Writing Him Letters and Picking Out Wedding Songs and Details.

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I woke up the next morning and I went to the kitchen to write my first letter to Blake since my therapist said it was a good idea.

Dear Blake,
Thank you for making me the happiest not only woman in the world but the happiest person. You always make me smile more than I have smiled before and you always know when to just be you around me. The first day we met I knew I was going to appreciate having you around but I didn't think I was ever going to be called your fiancé. I'm usually not the type of person to say I'm happy to be someone's fiancé but I'm really happy to say that I am yours. You have done nothing but show me how truly wonderful you are and you just make every single day a moment I will never forget. I love you Blake more than you can imagine and whatever the future holds for us I want you to always know I'm here for you through everything.

I love you baby,
Sarah 💖

I walked over to the side of his bed and I slipped the letter under his water bottle he keeps by the bed and I went to start breakfast.

A couple of minutes later Ayesha came in with Steph and they noticed me feeling a lot better.

Ayesha: Girl you are glowing. What did you do?
Me: My therapist I'm seeing says I should write letters to the one I love every time I'm feeling like my heart is too full and today I wrote my first letter to Blake and when he wakes up he can read it.
Ayesha: Oh my god that's beautiful. 😭
Me: Yeah. ☺️
Ayesha: It keeps you closer to him. Do you want him to write one back to you?
Me: If he wants to. He doesn't have to.
Ayesha: It would be nice he does have nice handwriting and he also is a good writer.
Me: I didn't know he writes.
Ayesha: Yeah he keeps journals and he's very creative.
Steph: You learned something new Sarah.
Me: I did.

A couple of minutes later I feel familiar arms come around me and spin me around for a kiss.

Me: I needed that.
Blake: I also needed it also but this letter thank you. It really moved me.
Me: Yeah my therapist suggested it.
Blake: Do you feel better?
Me: Yeah I do. I mean if you want to write me one back you can.
Blake: I will. Later on.
Me: Okay.

A couple of seconds after that the Cole's walked in with good news.

Amy: Sarah I think I found the perfect place where you can have your wedding.
Me: Where?
Amy: You know that place you loved in Long Island where you said it made you feel like you were flying.
Me: Mhm.
Amy: There.
Amy: I did!!!!
Me: I mean I want to have my wedding in the summer but how did you know about openings.
Amy: Gerrit and I went yesterday and they gave me some availability dates.
Me: Blake is going to love that place.
Blake: What place?
Me: I am going to take you to it maybe next weekend. It is in Long Island and the Yankees had many events there and it is a perfect place for a wedding and reception.
Blake: Okay we can check it out.
Me: I know you are going to love it honey trust me.
Blake: I don't care where we get married as long as you are next to me.
Amy: Awe.
Ayesha: Awe. ☺️
Me: I swear you are too good to me.
Blake: Isn't that what I'm supposed to do.
Me: Yes.

As the time went on before Blake had to head to practice all of us looked at who to invite and what food and we pretty much got a lot done.

A couple of minutes later Giancarlo called me.

Me: Hey G.
G: Hey Sarah.
Me: What's up?
G: I just wanted to let you know if you need help with the wedding Jess and I are here.
Me: Thanks G. Do you guys want to come over maybe tomorrow and see what we have so far. Ayesha and Steph need to leave tomorrow to go back to Cali and I only have Amy and Gerrit here so maybe come over then.
G: Yeah that would be great.
Me: Okay good.

Ayesha: Everything okay girl.
Me: Yeah Giancarlo was on the phone and he wanted to know if I needed helped with the wedding and such.
Ayesha: Weddings are a lot girl so when Steph and I aren't here G and Jess would be wonderful to help.
Me: That's what I said. I already asked my sisters to be my maids of honor but I want you, Amy, Jess, and Jordan to be my bridesmaids and Blake I'm going to ask Casey also.
Blake: She is going to be over the moon about that Sarah.
Me: Yeah I thought so.
Ayesha: Not many people would do that Sarah but I can see why you want Casey.
Me: Yeah.
Amy: Smart move Sarah.
Me: Yep.
Blake: Steph I already picked my brother as my best man but I want you to be one of the groomsmen and Gerrit I want you also.
Gerrit: Sure man.
Steph: Oh yeah I would love to.
Me: I'm glad you are allowing the Yankee family in honey.
Blake: Yeah I'm going to ask Giancarlo tomorrow.
Me: You know what I can ask Kelsey. Also if she wants to help me coordinate the wedding since she runs a bakery with her family and Joey can help her.
Blake: Yeah that would be a good idea.
Me: My niece and nephew can be in the wedding with my kids and yours also.
Blake: Yeah I would love that.
Me: I think this is coming along smoothly.
Ayesha: Wow you guys did all that with us sitting here. This is going to be a great wedding I just know it.
Me: Yeah I do also.
Ayesha: Have you guys picked out a song yet.
Me: I have but he doesn't know the song.
Blake: How about we play it?
Me: Yeah.

As I was playing it everyone was really into it and even Blake liked it but he could have other songs in mind also.

Amy: Wow this woman has a beautiful voice. What's her name?
Me: Diana DeGarmo.
Ayesha: I like how moving this song is. This song is soo you guys also.
Blake: I really do actually like this song.
Me: You can have your songs also but this is one of mine.
Gerrit: Your song tastes are probably similar.
Me: They probably are.
Blake: I like Kane Brown but I know Sarah is trying to stay away from Kane for now because of Aaron.
Me: Babe give me time with him to decide.
Blake: No sure go ahead. It is sad how a beautiful song was ruined.
Me: Trust me I know.
Ayesha: Do you mind me asking what song of his? Steph and I love him.
Me: Live Forever.
Steph: Ah mother I love that song and the fucker ruined it now I have to hate it. Lol.
Me: Trust me that's what I said.

As the time went on it was nice to chat about the small things of life even if we were working on the wedding. Blake had Taylor send over some songs for us to listen to and we haven't picked out the song yet but the one I played was on the list.

Stay tuned for another good chapter soon!! 💖☺️

( This is the song Sarah was playing for everyone above).

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