A Ray of Hope

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Susannah was laying in Sammy's arms, Bendy in hers. His face was buried in her shirt, she held him gently.

Sammy lifted his mask. "So... What are we going to do?"

"Sleep?" Susannah suggested.

"Why not?" he leaned back and snored loudly.

She poked him in the side. "If you're gonna do that you can go away."

He laughed, "Surely not, little sheep. Now if you excuse me, I will dream of us singing."

"You're such a weird person, Sammy."

"Don't you remember? After we finished singing the first time, you said, 'in your dreams.' So, now I dream of that."

She laughed and shook her head.

Bendy's head was laying on her stomach, he could feel a rumble whenever she talked. He wrapped his arms around her waist and dug his face further into her clothes.

Susannah fondled his head lovingly, beaming.

"You really love him, don't you?" Sammy murmured.

"I do, he needed a friend."

"I know, he told me."

"What did he say?" she lowered her voice.

"Well, when you first came to the studio, he wanted to keep you. He didn't explain why, I don't think even he knew why," he muttered. "He was lonely, like you said, and most of the ink people here are male and remind him of his past. He saw you as a new start and a ray of hope, I guess."


He nodded. "He wanted a friend. I think Allison was the only woman to talk to him when he was first born, she did it in secret. You might have reignited some motherly memory or something. Women are different from men, more gentle and loving, and tend to show affection."

"That's... a way to explain it."

"What, little sheep, didn't you like my words of wisdom on how amazing ladies are?"

Susannah giggled. "Susie must've felt very special when you talked about her."

Sammy nudged her with his elbow. "Shush!"

Bendy blinked sleepily up at them. "Can ya guys be quiet? I'm really comfy and wanna sleep."

"Okay, sleepyhead," she patted his head.

Bendy was staggering through the halls, dripping ink everywhere.

"Susannah!" he called and stopped at the music department. He poked his head through the door and spotted Sammy playing a piano.

"Sammy, where's Susannah?"

"She's gone. Gone forever," he sang.

"W-What? What do ya mean?"

"She's gone. It's just you now."

The music director disappeared.

Bendy glanced around wildly, his breath hitched in his throat as he felt something on his arm.


She laughed her maniacal laughter, her voice slightly echoing with a demonic tone.

"Guess what happened?" she raised an eyebrow. "I killed them all. Henry, Tom, Allison, Sammy and Susannah."

"What? You killed Susannah?!" he roared in her face.

"Yes, now you know what it's like to lose perfection."

The demon slashed at her, he wrapped two beastly hands around her neck and choked her. He lifted a hand and punched her in the face, leaning forward he engulfed her head with his mouth.


Bendy sat up, choking on air. He looked up and saw his doll looking down at him in alarm.

"You bit me!"

"I'm sorry!" he burst into tears as relief flooded over him. "I had a n-nightmare that you w-were killed by Alice!"

The demon started to bawl, Susannah pulled him onto her lap. "I'm fine."

He wrapped his arms around her, she cupped his face. "Hey, sweetie, I'm fine. I'm here, aren't I?"

Bendy nodded, she wiped his tears away with her thumb. The toon clung onto her shirt, she rested her hand on his.

"You wanna sleep?"

He shook his head, she hugged him tightly and he held onto her arms. He winced as he realised he had left a large mark on her arm, it was already swollen and would most likely bruise.

Sammy himself was half-asleep, he was snoring lightly and mumbling. Allison and Tom were asleep too, Henry was sitting up, staring at the back of the couch with intrigue.

Bendy eventually fell asleep too, Susannah was just sitting there, thinking.

She guessed the time was about ten o'clock, so she leaned back and closed her eyes.

The devil clutched onto her hand as he slept peacefully, dreaming again.

This time the dream was perfect.

He and Susannah were curled up on a bed, their breath coming in in visible plumes as they exhaled. She slipped a large sweater on him and he lifted his arms up, she giggled.

She read a story to him as he gazed out the window, his head resting on his arm.

"Can we go outside now?" Bendy asked as she finished the book.

"Sure," Susannah stood up and held her hands out. The demon leapt into them and she carried him outside.

Setting him down gently, the demon stumbled around in his giant sweater. He felt the grass with his gloved hands, it was soft but icy cold.

"Here," she bought him a bowl of soup.

He spooned some in his mouth, it was warm and creamy and tasted like bacon.

He had never felt so happy in his life.

A/N: Hey, I was just wondering if any of you would be interested in me writing a FNAF story.

I started on one, but i ended up hating it so much, I'm slowly rewriting the part i hate.

It was up on Wattpad for a day.

Anyway, just let me know if you'd be interested! 

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