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Susannah jumped when she heard a knock on her door a day later. She quickly got to her feet and rushed over, hoping that it was Sammy.

She almost screeched when she saw the Ink Demon at her door.

"Oh! Bendy! You scared me!" she held a hand over her chest, trying to slow her pounding heart. "I'm still getting used to you."

Sorry, he wrote. May I come in?

"S-Sure," she stepped aside and let him in, still feeling nervous. Bendy limped over to a wooden chair, and grabbing a bedsheet he placed it carefully on top of it.

Sitting down, he began to write, and Susannah sat across from him on her bed. After a while, he finished, got up, and carefully handed it to her.

Sammy told me about what happened. He was upset that you stole his mask. He told me that you thought that the other one created me, not Henry.

Susannah quickly glanced up at the staring demon.

I can't remember who did, but I know for sure they were a human man.

"I firmly believe that it was Joey," she stated, looking up at where Bendy's eyes would be.

Bendy looked as though he sighed, but no sound came from him.

Susannah studied the miserable creature.

"Y-You can't talk, can you?"

That was a stupid question, she thought.

The demon shook his head.

Susannah sat for a while in silence, when she asked, "Bendy, can you please get Sammy for me?"

He nodded and used a portal to teleport away.

Five minutes passed when Susannah heard a loud slosh of ink, she looked up and saw Bendy with Sammy standing next to him.

"What do you want, little sheep? I'm quite busy," he stood with his arms crossed.

"Sammy," she walked over to him. "I'm sorry. I got annoyed that you wouldn't agree with me, and I stole your mask. I-I..." She let out a shaky breath. "I... I just want to go home."

She sniffled. "I just want to go home."

Susannah cried, each hiccup loud and unpleasant. Tears rolled down her cheeks, she began to wipe her eyes.

Sammy knelt next to her as she fell on her knees. "I'm sorry."

She turned and hugged him, her head resting on his shoulder. His ink was damp and a little cold, but she didn't give a crap.

The music director sat for a few moments in surprise, then wrapped his arms around her. He patted her hair.

"Don't worry, Bendy and I will take care of you," he held her tighter.

"I-I want to go back to Henry," she said.

Bendy and Sammy looked at each other.

"Unfortunately, I can't let you do that, little sheep," he murmured. "But, I can take you out to do something fun."


Bendy limped over to Sammy, passing a written note.

"Oh, but first my Lord wants to take you out," Sammy would've been rolling his eyes.

"Okay," Susannah replied, Sammy picked her up and she tottered a little.

"Be back soon, my Lord."


Susannah and Bendy were walking slowly down a hallway.

"So..." Susannah walked closer to the Ink Demon.

So... Bendy scribbled.

Susannah tossed it away, he handed her another one.

What do you wanna do, toots?

"I don't know. You were the one who wanted to take me out." She watched as his shoulders bounced up and down.

"A-Are you laughing?" She asked, he nodded. "Ah, I getcha," she clicked her fingers.

Bendy suddenly rushed in front of her and held his hands out.

"What?" Susannah stopped.

He made a gesture, his hands rolling over each other.

"Oh, you want me to do that again?"

Bendy nodded.

She clicked her fingers and the demon jumped a little.

"I didn't know something so simple could scare a big boy like you!" She clicked her fingers again.

Bendy watched intently as she continued to do it, becoming more interested by the second.

Susannah studied the demon again, his focus on her hands. His horns moved a little, as though they were being blown by a soft breeze.

A gurgling sound was heard from behind them, Bendy pricked his head up. Shifting his gaze from her amusing hands, he saw a striker.

Curse them things! He thought, pushing past Susannah and limping with an outstretched hand.

She spun around and her stomach leapt into her throat at what she saw.

A short, black creature stood there, his lips sewn together. He had a pie-cut eye and the other was human-like. He had two arms on his right and an extended wooden arm on his left.

It made a chattering sound from teeth on the top of its head, Bendy lifted it by its neck and it started to choke, shadows starting to form.

"Wait! Bendy! Please, don't kill him."

He turned his head towards her and tilted it.

"There's too much death here."

Bendy saw her eyes start to water, he thought back to the amusement park when he upset her. He felt his ink melt a little in sadness, opened an ink portal, and chucked the horrific creature in.

Susannah bolted over to him and hugged his skinny torso. She wept into him, her arms clutching his hunched back.

He melted more at her crying figure, and lightly put his hands on her back.

I'm sorry, he thought, you're only a kid, toots.

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now