Never Forget What She Did But Instead Talk It Out

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The next day Aaron ended up staying with Rose and Blake at my place with Casey and I was going to meet someone at the cafe downtown.

Aaron didn't know I was going to meet Sam but I wanted to get some info out of her to see what was going on. I usually never ever do this but something was off and I wanted to know.

When I walked into the coffee shop downtown I saw Sam sitting in the back of the place at one of the booths not to be seen just in case someone we both knew or who knew Aaron was around.

Sam: Hi Sarah.
Me: Hey.
Sam: I am shocked you wanted to meet me.
Me: Yeah I was shocked myself.
Sam: Sarah I really am sorry for ruining your marriage not once but more than once and I honestly don't want to remind myself how stupid I was to begin with.
Me: Shit happens. What you can do is not do it again.
Sam: That is why I went back to the guy who's heart I broke from the beginning.
Me: Let me guess he loved you.
Sam: More than I thought he did when I first met him.
Me: Well guess what you can do.
Sam: Appreciate him.
Me: Yes, and stay with him and don't mess up anything else in your life. I understand no one wants to talk to you right now and I chose to speak with you because I wanted to know what was going on and who that guy was that you brought yesterday.
Sam: I can do that. Can I come to you for advice on anything since I am not on speaking terms with my parents at the moment.
Me: Yes but I do not want anyone to know we are talking. You can text me only until I find the right time to meet with you again.
Sam: I understand Sarah. Trust me I am going to actually meet up with my fiancé now and I am going to meet his family this weekend. I will talk to you soon then?
Me: Yeah you can.
Sam: See you later.
Me: See you.

I walked out with her and she walked to the right and I walked towards the left side of the street.

I walked to the door and Aaron opened it since he heard my footsteps and Rose was behind him being held by Blake.

Blake: How did it go with your friend?
Me: Oh yeah it was fine. Just a friend from school is all. Hadn't seen her in a really long time and she was in the area and wanted to talk to me. She is getting married and I saw her the other day with a guy and I wanted to know if it was her fiancé or her brother.
Aaron: Well I am glad you had fun.
Me: Yeah I did. Aaron I have to talk to you later when Rose goes to sleep and when Blake and Casey take Jeter out for a walk.
Aaron: Yeah sure.

After Rose went to sleep that night and Jeter was out for a walk with Blake and Casey, Aaron needed to know that I was talking to Sam.

Aaron: What's up Sarah?
Me: So you know how I went to the coffee shop today?
Aaron: Yeah.
Me: I went to talk with Sam.
Aaron: You what!
Me: Keep your voice down.
Aaron: Sorry.
Me: If your next question is why would I do something ridiculous like that well I wanted to get some info out of her on who the guy with her was her fiancé.
Aaron: Oh yeah that was the guy she left for me and then she went back to him. I had a feeling.
Me: Yeah and to be honest she had red puffy eyes when she was talking about him which means what you did to me is what she did to him.
Aaron: Are you serious?
Me: Yep very. So her and I will talk some more when she gets back from meeting with her fiancé's parents.
Aaron: Only you and I will meet with her.
Me: Yeah because I want to know why she did all of this shit and I want her to tell you also.
Aaron: Well that would make sense.
Me: I am going to talk to Casey about this and you can talk to Blake. We cannot tell anyone but them. When I meet up with her again I am bringing you guys with me.
Aaron: Smart move Sarah.
Me: Yep I know.
Aaron: I am going to take Rose and Jeter with me and Blake tomorrow out for a walk and you can talk to Casey.
Me: Smart.
Aaron: Yeah. I know Case is going to probably want to ruin the bitch but knowing her being a mom she at the moment will be more civil for the sake of being in public.
Me: Also this is NYC you gotta be more civil.
Aaron: Yeah knowing I am who I am and knowing who Blake is.

I went to check on Rose and she was fast asleep so I was happy about that. That poor girl needs to be checked on sometimes also because being her step mom I need to make sure she's okay.

Aaron: Did Sam say anything else?
Me: Nope.
Aaron: Had a feeling she wasn't going to tell you much until I was around.
Me: To be honest I think everyone at the time was jealous of what we had.
Aaron: That is what I was thinking also.
Me: I want to know how we got back to talking like this again.
Aaron: Yeah I would like to know the same but I think it was Rose.
Me: That is what I was thinking also. If that little girl brought us talking again and be able to be in the same room again we need to thank her one day.
Aaron: Yeah we do.

Blake and Casey walked back into the house and then Aaron left with Casey and Blake and I sat back no the couch with Jeter so we could carry him to his little bed when he was ready to sleep.

Blake: Everything ok?
Me: Aaron is going to tell you tomorrow when you guys take out Jeter and Rose.
Blake: Okay.
Me: I am going to stay here with Casey and talk about it.
Blake: Good idea.
Me: Yeah.

We ended up taking Jeter to bed after we watched one movie.

Blake: Night babe.

I leaned over and kissed him.

Me: Night. :)

In the next chapter Sarah is going to have to spill the tea to Casey. Let's see what happens.

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