Not Skinny. Not Eating. Sarah's Bad Day. Tears to Smiles. 😢❤️😊

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I woke up the next morning and I walked to the mirror after rolling out of bed. I noticed I did not look myself but that I had gained a lot of weight and to be honest I needed to stop eating. I ate constantly when I left Cody and for a whole week I was binge eating to stop the pain but I gained a lot of weight and I didn't fit into my clothes like I used to.

I went to sit in the tub in the guest bathroom so no one could find me and I cried silently. A couple of seconds later I heard a knock on the door but I didn't respond to the knock. Then I heard the knock again and didn't respond again. A couple of seconds later I heard the person walk away from the door.

An hour later I came down to Aaron, G, Sapphire, and Jess. They were all eating pancakes and I sat next to Jess with just a banana.

Jess: Sarah?
Me: Yeah?
Jess: What's wrong? I went up to check on you and you didn't answer me so I thought you might be taking a shower but you would have taken longer if you did.
Me: I'm okay. Just tired.
Jess: You never pass up Aaron's pancakes what's going on girl? Everything ok?
Me: Look at me Jess and what is the first thing you see when you look at me.
Jess: A mother who loves her daughter.
Me: What else?
Jess: A beautiful woman that I love as a best friend and sister so dearly.
Me: Jess, I gained twenty pounds since I left Cody. I was binge eating for a week and now when I got out of bed this morning I felt disgusting. I felt ashamed that if I had looked better and prettier Cody wouldn't have cheated on me! He wouldn't have cheated on me with that BITCH now I have to suffer with all this weight on me that I don't know how to lose!

My daughter looked at me with sadness in her eyes and I just broken down in tears with Jess holding me.

Jess: Sarah! Don't you dare blame this on yourself and you are freaking gorgeous and I'm sorry Cody is such a fuckin jerk to cheat on you but to be honest chica you don't need him! You don't need him because guess what he doesn't deserve your tears anymore. Your pain will be taken away by the people that love you and they are sitting at this table waiting for you to become the beautiful woman that we know and love. Look at your daughter Sarah because she is sad that she has to see her mom looking so upset with herself and I know you don't want to see your daughter look at you like that. She's worried about you Sarah. We all are worried about you.

G and Aaron walked over and held me from behind and I just cried into both of their arms. Aaron looked at G and he said he needed alone time with me.

G took Jess and Sapphire to the backyard and Aaron took Sarah upstairs.

Aaron: Sarah honey.
Me: What?
Aaron: Look at me in the eyes.
Me: Okay.

I looked up at him and he had these sincere eyes but you could see he was crying a little also.

Aaron: What made you think this way?
Me: A, I'm not the woman you think I am anymore. I am literally this beast and I cannot control the way I feel anymore. My heart has been stepped on by a person who I thought really loved me. Who I thought really appreciated me and my kids but now he probably loved my kids more than he ever loved me and feeling that is just so painful. Feeling like you aren't good enough, pretty enough, strong enough, knowing that another woman can just come and take your man at any second. It is like I know for a fact no man is ever gonna love me again. If there is a man that ever loves me again he's just gonna love me to feel sorry for me. Sapphire is already seeing her mom in a bad state of mind and Conner I know for a fact shouldn't see his mom like this and Rebecca could be my future daughter in law and if I keep looking like this I may never see it past tomorrow.
Aaron: Okay Sarah, listen before you go and say all those things that aren't true come with me.

Aaron pulled a box out of the closet and he brought it to the bed and sat next to me on it. He took out this one picture of us and we were smiling up at each other on the beach in Miami after we got married.

Me: Why are you showing me this?
Aaron: I am showing you this because I am going to help you become this woman again. I am going to help you become this strong, kind hearted, generous, sweet, beautiful, loving, and well minded person again. Sapphire and Connor as well as Rebecca aren't going anywhere. They will always be here for you but what they want to see is their mom back to the way she used to be and that is the beautiful woman that I am looking at now. Sarah I love you and yes I know we are still trying to mend those fences for our relationship but if I'm still here and I came back I sure as hell must have came back to help you and to help our kids. If I didn't come back then I didn't love you but to be honest God works in many mysterious ways and I know deep down he wants us together. Now you can take your time and think upon all I just said or you can kiss me right now and prove to me that that woman in the photo is still the woman that I know and love.

I smiled up at him and kissed him with tears in my eyes and to be honest maybe this was God's plan for me and whatever the future was going to hold it wanted Aaron to be next to me. I know for a fact he realized the many things he did wrong and now he is for a fact going to fix them not only for him and I to work but to rekindle the missed moments he had with Connor and Sapphire as well as the twins.

Me: You need to promise me something

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Me: You need to promise me something.
Aaron: Anything babe.
Me: Promise me, you aren't going to leave me for someone else and also promise me that no matter what I look like you will always love me.
Aaron: Sarah, I promise you I will NEVER EVER leave you again and I will always tell you every single waking moment of the day how beautiful you are because Sarah I want that woman beautiful and all even before the universe became crazy to stay that woman I know and love. I know damn well deep down inside of that woman I'm looking at right now that she needs me like I need her. We are one Sarah and when my twins come home I want them to meet a wonderful woman who will love them unconditionally no matter what she looks like. I want you to be their legal guardian because they need that. I need you Sarah. We all need you. ❤️🥰

I leaned in to kiss him again and it was a sweet one and he just smiled back at me and put the box back in the closet and we walked downstairs to the backyard to meet the others.

Things for Sarah were going to turn around but Aaron knew they would just take time because his love for her would always be unconditional just like the love they had for the kids. 🥰

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