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Sammy teleported to the safehouse, heart pounding.

"Henry. Henry!" he shouted, and tossed his mask away.

"Sammy? What's wrong?"

"It's Bendy..." He panted. "He came back."

"Really?" Henry's eyes widened. "How is he?"

"Is Susannah here?" the music director asked quietly, glancing around. Henry shook his head. "Not too good, just, um, come see."

Henry held onto Sammy's arm as they ink portaled somewhere.

"There," Sammy whispered as he pointed.

They were in a large dome-like room, with a large puddle of ink in the middle. Projectors sat here and there, giant cogs acted as steps leading up to a twisted chair. Bendy cartoons were cast onto the walls, and there were machines pumping.

Bendy was prowling around, ink dripping from him. He had over-sized arms and used them to walk, like a gorilla. His feet never touched the ground, only hovered a few inches away from it. The Ink Demon turned to them, his smile jittering, eye covered by ink. He began stomping over towards them.

"B-Bendy," Sammy stuttered, the demon growled.

"Hey, big boy," Henry took a step back. "I see you've changed."

He let out a startling roar and slashed at Henry, he began to run with Sammy.

The man then stopped and turned.

"Henry!" Sammy slowed and looked over his shoulder.

Bendy came closer, and just as he was about to reach him, he extended his right hand.

It collided with the demon, but he bowled Henry over.

He shrieked as the adult firmly held his hand on the monster's chest, ink dripped onto him in large amounts.

Bendy then disappeared, he was gone.

Sammy rushed over, Henry was unconscious. Deciding to take a risk, he took him back to the safehouse via a portal.

"Is he alright?" Susannah asked, trying to look past Sammy.

"Yes, little sheep, a pipe burst on him," he lied, knowing all too well about those god-damn pipes. "He just needs some rest."

"Okay," she shuffled her feet.

What Sammy didn't know was that Bendy was well and truly alive.

The demon realised the studio had suddenly got a lot bigger.

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now