New Friends

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A/N: This story will sometimes change POV, anyways enjoy!

I groaned, my head hurting like hell. I felt sick and I ached all over. A large cut seared on my arm, and when I opened my eyes I felt like I was going to pass out again.

I quickly shut them.

"You're awake," a voice across from me muttered.

I tried to sit up, but a gentle hand pushed me back down. "Stay there," the same voice said. "I'll be right back."

I laid back down and hummed quietly, I heard two pairs of footsteps enter the room I was in.

"Are you alright?" a female voice asked me, I gave her a thumbs up. "Can you sit up?"

I gave her another thumbs-up, and a hand helped me sit in a comfortable position.

"Tom," the female voice called. "Can you get her some bacon soup?"

The third person didn't reply but must've started cooking it up.

"Can you open your eyes for us?" a male voice asked as a weight lifted up off what I was sitting on.

I cracked open an eye and squinted. The light was still bright, but slowly my eye adjusted to the light.

Next, I opened the other eye.

I looked toward the voice that was sitting next to me.

A blonde-haired man who looked to be in his early thirties sat there, a nice smile on his lightly stubbled face. He had blue-green eyes and black suspenders, holding his brown pants up. He had black spots and patches everywhere on him, especially on his legs.

"What's your name?" he asked.

"Hm?" I hummed, taking my eyes away from a black spot on his left cheek. "Oh, um, Susannah."

"Hello, Susannah, I'm Henry. Good evening to you." The man took hold of my hand and squeezed it.

"Where's the woman I heard before..?" I trailed off as I saw a lady walk out towards a bench.

She had white skin with a black ponytail. She wore a black and brown dress with opera gloves, she had a bow on the front of her chest and blunt horns poking out of her hair. A belt and rope were tied across herself, she had tired-looking yellow-brown eyes.

"That's Allison," Henry muttered.

"I hope I'm not being rude, but, what is she?" I asked quietly.

"An Alice Angel," he replied, walking over to a bag and pulling out a poster.

It had an angel on the poster, slightly similar to Allison. It read 'Alice Angel, sent from above.'

A tall wolf stood next to her, walked over to me and placed a bowl in my arms. His eyes were narrowed, then they rounded as he looked at me. He had pie-cut eyes, wore yellow-white overalls, and had a gloved hand. Half of his left arm was mechanical, and he rested his metal hand on my shoulder.

"Oh, erm, thanks," I said quietly as I took the bowl, he lifted his head and walked away.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Tom," Henry answered. "He's a Boris clone."

Boris rang a bell in my mind, and I gasped as I remembered a show that my mum had told me about. Bendy, a small dancing demon and Boris, a big wolf.

"Boris was my favourite character," Mum had said. She showed me an episode called Cheap Seats, and I vaguely remembered Alice Angel. But that show had ended 30 years ago, and that was the only episode my mum could save.

BATIM AU: An Angel With WingsWhere stories live. Discover now