Back At The Safehouse

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Once the four were well and truly away from the Music Department, Henry bent down and looked into Susannah's eyes.

"Are you alright?" He asked, putting his hands on her shoulders.

He saw her eyes glaze over, they were blank for a moment.

She told them everything, how Bendy was standing outside her door when Allison cried, "He didn't kill you?!"

Susannah shook her head.

She continued to explain how Sammy was meant to look after her, and that he showed her his sanctuary.

"That's when we heard the instruments," Henry butted in, she looked at him quizzically. "I had to open his sanctuary once."

"Do you know who kidnapped me?" the young girl asked, and Henry thought for a moment.

"I don't know, they were inky for sure. I think they created an ink portal."

'That narrows it down to Sammy or the Ink Demon,' Henry read in Tom's eyes.

"But what would they want with her?" Allison inquired.

'Dunno,' Tom shrugged his shoulders.

"If it was either of them, they might be coming after us," Allison guessed. "We better keep going."

"God, I'm so tired!" Susannah slumped on her bed.

"Get some sleep," Henry said, ruffling her hair.

She slept through dinner, and the next morning she woke up.

"Tom and I are going on patrol," Allison told them, poking her head into their room.

"Alright. Be careful. And can you get some books for Susannah?" Henry patted the Alice Angel on the back as she nodded.

He started cooking up bacon soup, he made two bowls and went to place them on the table, only to be startled by Susannah.

"Shi-!" he cut himself off. "You're really sneaky!"

"I know," she said proudly, standing taller. "Where are the chairs?"

"Oh, we don't have any chairs." Henry pushed himself up on the table and sat there.

Susannah copied him. "Surely there's some around here? They're all over the studio," she popped a spoonful of soup in her mouth as she swung her legs.

"Yeah, there's probably two just outside. You stay here."

Just as she was about to argue back he opened the door and walked outside. Sure enough, just down the hall, were two chairs. Dragging them back, he opened the door and sat them in front of the workbench/table.

"Better?" He asked, putting his hands on his hips.

"Better," she agreed, sitting down. They both finished their breakfast and Susannah stood up.

"Can we go out now?" Her eyes sparkled with excitement, he put a hand on her shoulder.

"Just wait a day, Susannah, I don't want to lose you again."

She faltered but nodded. "Well, what can we do?"

Henry rubbed his stubble. "How about a drawing competition?"

The two found a piece of paper and pencil each, they sat down at the table.

"Ready to lose?" Susannah sneered cheekily, leaning forward.

"Confident, are we?" Henry asked, matching her tone of voice.

"I sure am, old man." She picked up her pencil.

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now