Lost Souls

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Henry looked at his glowing hand, then around him. Bendy, Susanah and he were standing at Bendyland, a Lost One peered down at him.

His vision flashed in front of him, he looked around and saw Allison slashing a piper. He fell to the ground, his head pounding.

He heard a muffled yell come from Susannah, Henry looked up and choked on a shout.

Hundreds of Lost One's were floating in pitch black, screaming, though there was no sound.

Help! They seemed to cry, groaning in pain and agony.

Henry looked down at his hands in pain and screamed, adding his own voice into the chorus of lost souls, the gold glowing light of his hand swirled around him.

The man slumped to the ground, unconscious.


Bendy turned and saw him on the ground, Susannah cried, "Henry!"

His eyes were glowing like the Lost Ones, yes, he had seen those miserable creatures.

They both glanced at each other and ran over to him, he was shaking and then his eyelids fluttered closed.

"We have to take him back to the safehouse," Susannah put a hand on Henry's back. "But we can't ink portal, he's unconscious."

Bendy thought for a moment, he handed Susannah a note and picked up Henry with an easy lift.

Hold on tight, it read, and Bendy picked her up with his other arm. She yelped and grasped onto his back tightly.

The Ink Demon sped down halls, twisted down pathways and took shortcuts. He made it back to the safehouse, Allison and Tom were already back, along with Sammy.

"What happened?" the Alice Angel managed to choke out as he set Susannah down. "Nothing bad happened, right?"

"No, Henry had another vision, it seemed to overwhelm him because he screamed," the girl explained.

Bendy put Henry gently down on the floor, Sammy began shaking him.

"He really likes to freak us out, doesn't he-"

"Sammy!" Henry sat bolt upright and clutched onto his overalls. "The Lost Ones, they're in pain, the ink, Bendy, you're in..." he collapsed and fell against him, blood leaking from his nose.

Susannah grabbed his suspenders. "Oh, god, what do we do?" she looked up at Tom.

'Put him in his bed, and wait for him to wake up,' he would've said, Allison scooched closer to Sammy.

The music director stared down at his friend, lifting his mask.

"Come on," he lifted Henry by the shoulders. "Help me with him."


"How's he doing?" Sammy leaned against the doorway, crossing his arms.

"A little better," Allison answered, gazing at his sleeping form. Susannah was curled up in his chest, Henry was breathing slowly. "He's back asleep, but still a bit sick."

He nodded. "Good to know."

The ink person sighed and sat next to her, leaning back in his chair.

"Poor soul," she murmured as she put a hand on his forehead, Henry shifted a little. "It's so unfortunate he got stuck down here, the same with Susannah."

"It's unfortunate for us too," he grumbled.

"I know, but, they're human."

"Human?!" Sammy jumped up from his seat. "Allison, both you and I were human once! Same goes for Tom!"

"S-Sammy! Shush!"

They both turned to look as Henry began mumbling. She couldn't quite make out what he was saying, but he seemed to be saying their names.

"W-We're fine," she rested her hand on his shoulder. "Go back to sleep."

He closed his eyes and Susannah snuggled more into his shirt.

Moments passed when Sammy muttered, "sorry."

"It's fine."

"...You know, Allison," Sammy took his mask off. "I really do hope we find a way out of here. I don't think that I'll be free, my body is long dead." The dips which were his eyes shone. "I know that now, after sacrificing to Bendy multiple times, he doesn't have the power to do that. But I really hope you, Tom, Henry, Bendy and Susannah will be freed," he gazed at Henry as well as Allison did.

"I've been a terrible person all my life, I've killed so many people, and at work I wasn't the most fun and cooperative," the ink person looked at his mask held delicately in his three-fingered hand. "And when I look at each one of you, I see a part of myself. You with your creativity, Tom with his attitude, Bendy with his ink body, Henry with his protectiveness... And Susannah with her hope."

The music director stared at the floor. "And I think if all of you are free, then maybe a part of me will be free too. I want to help you, I just want to do something good for once..."

Sammy trailed off. "Ah! Sorry, I was ranting..."

"No, I just... Really liked hearing you open up to me," she placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Really?" he paused halfway of putting his mask back on.

"Yeah, is there anything else you want to tell me?"

He was quiet for a moment. "It's my fault Norman has a projector head."

"Is it?" she was a little unsure about what he meant, but understood nevertheless. "How?"

"I-I... Sacrificed him."

"Oh, Sammy," she pulled him into a side hug, he patted her on the back.

"I always feel really bad," he admitted.

"But you know it's not entirely your fault, right? It's also the ink, it transformed him and took over his mind, as well as yours," Allison held his mask as he was about to put it on again.

He nodded, "I still can't help but blame myself."

"Well, don't," she said briskly. "You needn't be worried about that. The past is the past, and there's always a reason."

Sammy sighed. "You should be getting to sleep, I can watch him until morning."

The Alice Angel got up and left.

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