The Kids Come Home With Good Future News. :)

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Blake's parents left yesterday and Blake knew they would be back in a couple of weeks since Blake and I wanted to have an engagement party at that place Amy and Gerrit knew with the Yankees in Long Island. We were going to have the wedding in the Carolinas since Blake and I like warm weather.

Rebecca's POV:

Conner and I couldn't wait to go see mom. We missed her and we couldn't wait to tell her that we would be graduating early and moving to NY because I got a job at NYU as a nurse and Conner got a job with the Nets as their assistant athletic trainer. Conner ended up getting in contact with Coach Nash and so did the organization about Conner coming to work with the team and he was over the moon. Little did he know I didn't tell him his mom was a writer with them besides his step dad playing for the team.

Conner's POV:

Mom was going to be over the moon that I got the assistant athletic trainer's position with the Nets while Rebecca got a job working as a nurse at NYU starting after we graduate. We wouldn't be living too far from her and Blake anyways. It was going to be nice seeing everyone again.

Conner and Rebecca walked through the door after driving from Jersey to see their mom and Blake.

Conner: Momma!

Me: My baby is home!

Conner: Whoa I see a baby! This must be my step sister!

Me: Yes it is!

Rebecca: Oh my gosh she is beautiful, hi pretty girl..

Me: Yes she is a bundle of joy.

Rebecca: Cannot believe you and Blake found her the way you did and adopted her without Aaron throwing a fit about it.

Me: Trust me I know. Blake and I have been taking care of this bundle of joy for awhile and we were really happy to bring her in as our own.

Rebecca: Well I am going to be working at NYU starting next month as a nurse in pediatrics.

Me: Congrats sweetie! Are you going to be moving here also??

Rebecca: Well we were going to wait until Blake gets home from practice with the good news but Conner and I are moving to NY and while I have the job at NYU after we both graduate next month Conner got a job with the Nets as their assistant athletic trainer.

Me: OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am over the moon!!!! I get to keep my babies closer to home! Ugh I am over the moon!!! Rose gets to see her step siblings more often.

Rebecca: Yes she does.

Me: Does Aaron know you guys are here?

Rebecca: He doesn't and to be honest we do want to keep it like that until this weekend when we take you guys to dinner.

Me: Good idea.

Blake walked through the door and ran to give hugs to Rebecca and Conner who was wearing a bright smile on his face knowing how happy he was to be working with the Nets starting next month.

Conner: So now since mom and Becca know the news Blake I want to tell you something.

Blake: Yeah bud what's up???

Conner: Guess who is going to be the assistant athletic trainer for the Nets?

Blake: Who?

Conner: Me!

Blake: NO WAY! Thats amazing news boy! I am sooo happy for you! When do you start?

Conner: Becca and I graduate next month early so we are going to be moving into our new place which isn't far from you guys maybe a couple of blocks away and Becca is going to be working as a nurse in pediatrics at NYU while I am with the Nets. Coach Nash kept in contact with me and he told me about mom being a freelance media writer for you guys and you playing with the team why not join. Becca wanted me to take the job. I got an offer from the 76ers also. I didn't want to be away from you guys any longer and KD is going to be giving me advice along the way about you and the team so why not.

Blake: This is such great news. Did you tell your dad?

Conner: I am going to tell him this weekend when Sapphire and Kyle get in from Tennessee.

Blake: Good. I am so glad you guys are going to be close to home so you guys can come and babysit your step sister and doggie brother anytime you guys are available.

Becca: We are going to be here almost every single day hijacking the fridge when we don't go shopping.

Me: Good to know. I am happy to have you guys home anyways.

Conner: We are happy to be home anyways. Being in Arizona is nice but being closer to you and Blake mom is going to make us feel less lonely.

Blake: Son listen your mom and I have missed you guys and we are sick of talking to you guys on zoom.

Conner: I don't want to look at zoom again. Lol.

Blake: Good come have coffee with us and then we can go sit on the couch and chat.

Conner: Can I hold Rose mom?

Blake: Yeah son you can hold her. She is your step sister.

Conner: Good she is sooo cute. Before Sapphire gets here with Kyle I am going to be getting my cuddles with her and Jeter.

Becca: Share babe. I want some cuddles also.

Me: Oh my god you two. I cannot wait till you both get married and have kids.

Becca: Whoa momma slow down. My mom said the same thing the other day.

Me: I know. I just want my son to be a daddy already. I know how amazing he is going to be considered he isn't going to be letting go of his step sister for a long time.

Becca: He gets five more minutes then I am getting cuddles.

Conner: Fine. Go play with Jeter.

Becca: Jeter! Come here and give Sissy Beccie cuddles!!!!

He comes full speed from the kitchen and jumps into her lap for pets on his belly.

Becca: Babe we need to get a corgi.

Conner: Sounds good to me.

Jeter was licking Becca's face and she was happy as can be.

Blake and I were smiling from the couch and to be honest we were going to love having them around more often and we couldn't wait till they graduated next month from Arizona State.

Me: You know honey I think that Conner is going to fit right in the team.

Blake: Yeah I was thinking that also. KD is going to try and fill his head with good knowledge just like the Yankees did so it is going to be nice.

Me: That is what I was thinking. I know they are going to be safer near us and I don't care how old they become they are always going to be my babies.

Blake: This is why I love you Momma Bear.

Me: Thank you Papa Bear. :)

Conner: Mom?

Me: Yes babe.

Conner: Are you finally happy?

Me: Yes in honey I finally am.

Conner: Blake thank you.

Blake smiled at Conner and nodded with a you're welcome and a smile.

Becca: Jeter I might have to take you home.

Me: Oh no you don't thats my baby.

Becca: I know mom. I'm kidding. ;) Can we go out and get one after graduation?

Me: Yes we can.

Becca: Good.

As the day went on everyone was waiting for Kyle and Sapphire to get here soon and good memories for everyone will continue to be made.

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