Jake and Melanie. 😂😂😘

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Back to the Grant and Anna part of the story y'all.

Anna and Grant were now down in North Carolina not living too far from the base that Grant was currently stationed or working in. They both liked North Carolina and to be honest with you they knew they were going to be creating a future here.

As they now sit on the couch cuddled into happiness Grant notices something about Anna.

Anna: Honey we should watch Sweet Home Alabama.
Grant: Why? 😂
Anna: Because honestly speaking I feel like we are Jake and Melanie.
Grant: How?
Anna: Let's just watch the movie crazy freaking nutter butter. ;)
Grant: Okay Anna Rae.
Anna: Okay Grant T. ;)
Grant: Please don't say my middle name.
Anna: Okay Jake.
Grant: Okay Melanie.

As the movie is being played in their now house that looks like it could be in one of those Marine movies with camo carpet Grant brings up the subject of something that Anna doesn't want to talk about.

Grant: Honey?
Anna: Yeah honey?
Grant: What about kids?
Anna: You mean dogs? We can have a dog named Jaxx if you want?
Grant: Yeah I mean we can get a dog and name it Jaxx but I would love to have one child with you please think about it. :( I mean you are so cute and adorably beautiful and you love me to the universe and back why shouldn't we have a kid?
Anna: Grant, I would really love more dogs than kids. I mean we could actually own a pet shop.
Grant: Okay maybe we can think about it Melanie since you want to be a "Cranky Bitch and a Stubborn Ass." 😂
Anna: That's me Anna Rae. ;) Before I met you I was the "miserable Mississippi bitch with a hidden agenda" now I'm actually married to a US Marine?
Grant: Is that such a bad thing to be married to a Marine?
Anna: Nope. I mean I always thought I was going to be a Yelich but you killed that chance for me when you showed up in front of my eyes with your hot ass blue boy self. How do you expect me to move on from that Grant?
Grant: You can't because I am the only US Marine who you love and I know for a fact you love me more than the universe itself.
Anna: I do. I am thinking we should go to Greece for our honeymoon.
Grant: So we can make the children? ;)
Anna: Stop it you stubborn Southern ass! 😂
Grant: I'm just saying. 😂
Anna: I said doggies not kiddies.
Grant: Okay Miss Yankee Bitch with a hidden Mississippi Agenda!

A couple of minutes later Sarah calls Anna's phone.

Anna: Hey girlie. How's California?
Me: It is splendid. I love Cody and the kids wanna say hello.
Anna: Hey kids!

They all screamed hi at the same time until Sapphire took the phone from me.

Sapphire: Auntie Anna?
Anna: Yes Sapphire?
Sapphire: When are you coming to visit?
Anna: Soon honey. I have somethings I have to do in North Carolina first and then Uncle Grant and I are coming.
Sapphire: Okay. Hi Uncle Grant! :)
Grant: Hi Sapphire! Hi Cody!
Cody: Hey bro!
Grant: How's back to the dating life treating you?
Cody: It is good. I mean I like it but a part of me wishes I was married again.
Grant: One day dude. I felt the same way before I married Anna now look where I am. ;)
Cody: Yeah I know what you mean.

As the conversation continued Sarah heard something playing in the background on Grant and Anna's end.

Me: Are you guys watching Sweet Home Alabama?
Me: That movie is so the both of you. Cody I kid you not those two are a match made in heaven like Jake and Melanie in that movie. The whole town is nosy as shit but that is that Southern Hospitality for you. ;)
Grant: Got that right. Sometimes it is annoying as shit because I wish people didn't know me but now I have no choice but to hide in Anna's arms and make sure no bitch comes near me.
Me: Anna doesn't have a problem keeping you from the rest of the world. She talked about you every single night when she was single.
Grant: She did?
Me: Yeah. She used to have sex dreams about you and then Jaxx used to always come in and try to make himself "the party pooper."
Grant: Damn I never heard those dreams before? ;)
Me: Oh yeah Anna why don't you tell him the time Jaxx rained on yours and Grant's parade after you know that "uhhem" dream. ;)
Grant: You mean the sex dream?
Me: Yes that.
Grant: I mean I'm sure Anna and I make a great team no matter what we do. ;) I told her I wanted to have kids with her but she INSISTS that we have dogs as kids and run a pet store.
Anna: Okay lets all gang up on Anna.
Me: Anna come on just one child you don't have to have the whole funny farm like Laura Lynn did in Sweet Home Alabama where she brought them damn kids to a bar. 😂
Anna: Damn you Sarah! Are you on my side or Pansy Ass's side?
Me: Both! I would love to see little Anna's and Grant's running around with diaper butts and little guns pretending like they are little Marine babies going for battle. ;)
Grant: Thank you Sarah! This is why I always liked you!
Me: Don't get your panties in a twist Pinnix! I liked Cameron before I liked you but you had to prove yourself that you were the right man for Anna remember that? ;)
Grant: Yeah you whipped my ass pretty good and now look where Anna and I are. ;)
Me: All because of this Jersey girl. ;)
Grant: Yes. ;)
Me: Anyways have you guys planned a honeymoon yet?
Grant: Maybe next month. Anna and I want to go to Santorini.
Me: I went before. It is beautiful.
Grant: Great then when it is time to plan Anna and I can call you for some advice.
Me: Oh yeah absolutely. I have to run and help Cody with the kids but have fun watching Melanie and Jake kick some ass. ;)
Grant: Haha always. 😂 See you soon Sarah! ;)
Me: See you both soon! Love you Annabear! ;)
Anna: Love you Sahara! 😂

When Sarah hung up Grant looked down at Anna and he knew exactly who he wanted next to him for the rest of his life. He knew if he had to deploy again Anna wouldn't leave him because that wasn't who Anna was. She was the woman who busted her ass to make him happy and she was the woman who wasn't going to leave his side no matter the season.

Grant: Anna Rae I love you.
Anna: Love you more honey 🐻.

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