Conversations that make Sarah boil. The flight home. ✈️

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I was sitting next to Blake on the plane since we were in the same plane with the team and a couple of guys ended up bringing women home with them which personally I really didn't tolerate. They were all annoying as ever and I wanted to body slam them all.

Blake: Honey you okay?
Me: For now. Before I lose my shit.
Blake: Yeah I know what you mean. A couple of them tried to make moves on me.
Me: Yeah I noticed. I might have to cop some ass if they try and make a move or say something again.
Blake: I understand. :)

As I was lying on my fiancé one of the women of the players walked past him and smiled at him.

I got up and boy did I go off. Apparently she was with Bruce.

Bruce: Everything good Sarah?
Me: You better tell your hoe over there to quit making eyes at my man!
Bruce: Oh did she now?
Me: Yep she did.
Bruce: Don't worry I got her Sarah. I'm sorry.
Me: You are fine dude. I'm just talking about you should get rid of her and tell her to stay the fuck away from my man. I'm not playing.
Bruce: Trust me Sarah I know you aren't. I think the whole team loves how feisty you are.
Me: I'm glad. Also the next fuckin skanky bitch who wants to make any fuckin eyes moves or such on my fuckin fiancé you will NEVER see the light of day again and I will make sure of it.
Patty: We understand Sarah.
Me: Good. Glad I I made it clear.

As for the rest of the flight no actions happened until we all got off the plane hours later.

Blake and I got in a cab and we were on the way home.

We walked through the door an hour later and Jeter attacked us with the kids at the door.

Kings: Daddy! Sarah!
Me: Hello lovvies!
Junior: Hi!
Me: Did you guys miss us?
Junior: Yeah it is boring without you guys.
Blake: Haha. 🤣
Casey: Welcome home guys.
Me: Thank you.
Casey: How was the flight?
Me: Other than me copping some hoes and Klay Thompson making a move on me and Blake going off things were good.
Aaron: Had a feeling that happened.
Me: Yeah you would know.

A couple of hours later Aaron walked out with Casey and Kings alongside Junior and Rose was sleeping in Blake's arms while Jeter was on the couch on my lap. We ended up watching a movie.

Me: I'm glad we are home.
Blake: Same. I missed being alone with you and these two.
Me: I know. Same.

A couple of minutes later I got a FaceTime call from Giancarlo.

Giancarlo: Hey you guys are back home?
Me: Yep we are.
Giancarlo: Oh cool. Do you mind if we come over for dinner tomorrow?
Me: I don't mind I don't know about Blake.
Blake: Yeah dude I don't mind. We only have Rose and Jeter here. Kings and Junior are with Aaron and Casey.
Giancarlo: Sounds good. See you guys around 7pm?
Me: Yep sounds good.
Blake: Yep.
Giancarlo: Okay! :)

We ended up putting Rose in her crib now Aaron put together for her with Casey and the kids help and Jeter went to bed in his doggie bed next to her crib.

Blake: We should think about moving into a decent size house. My apartment is big yes but not that big.
Me: I like that idea. We can look next week with the kids.
Blake: That sounds good. Your kids are coming in on Monday right?
Me: Yep they are.
Blake: You must miss them.
Me: I do miss them. They are my kids after all and I know with Becca and Conner in Arizona and Kyle and Sapphire being in Tennessee I think Sapphire misses her brother. They used to spend all this time together for awhile when I was living with Cody in California but then when they got older I think after being spaced out they miss each other more.
Blake: That would make sense. I think Kings and Junior are going to be like that also. Kings seems to be into music for some reason and Junior does love basketball but he likes science. We will see what happens with them.
Me: They are extremely smart kids Blake. I think they know that you and Casey raised them the correct way even if they didn't have the perfect childhood.
Blake: You are right. I always felt bad for them but now I think they came out okay. They have you around and they will warm up to Aaron after awhile.
Me: Yeah it seems so.

We were lying in bed watching a moving on Blake's laptop and to be honest with you it is nice being able to have the company of each other again with the baby monitor next to each of us just in case we heard Rose and Jeter in the next room.

Blake: My parents said they are sorry they missed us a couple of days ago but they want to come this weekend and hopefully meet the kids next week. They are going to stay at a hotel knowing we don't have much room here.
Me: We have the guest bed they can stay here.
Blake: Are you sure?
Me: Yeah and the kids can stay with my parents in Jersey since they are flying into Jersey not NY. They want to see their grandparents before they come to see us.
Blake: Sounds good.
Me: Do your parents mind sharing a room with Rose and we can keep Jeter in our room?
Blake: Knowing my parents they would watch over her and call us if needed so that is going to be fine. Jeter would probably be on the bed with us anyways so he's going to be sleeping most of the time anyways.
Me: Okay. I guess we are at the stage of engagement where whatever is mine is yours and whatever is yours is mine?
Blake: I would think so but we still have boundaries.
Me: Yep that's why I love you baby.
Blake: Yep I know I love you more babe. 💕

I leaned in to give him a kiss and put my head on his shoulder since we were watching some cheese ball movie.

To think I knew my life was going to be like this would have been crazy but I'm glad of where we are now. Things change and people change but in the end it is all about what God wants.

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