On The Side Therapy Pt.1

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Joey knew I needed to start helping others again so he suggested I be an on the side life coach maybe like an emotional support for athletes.

I knew a couple basketball guys off the top of my head who followed me because of my exes on social media.

Joey: Honey I am going to hang out with my mom today what are you going to do?

Me: Oh I am meeting one of my clients since I took a little life coach position.

Joey: You see I knew you would agree with me.

Me: Yea I just needed the extra push.

Joey: Yeah I knew that in a way.

Me: Honestly speaking I think I can help more than baseball players these days. Now I am going to try and reach out to even Olympic athletes if they want in the future.

Joey: I could see you doing that.

Me: Yeah me also.

Joey said he would be back in a couple of hours and I was getting ready to meet my very first client who I knew was going to need some help emotionally. He was going through a lot of roller coaster issues and he has two kids who really need their father.

I didn't know who he was until I showed up at this burger place in a private area where he wanted to meet.

I fangirled a little because I was massively in love with this guy and two of my friends followed his basketball career and filled me in on what I should know about him.

He stood up and introduced himself as Blake and he pulled me in for a hug which I gladly took because I loved athletic hugs.

We sat across from each other and I smiled when he smiled back at me. Joey could not know my client was Blake Griffin because Blake was a good friend of his and to be honest with you I did not know what my future was going to be like with Joey. We didn't even say we were dating or anything we were just friends who had sex once and we needed each other for emotional support.

Blake: So Sarah I know enough about you.

Me: You do?

Blake: Yeah. I followed your relationships over the years since I happen to know some people in the MLB.

Me: Good lord you must think I am some hoe.

Blake: Nope. You are a warrior honestly. You defended the men you were with Sarah and Joey called me and told me what you were doing with your life and I just wanted to be a friend if you needed me.

Me: Thank you.

Blake: You're welcome and what Aaron did to you was wrong.

Me: How did you know about that?

Blake: Joey told me. He said you two were friends and had sex once and he helped you pretty much on the emotional front but he said you two weren't really a thing.

Me: He would be correct. I just really don't know if I can trust anyone long term anymore. I should be able to feel safe in a man's arms and I don't. I always feel like they are going to find someone prettier than me or smarter than me who isn't a mom and who can have more kids. I cannot have kids anymore but honestly I know you have kids except your kids happen to be younger than mine. One is about to get married and the other is in a serious relationship.

Blake: Sarah I am in the same pool you are.

Me: You see this is why I think we can both be in need of each other even if you probably look better than my ex husband.

Blake: I do? *smirks*

Me: Yeah. I had a thing for mixed guys for awhile and sometimes Italian depending on my mood.

Blake: I am shocked because a lot of people think I could be related to him and you wanted to talk to me today which I was pretty shocked about.

Me: I wanted to talk to you about what you are going through not so much about me. Stop trying to change the subject. *blush*

Blake: Yeah I know. As I was telling you I am in the same pool you are where my exes are not seeing eye to eye with me and I am just being the dad that really wants his kids to feel special around to call their dad. My life has been a roller coaster. I have dated the wrong people and thankfully I have not gotten married but I stopped worrying about myself becasue I think my life is pretty easy compared to yours.

Me: I would say you are on the right track focusing on your kids but yeah I completely understand what you mean. I would say what you need to do is make sure your kids come first that is what I did and I always tell them even now do not make the same mistakes I made because I want you to make your own.

Blake: Sarah you are such a good mom and I wish to have someone like you one day in my life who can love my kids like you have loved yours. I just know for a fact you are still scared after what happened with Aaron.

Me: Yes I am still scared and I do not know when I can move on from the years and multiple amounts of heart break he gave me. Blake I don't even know what to do. My kids are pissed at their father for hurting their mother. Their uncle is pissed at his own brother for making the same mistake again. John his brother talks to me a lot through text since we both have the international plan since he lives in South Korea and I am over here.

Blake: Sarah remember you are a warrior. You have gone through a lot which is okay. Who cares who you have been with. You never hurt any of those guys you were with they were the ones who hurt you and I can see why you are keeping your distance and don't want anything with Joey and he understands that.

Me: Yes I appreciate Joey for understanding. I also appreciate you for taking the time out of your day to know me when I should be helping you.

Blake: Sarah you always help people and yes I still talk to Aaron but guess what Sarah he told me his woman is having a baby and I know how much that broke you because he never told you when he got back with you.

Me: No he didn't and I do not wish to speak to him again.

Blake: Sarah trust me if I was you I would not bother with him either even if you guys have kids together. My ex girlfriend and I had the kids together and then she went off and married someone else when I was stupid enough to go with someone who all of Hollywood calls "a grasshopper" and I didn't know what they meant until she played me also. I do not want to be a board game anymore Sarah. I wanted to be needed. I want to be loved just like you. I know what you want and if Joey is just a friend then let Joey be just a friend. You need to be confident in yourself and rely on yourself again before you can trust yourself with someone else again.

Me: It is like you get me. Thank you for understanding. I know Joey says he hasn't been talking to any women and I could care less if he is because this morning I woke up and I told myself that maybe Joey and I should just remain friends even if people think we should be more. I wanted him to take a trip to Italy with him next month but I do not know if I am ready for that like I was before and you made me believe in myself again.

Blake: You are beautiful, talented, smart, very funny, and all around an amazing person and trust me I would want my future person that I marry one day to be just as strong as you. Also you are a dog mom and I love dogs so I know about Jeter.

Me: I guess I don't have to say much about myself anymore.

Blake: Nope you don't.

We continued to talk and ate our food at the same time and to be honest with you I knew Blake meant well and my body felt relaxed but I felt like a ping of happiness that I got to talk to him in person. Yes I was slightly in love with his personality but I was going to ease into this and I knew that Joey set this up for a reason because I overheard him tell his mom yesterday that I needed someone to love me more than I love them and I knew Joey was not ready to make that commitment because to be honest he would have made it already. He wants to wait even if he was emotionally attached to me which is all we are emotionally attached friends. With Blake though I knew something was there but I wanted to wait to see what that was.

Maybe I would find out soon.

The next chapter things get interesting. ;)

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