Spending The Day With the Warriors. Blake "The Protector" 😌😁

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Blake and I thought it was a good idea before we went home since we lost yesterday unfortunately with the team to spend the day with his team and the Warriors. I mean some of us were friends off the court and some of us were enemies.

Blake: Sarah I swear if Klay Thompson makes eyes at you one more time I'm going to fling his ass into the bay.
Me: He isn't even looking at me Blake chill.
Blake: People see that he is looking at you Sarah and I don't like that.
Me: Okay. Do you want me to go up to him and talk to him?
Blake: Yes please and if he makes one more move I'm going to ruin his ass.
Me: Okay baby.

I walked over to Klay and some of the other guys but Ayesha followed me to make sure everything was okay.

Ayesha: Sarah why does Klay keep making eyes at you?
Me: So you noticed that also?
Ayesha: Yes girl your fiancé isn't blind. I see it also and I hope you go put that boy in check.
Me: I'm going to.
Ayesha: You better girl before I do it for you. No other man in this room no matter if you know them or not should be making eyes at you. I know and understand the Nets team is watching him make eyes at you but come on does the boy not know you are getting married!
Me: Girl, I got this.
Ayesha: Okay okay.

I walked up to Klay and slapped him across the face. Everyone's eyes turned as soon as they heard the slap.

Steph: Sarah what the fuck was that for?!?
Me: He is making eyes at me!
Steph: Klay you stupid man!
Klay: I'm sorry I didn't mean to cause a scene.
Steph: Bro she's engaged and her man is about to floor your ass if you don't stop staring at his woman!
Klay: Oh I forgot she was engaged.

I saw Blake's eyes narrow and I swear the man was going to unleash the beast.

Blake: How did you all of a sudden forget you are making eyes at my fuckin fiancé!
Klay: Not my fault she's gorgeous.
Blake: Make eyes at her one more time Mr. Thompson and I will make sure to decapitate your ass and ship ya body parts to Zimbabwe you feel me home boy!
Klay: Okay, man I got you.
Me: I can help you find someone else but I swear you better stop making eyes at me. I don't like men who stare at women like they are some piece of fuckin steak on a plate and women do the same to men and it is objectifying. It is wrong.
Klay: Im sorry Sarah it won't happen again.
Me:  Good.

For the rest of the night each player was scared of Blake not only on the court but off of it also and he liked it that way.

Blake leaned in to kiss me every single time some man wanted to try and make his move.

Me: I love how macho you are.
Blake: Honey there is a time and place for it and now is the time and place for it. I love you and I don't want one of these fools to take my woman and think it is okay to make eyes at her.

Steph walked up to us with a sincere face.

Steph: Guys I'm so sorry for that ass over there. He needs to control himself. That's one habit he has where he goes after taken people and this is why his ass always gets in trouble.
Me: Just tell him to cool down.
Steph: No I got him in check Sarah and the rest of the team knows you aren't single I don't understand why he doesn't get it through his thick fuckin skull that you aren't.
Me: I understand. I haven't seen him do it for the past couple of minutes so that is a good sign.
Steph: Well your fiancé loves you Sarah and he is going to do whatever he can and should be doing to protect you. I haven't seen a man run that fast to go protect his woman like that besides myself.
Me: Blake is definitely the one for me Steph I can tell you that right now. I make it known also.
Steph: You know I think you should post another one of your couple photos on Instagram for people to really get the hint and tag Klay's stupid ass to make him look stupid. I love the guy since he is on my team but when I see him making moves on a woman that is taken I don't appreciate that shit. He tried it to Ayesha also and I wasn't okay with that when I came here. I really don't understand there are so many single women up in here and Blake has been so respectful not to talk to one because he knows who his woman is. That is how it should be.
Blake: How about I post one of our photos.
Steph: Yeah you know what good idea.


It might have taken me awhile to get comfortable with you because of the past that you had but all I know that is I am willing to protect you, kiss you, and love you in anyway that I can baby

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It might have taken me awhile to get comfortable with you because of the past that you had but all I know that is I am willing to protect you, kiss you, and love you in anyway that I can baby. I love my fiancé Sarah very much and for the men who want her in this world know this and know this right now. The only MAN she takes home with her is me and the only MAN who is going to make her feel this good is ME. Now I'm not going to be those fools that acts like an asshole and makes his woman his property no because those couples are the ones who do too much but with Sarah I made a promise to her that no matter what I would protect her and make her feel my love. Sarah from the bottom of my heart you are and will always be my princess. You don't need to prove to anyone who you are with. Those who don't get it can clean out their brains and realize how stupid they look.

Steph: Damn 👀.
Me: What?
Steph: Sarah did you see ya man's post?
Me: No.
Steph: Go read it. When did y'all take that photo?!? Damn that's hot!
Ayesha: Damn that photo! Whew I'm hot!
Steph: Same!

Everyone in the room saw the post and looked right at us including Mr. Eyes Maker.

Klay: Damn I'm sorry I did that bro.
Blake: You good for now but don't be doing that. Some man will floor you one day.
Klay: I know I got it. Damn I wish a woman would protect me like that. Sarah you got a good man.
Me: Thanks Klay.
Klay: Do you mind me asking who took that photo?
Me: We did a photo shoot one day in the city without telling anyone and I told the photographer to send Blake the photos not me because I would have made us look like some sexually erotic couple when we aren't. I had to save myself the misery.
Klay: Haha okay.
Blake: Yeah she needs to control her fingers on these intimate photos. 😁
Steph: Psh damn though.

The rest of the time was nice and tomorrow we would be going home. This trip I would say was memorable but at the same time we always have lessons to learn especially those who think they know everything when they don't.

Blake: I love you Sarah.
Me: Thank you for loving me.
Blake: I will always protect you and love you but also give you space when you need it.
Me: Thank you. 💕
Blake: You're welcome baby girl. 🥰

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