Meeting Others

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A/N: Dirty minds beware!

Susannah sat on the edge of her bed. She heard some footsteps and jumped to her feet when Sammy walked in.

"My Lord told me about the fun you had at the amusement park yesterday," he placed a hand on her shoulder. "He also requested that I take you out today."

"Where are we going?" she asked excitedly.

"I thought I'd take you to see one of my good friends," he began to walk, shifting his mask further up his face, and Susannah followed.

He opened a portal and held out his inky hand. "Shall we?"

Susannah nodded, taking his hand and holding her breath, the two stepped into it.

They appeared at a set of stairs which went downwards. A sign read above it, 'Notice: anyone found faking illness will be docked a full week's wages. Not sick. Not paid.'

That made her feel a little sick.

The ink was in puddles everywhere, they passed a hospital bed with an eye chart on the wall as they turned a corner.

Jogging down some stairs, Sammy turned right and they were met with a message on the wall.

'Down here we're all sinners,' it read.

"Who wrote that?" Susannah asked as Sammy kept on going, turning left and leading them down a sewer.

He didn't answer, but up ahead was another message.

'The sheep will come to slaughter.'

Rounding the corner, they twisted right again and were met by two massive pipes slightly arching.

A loud moan came from in front of them, and Susannah jumped behind Sammy.

"What's that?!"

"A searcher," he answered simply, trudging forward in the inky sewer.

He knelt in front of the searcher with a yellow bowlers hat.

"Hello, Jack," he reached his hand out and the searcher looked from his hand to him.

"This is Susannah," he continued, pulling the girl closer to him. "She's new here."

Susannah shifted her attention away from Jack and gazed at the wall.

'Sing with me,' was painted.

"Sammy, are you the one who writes on the walls?"

He glanced back at her and sighed. "Yes," he took his hand away from Jack. "And I have no regrets about it either."

There was silence, then Jack moaned.

"Ah, right, sorry," Sammy pulled Susannah's hand right next to the searcher.

He looked up at the girl, and Jack gently took it.

"Nice to meet you," she said, shaking his hand, hunkering in front of him.

Jack groaned in delight.

"Oh, Jack, I need you to come see a song I'm working on," Sammy stood up and beckoned him to follow.

Susannah let go of his hand and they began to walk, Jack trailing behind.

She felt a damp thing touch her hand, she jumped a little and saw Jack with his arm up in the air. She held out her hand again and he took it.

It was quite cute, his fingers barely reaching up to her hand.

"So, Sammy, how did you and Jack meet?"

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora