser.

Lisa hands it over to him.  

    Jungkook knees down next to Suga.  He pressed the taser onto his back.  Even though Suga has lost consciousness, his body moved a little when the electric charges went through his flesh.

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