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Susannah held Henry's hand, leading him down the twisted paths. They passed Bendy and Boris posters, chairs and ink splatters. The floorboards creaked as they continued onwards, Henry had an axe slung across his shoulder. Susannah had a gent pipe in her left hand, she fiddled with the bandage's end.

She could hear ink dripping, a large moan came from in front of them.

A searcher crawled towards her, she whacked it on the head with the pipe twice and it retreated.

"Nice job," Henry complimented her, she smiled.

They came across a door with planks, Henry chopped them down and walked in.

"What the heck is this?"

It was like a normal Bendy cut-out, but much creepier.

It had crazed eyes with small pupils, they weren't pie-cut. He had ink dripping down his face, and seemed to try to be smiling wider than he already was. The cut-out held a black rectangle which read, 'Wandering is a terrible sin.'

Henry walked forwards a little more, Susannah could hear voices and hissing coming from it.

"I-I don't like this," she stepped away. "Can we please go?"

"Sure," he seemed a little spooked himself, they turned and walked back.

Inky vines covered the walls, and spinning around she saw a figure down the hall.

Henry began to run, she stopped.

"Henry, wait."

"He'll get you!" he hissed quietly, jerking her arm.

Bendy turned around, the shadows darkening. Her heartbeat started to pound loudly, she watched as the ink demon limped quickly towards her. She stood still, her hands in fists.

"Bendy," the ink creature kept running towards her, his gloved hand outstretched.

Henry's hand tightened, he stepped in front of her.

She shoved past him, gazing as Bendy came closer and closer.

"Trust me."

Susannah let go of his hand and closed the distance between them by walking forwards, Henry cried, "No!"

The Ink Demon showed no signs of slowing down, she held her ground.

From a metre away, Bendy stopped, tilting his head. He limped forward, then towered over her, his smile jittering, his breathing coming in ragged breaths.

Henry felt sick, his head spinning.

He couldn't let her die.

But he had to trust her.

Bendy cupped her head in his hands, he looked down at her with his grinning face, his mouth stopped vibrating.

He held out her arm and on it, he wrote, Dollface?

"Yes, it's me, Susannah." She put her hand on his arm, slipping the gent pipe into her pocket.

He began to shake, his ink dripping, and collapsed to the ground. Susannah knelt and hugged him, Bendy wrapped his arms around her and rested his head on her shoulder.

Henry watched in amazement and wonder as she interacted with the creature, she was soft and gentle with him, just like he was to her.

Susannah began to hum quietly, she pushed his bow back up to his chest as it had slid down.

She pulled away and lifted her arm. Blinking gently at him, Susannah held his hand, she reached up, holding his face with her right hand. Her thumb wiped the ink where his eye might be, and she looked up at him.

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now