The Wedding. 👰🏻👨‍✈️💐

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We all decided to fly to North Carolina for Grant and Anna's wedding and to be honest with you we were really all excited. I was Anna's maid of honor since she wanted me to be and I was helping her plan a lot even if I was living in California.

Cody: I am sure this wedding is going to be amazing honey.
Me: Yeah I told Anna it would be. She has been dreaming about this day since she met Grant. I know how much he makes her happy honestly speaking.
Cody: Just like I make you and the kids happy?
Me: Mhm. Just like that.

When we got to North Carolina we went to the suite that Cody wanted in the hotel near there and it was honestly nicer than we thought. It had everything we asked for which was amazing.

The next day......

I get call from Anna a couple of hours before the wedding saying she needed me pronto.

I walked to her room and knocked on the door.

Anna: Hey girlie. Come in.
Me: Hey girl. Ready for this?
Anna: Yeah. I am as ready as I will ever be. I'm just nervous as shit. I love these military weddings but it gives me chills knowing I'm the one who is getting married. I would have called Josh but I know you don't want to see him.
Me: Yeah heard he is with some girl now and brought her.
Anna: Yeah not even Grant likes her or I so welcome to the club.
Me: Thought I was the only one.
Anna: Nope. Ever since he lost you to Cody it has been hell for him and you can tell he isn't happy.
Me: I am aware of that. I'm happy with Cody.
Anna: I know you are that is why I didn't fight with you on you moving to California with the kids. How are Conner and Sapphire?
Me: They are good. They are actually with Cody right now and his kids. Trust me Cody is going to be fine since all of them are getting big enough to be on their own now.
Anna: No I know what you mean. Ready to be my maid of honor.
Me: Yes. :)
Anna: Are you okay?
Me: Yeah I'm fine. Just overthinking a lot.
Anna: I know. Trust me.
Me: We are going to be okay though.
Anna: Yeah.

As everyone was set up for the wedding and now it was time for the wedding to start Anna wanted her dad to walk her down the aisle so he did and she was literally in tears. You could see how happy she was and I was happy for her honestly speaking.

As the wedding continued it was just nice to know how quiet the room was and there was no sound out of anyone. It was amazing.

I looked around the room and I saw the look on Cody's face and I just smiled. I knew this is what I wanted but a part of me wished I was still with Josh to get this experience.

My mind was racing at the moment and before I knew it everyone was getting up to leave. It was like I missed everything.

During the reception Niall Horan's "Put A Little Love On Me" came on and to be honest that was the song I dedicated to Josh but I never told him.

I looked down at my phone and I danced with Cody and the kids a couple of times but Cody knew who this song was for and he understood why I didn't want to dance with him to it.

A couple of seconds later I felt a hand on mine and I looked up and it was Josh.

I walked to the dance floor with him and I swayed with him to the song and the only four people on the floor were Anna and I with Grant and Josh.

It was like I was in some bubble and then I felt lips to the side of my head and I did the same to him.

As soon as the song ended I walked back to my seat but before I did that I stared at Anna and Grant and to be honest with you it was like something you never see in many couples. I remember while taking pictures in the field they took this one and it kept playing in my head.

I had to walk away after that because I knew she was happy and she was going to be living down here with him instead of the house in New York

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I had to walk away after that because I knew she was happy and she was going to be living down here with him instead of the house in New York. The house in New York they ended up selling to a friend of theirs who was looking with her fiance.

When you have these moments play in your head it was like you didn't want things to end but they had to.

Cody walked up to me and asked me if I was okay and I said yeah I was fine. Just having those moments. He knew where I was coming from because he said he has them with Sabrina sometimes in his head. I wasn't even having them
with Aaron anymore even if I still had him in my heart it was Josh I was thinking about but honestly speaking we all had to move on eventually.

As Cody walked away with the kids to go dance I had one picture in my head that I always wanted but then again that probably wasn't going to happen at all for me.

My conscience kept saying that it was never going to happen but my heart wanted it to but I knew it wasn't going to happen

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My conscience kept saying that it was never going to happen but my heart wanted it to but I knew it wasn't going to happen.

Josh walked up to me and gave me a hug before he left and I couldn't hug him. It was just so awkward and it felt different.

Josh: Sarah I'm sorry.
Me: It is fine. Go ahead your girlfriend is waiting,
Josh: I don't even love her.
Me: Well I hope you find someone who does love you.
Josh: Thanks. :) See you Sarah.

He leaned down to kiss me on the cheek and I did one to him back.

Cody didn't even care because he knew what had happened in the past with him and I. Cody knew how much I cared about Josh and to be honest with you it just didn't work like we wanted it to.

The kiss on the cheek gave me those chills up and down my body. (I can feel it now just typing this.)

That night when Cody and I took the kids back to the suite and put them to bed we went to lay in the tub and then Cody started talking.

Cody: Sarah it is okay to love someone.
Me: Cody I'm being so disrespectful towards you. It isn't fair.
Cody: Sarah you can't help it. That happens. I get them all the time. Trust me they don't go away when someone that much to you comes around.
Me: Yeah I know. I'm just sorry Cody.
Cody: Sarah no need. I still love you and we are going to work together on this I promise.
Me: Should I talk to your mom about this?
Cody: I mean if you want to. She would be the one to talk to about this besides your mom. Both would understand what is going on in that head of yours Sarah.
Me: Thank you for putting up with "my men issues."
Cody: I have "female" ones also so welcome to the club.
Me: 😂😂
Cody: 😂😂

Knowing why I was with Cody made me laugh because we laughed at almost the same thing and personally it was nice but in the back of my mind "Josh" was still there.

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