A Family and A Secret

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Sammy came back later that night, his mask in his hands. He muttered to himself, pacing around.

"Sammy, what's wrong?" Allison asked, looking up from what she was doing.

"It's Norman, he was reborn."

Susannah beamed. "Can we go see him?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, little sheep. He's more animal-like than he was before."

"He'll remember me," she said firmly.

"He might," Sammy sat next to her. "But if Bendy kills him again... All the human instincts inside of him will be gone."

"We can still visit him," the girl argued.

"Susannah, whenever someone is near Norman, Bendy kills him," he slipped his mask back on. "That's a risk we cannot take."

She nodded and leaned into him, he wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on hers.

The safehouse was quiet for the rest of the evening, when Henry announced it was time for bed.


Henry tossed and turned, his bedsheets crumpling.

His vision was orange again, he turned and saw the Projectionist. He ran to Susannah and began shredding her, mauling her.

"No!" He howled as the creature shrieked, she fell dead.

"Please! No!" The Projectionist disappeared, he ran over to her and knelt beside her.

"Oh, Susannah," he whispered, cupping her bloody and raked face in his hands.

She lifted her eyelids, her dark brown eyes shining up at him.

Bendy ran forward and Henry awoke, gasping for air.

"Susannah? Susannah?!" He glanced around, threw back the covers and rushed over to her bed.

"Huh? What?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes.

He pulled her into a hug and cradled her in his arms as tears sprang to his eyes.

"Henry... Are you okay?" she held onto his suspenders.

"Y-Yeah... I just had a bad dream," he rested his head on her head, holding the girl closer.

"Okay," she leaned into him and closed her eyes, he sat there and rubbed his hand up and down her arm.

Susannah fell asleep resting against his chest, Henry leaned back against the wall.

"Sammy?" Susannah muttered to the music director.

"Yes, little sheep?" he blinked at her.

"Can we please go see Norman?" she batted her eyelashes at him.

"But, Susannah..." Sammy held her hand as they walked back to the safehouse. "Bendy could kill Norman... and he won't remember us."

"Please?!" she whined. "Can't we just see if he's okay, then ink portal away?"

He sighed, there was no way he could argue with her.

"Fine. We go straight there and check on him, then come back here," he said sternly. "Is that clear?"

She nodded. "Yes. Thank you!" she hugged him around the waist, he opened a portal.

"Where are we?" she asked, stepping down into the ink pool without hesitation.

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now