Cartoon Bendy

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A/N: Art is mine, i decided to make a meme... 

Henry awakened during the night, Susannah was asleep beside him. Whenever she would shift he would wake up, but he didn't mind.

This poor kid had suffered for so long, now she was trapped here in the studio.

He wanted to believe they could escape, but his hope was disappearing as his soul dripped away.

Henry looked at her sleeping form, she had her hair draped over her face and hugged herself. He smiled, and pushed the tiny strands out of her eyes.

Susannah smiled gently in her sleep, he held her soft hand.

Poor girl, he thought as he rubbed her hand with his thumb. She knows too much about this terrible world.


"Bendy... Where are you?" She called in a sing-song voice.

Cold ink dripped onto her nose as she heard a low growl. Looking up, she spotted a large grin, a pie-cut eye blinked down at her.

"Found you."

He dropped down to the ground and peered down at her.

"Come on, we have to find Sammy now," Susannah grabbed his hand and led him further down the halls.

As the two walked, she saw a Bendy head peek from a crack in the wall.

"Sammy," she crossed her arms and stared at the boarded up gap with an eyebrow raised. "I know you're there."

They heard a groan and Sammy stepped out, his mask slightly askew.

"Well done," he sighed, smiling. "You've found me for the..." he trailed off and counted on his hand. "Fifth time in a row."

Wanna go back now? Bendy asked her, she nodded, then gasped.

"How about we visit Norman?"

Bendy's shoulders drooped a little.

"Aw, come on, he deserves it," Sammy added.

"Yeah, we haven't seen him in ages," Susannah reached up and cupped Bendy's face. "Please?"

He seemed to sigh and nodded reluctantly.

Teleporting to Level 14, the three walked around until they heard spurs rattling.

Norman clicked happily and pressed his hand against her cheek.

"Hi," she held his arm. "What do you want to do?"

He pulled her into the maze, Sammy followed. Bendy begrudgingly trudged after the three, his arms crossed.

"Oh, what's this?" Susannah asked as they stopped.

Norman clicked and pointed at the film projected on the wall.

It showed a cartoon Bendy shake a rattle and peer into a baby stroller.

"Aw, he's adorable!" she cooed.

Bendy felt upset and sick, how come he didn't look like that?

After they continued to watch cartoons, Bendy wrote, can we go now?

"Alright," she sighed, and waved goodbye to Norman.

They walked up the stairs, Susannah studied Bendy. He seemed annoyed and a little depressed.

"You okay, handsome?" she grabbed Bendy's hand, he blinked down at her and nodded.

"You sure? You don't seem very happy..." she adjusted his bowtie.

He made a low growl which again sounded like a purr and rubbed his face against hers.

"Well, I guess you're fine... Now come on, let's go back."

Not yet, I need to do something first, he wrote in his book.

"Alright, Sammy, can you take me back?"

The music director nodded and opened a portal.

Meanwhile, the demon teleported to his chair and sat down, neatly writing a note.

Once he finished, he drew a big heart on the bottom.

I hope this works, he thought, as he left it and went back to the safehouse.

A/N: If some of you guys are reading this, I would really like you to vote on a chapter (I know some of you already do) as then I know how many people are reading it.


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