Dinner Conversations and Talks with Italian Mom's.

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Joey drove me home after the game but I told him to stay for a little while.

Joey: I really like how you changed the place a little bit.
Me: Thanks. It was kinda plain before so I had to add somethings.
Joey: My mom would have said something in Italian and then changed everything. 😂
Me: Same with my mom in Arabic.
Joey: Yeah. Mom's.
Me: Yeah.
Joey: Did my mom tell you what she said to me after you left the other day?
Me: Nope. She didn't.
Joey: She said that you are a wonderful person and that I really need someone like you in my life. She saw the way we looked at each other and it was something I never felt with anyone before.
Me: Yeah same with me. I used to stay away from Italian men because I always thought they would break my heart more than any other guy but Emily said that was untrue it just depends on the guy.
Joey: She's right. Sarah your heart is beautiful and it deserves to be treated like a princess just like you.
Me: Joey you know you don't have to try soo hard with me. 😂
Joey: Oh no this is me being Joey. This is who I really am when I care for someone.
Me: Oh okay, you do care about me?
Joey: Sarah when you kissed me I felt my hands relax and normally they shake and I felt my heart light up because you chose me to make you feel special. I loved that.
Me: Yeah, I chose you because I saw the real you. The real you inside not the Joey everyone else seems to see and that I saw before.
Joey: I like that. I really like that.
Me: Um can I kiss you again?
Joey: Yeah.

I leaned into him and the kiss lasted for about an hour. We were just going at it but this kiss wasn't just like any kiss this kiss had fireworks that I never even felt with Aaron. It was like whoa I never knew what this felt like until it just happened.

We pulled away out of breath and he said please can we kiss again because I swear I was kinda sad you pulled away.

I nodded and went at it again and I could feel his hands brush under my shirt but I didn't care it felt right.

A couple of seconds later I heard a click and it was Aaron at the door with Reena

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A couple of seconds later I heard a click and it was Aaron at the door with Reena.

Aaron: Whoa you two! I should have called! ☺️
Me: Yeah you should have.
Aaron: We will come back another time.
Me: Yeah you might want to.
Aaron: Oh okay. 😏

Joey: Where were we?
Me: I think you were about to take off my shirt but then I think we could save that for another time or another place because I think your mom is about to come in a second.
Joey: Yep and there she is.

Joey: Hey mom.
Mom: Hi honey, oh Sarah! Hi!
Me: Hey!!
Mom: Wait a minute there is something glowing about you two! 😏
Joey: Mom stop.
Mom: No Joey, how many times did you kiss her?
Joey: mom. 🤦🏻‍♀️
Me: Actually I kissed him in the clubhouse in front of everyone. Then I kissed him again and again until Aaron walked in with Reena.
Joey: Thanks Babe.

I looked at him and smiled.

Mom: I like this Joey. I really like what is going on here and if you ruin it I'm not going to speak to you for a long time.
Joey: Okay mom. I would never break Sarah's heart though. She has been through too much and I don't want her to go through that again.
Mom: This woman just adores you Joey I know it. Look at her smile. Aaron said she never smiled around him like that.
Me: He makes me smile honestly. I love when he puts his hands through his hair when he's nervous, and his eyes turn this hazel brown when he smiles and then when he smiles with his eyes and his dimples peak out it is freaking cute.
Joey: You notice all that about me?
Me: Mhm. Also when you pulled away from the kiss earlier your cheeks were all blush which I found really adorable.
Mom: Yeah I'm going to go I have to help your cousins for the party next week. Sarah you should come.
Me: I think I might. Thank you for the invite.
Mom: Anything for you sweetie. You two have fun. ;)
Joey: Haha we will mom. 🤣🤣

Joey: You know my mom really likes you.
Me: I can tell babe.
Joey: Wow the babe coming out of you also.
Me: Yeah.
Joey: How about I make us something for dinner and then this weekend I want to take you somewhere special.
Me: I would like that a lot. Also where is your dog?
Joey: He stays with my mom because since I'm always out and she doesn't want the poor guy home alone she has a room for him to stay in.
Me: I want to meet him again.
Joey: Well the party is at my mom's so you can meet him again then. Have you thought about getting a dog?
Me: Yeah I want a corgi.
Joey: Well we can go shopping for one tomorrow how about that.
Me: Sounds good. You know you don't have to do all of this Joey. I have never felt like this in such a long time.
Joey: Well get used to it because I always want to keep that smile on your face and that heart of your beating. It makes me happy because you have a very beautiful smile.
Me: Thank you. :)
Joey: Anything for you princess.
Me: Aaron was the last person to call me that.
Joey: Yeah he never left out a detail about you so he said that makes you happy so now I'm going to use it.
Me: Yeah it makes me feel special.
Joey: You are meant to feel special and I'm here to help you see how special you really are.
Me: Thanks.

I went to help him in the kitchen with dinner and he just smiled knowing he liked when a woman other than his mom helped him.

Joey: Thank you for giving me a chance.
Me: Thank you for giving me one.
Joey: I think we just deserve to be happy.
Me: Yeah maybe. :)

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