Looking Into The Future.

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Cody and I have gotten back on track with how our lives are and now we are back home in Jersey. Corey and Mady are with us and we decided to have a BBQ in the backyard. Sapphire is now living with her father and the twins and Aaron is now seeing someone new and he seems happy. Sapphire happens to like her but you know she wants to be around me most of the time which is fine.

Sapphire called me yesterday and she said she is enjoying a lot of time with her father but I told her that Cody and I would take her out tomorrow. She smiled and hung up the phone because her father was calling for her. Aaron and I remained very good friends and I get along with his girlfriend Elise. She even calls me just to know a lot more about him than he is telling her and I don't mind informing her.

I was in the moment when Corey came over with Mady while Cody was on the grill.

Corey: You are smiling Sarah. Everything okay?

Me: Oh yeah everything is fine.

Corey: Are you sure?

Me: Mhm. I am happy.

Corey: Well that is a good thing I hope.

Me: Yeah it is a good thing.

Mady: Have you and Cody been doing the gestures?

Me: Yes every single day. I will do things for him and he does things for me. It is really working. He came home from the grocery store the other day with roses and they were a bunch of different colors. I love different colored roses they remind me of my grandma. I remember telling Cody before we got married that my favorite flower was a rose and he said what color and I told him all colors.

Mady: He remembered then.

Me: Mhm. Then he also remembered it was my time of the month and he bought me a new heating pad which I needed and then he asked for new slides and I found some at the sports store so I got them for him. Also we do the little things like when he winces I know his shoulder is bothering him so I make the cream you told me to make and it really helps.

Corey: Yeah Mady still does my elbow for me which helps a lot also. When I do it it is like annoying because I don't hit all the areas of my elbow and when I move it after a long period of time it hurts like no tomorrow but when Mady massages it it feels amazing.

Me: The hands of your wife Corey that's why. Cody said that to me the other day and I overheard him say it to his mother and my mother. They smiled because they know he can't put the lotion on him like I can. He always comes to me with the container from the bathroom cabinet that I put it in and I just tell him to take his shirt off just so I can apply it and work his shoulders more. I also like to look at him shirtless which is a bonus for me.

Cody: Before she never used to look at me a lot shirtless but now it is like when no one is over and we are alone I'm shirtless a good majority of the time.

Corey: I love how everything is running smoothly for you both. Looking at you guys miserable was really heartbreaking. Mady was always worried about the both of you and she said she heard from Jenn one night that Cody literally woke up in tears because he missed you Sarah.

Me: He didn't tell me that.

Mady: He told me but not Corey. He was scared to tell Corey but I guess telling me calmed him down and that is when I told him that you and Sabrina were coming down to see us and that he should come and talk to you.

Me: I think that was the best idea Mady.

Mady: Yeah I thought it was also. I hated seeing you guys apart and to be honest Sarah i know how much you love Cody. When you two are in sync with each other it is like no one else is in the room and seeing that ring back on your finger I know your heart is mended.

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