Clearing the Mind💙 New Member of the Family 🙂

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Since the proposal and since Aaron wanted to renew his vows with me everything has seemed more at ease. Meaning no one is trying to drive themselves up a wall figuring out who is going to leave who anymore.

Aaron and I got into the habit of listening to acoustic music and it seemed to be calming both of us down to the point where no one was really arguing with anyone anymore.

Rebecca and Conner got into it also and since they have been back in Arizona they are more focused and more loving towards each other than ever.

Aaron: Honey have you noticed a change in me?
Me: Yeah I have.
Aaron: Oh good.
Me: I know I mostly listen to music but I think you are doing something else.
Aaron: I got back into yoga with G. Since we are getting older we are staying on the field more and to be honest it has helped me feel calmer.
Me: Hm. I should try that. Jess said she is doing it with G maybe I should do it with you.
Aaron: Yeah I would want you to.

Aaron took me to the stadium with him the next day and we were the only ones there with G and Jess.

G: Didn't know you guys would be here.
Aaron: Yeah it is usually only us but Sarah said she needed to clear her mind more and stop worrying about everyone else and worry about her and I.
Jess: Yeah I used to be like that but Sarah ever since I started doing the yoga with G it has helped a lot.
Me: Hm okay. I will see how I feel after today.

We were doing these stretches and it honestly it was helping me little by little clear my head.

An hour later G and Jess were getting up to go and Aaron tapped me saying he was ready also and I was in a daze I forgot they even moved.

Jess: You see Sarah.
Me: Yeah. I like this.
Jess: Yeah me also.
Me: I feel so light.
Jess: That's why I love it also.

Aaron and I went home that day and I just walked outside to the backyard with a cup of tea and stared out into the open.

Knowing how my life has been I cannot complain lately.

I was lying back on the swinging bench and a couple of seconds later Aaron came out with a dog.

Me: Honey?
Aaron: Yeah?
Me: Who's corgi?
Aaron: Ours.
Me: Really?!? 🥰
Aaron: Mhm. The kids are living their lives and maybe since we cannot have anymore kids we can keep this little dude.
Me: How did you know I love dogs?
Aaron: I knew you wanted a corgi for a long time and I thought this would be the time to get him.
Me: I want to name him Jeter.
Aaron: Haha okay. 🤣

He was the cutest doggie ever and I knew I was going to be obsessed with my new boy Jeter. 💙

We FaceTimed the kids and then Jeter jumped onto my lap and got all up in the laptop screen

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We FaceTimed the kids and then Jeter jumped onto my lap and got all up in the laptop screen. Rebecca and Sapphire were already over the moon with him while Kyle and Conner were just cracking up at him barking.

Conner: Dad did you finally get mom the corgi she wanted?
Aaron: I did. 🥰
Conner: Good I'm glad.
Aaron: Yeah me also.
Sapphire: Dad he's adorable. What's his name?
Conner: Let me guess you named him Coco or something.
Rebecca: Loki?
Me: Nope. Jeter. 🥰
Rebecca: Like Jeter from the Yankees? That's adorable.
Me: I'm a Jeter girl for life and your dad when I first met him I said to him "no one replaces Derek Jeter from my heart and if I get a corgi I'm naming him Jeter."
Conner: Only you mom. 🤣
Me: Yes only me.

When Aaron and I hung up with the kids we went to play with Jeter in the backyard.

I was sitting in the grass and he came running over to me just so I can rub his belly.

Aaron: I'm glad you love him.
Me: I really do.
Aaron: I love how his name is Jeter Judge. 🤣🤣
Me: That's the best part. 🐶

We posted him on Instagram.

sarahjudge94: Welcome the newest member of the Judge Family meet Jeter Judge Aka "K9 All Rise

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sarahjudge94: Welcome the newest member of the Judge Family meet Jeter Judge Aka "K9 All Rise." 🐶💙

Aaron just decided to post this picture of Jeter. 💙

thejudge44: welcome to the family buddy

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thejudge44: welcome to the family buddy. Mom loved you and so did the kiddos. 🐕🐶 You are going to fit in so well here. We love you Jeter Judge. 💙🐶

We put our phones down and we sat outside with Jeter for a little longer before he was whiny meaning he was probably hungry.

So of course Aaron and I were now dog mom and dad feeding the little dude and we couldn't be more happier to not be bored anymore.

Things were finally starting to feel like home again and I really just love the fact that an act of yoga and a pup did the job.

A couple of minutes later Sarah gets an incoming from FaceTime from Cody.

She hadn't talked to Cody in a long time and to be honest with you she didn't know what the heck he wanted or why he was even trying to contact her.

She walked outside and let the FaceTime go into a missed call.

Aaron: Honey Jeter is taking a nap in his bed I got him in the living room. You ok?
Me: Cody was trying to contact me through FaceTime.
Aaron: What did he want?
Me: I don't know honestly. I didn't pick up.
Aaron: I wouldn't pick up if I was you but I can't tell you what to do.
Me: Yeah I knew you were going to say that.
Aaron: I didn't mean to upset you.
Me: No, no you didn't. I just need some time to think about the shit that he did and the stuff that is going through my mind right now if I should pick up the phone and FaceTime or call him back.
Aaron: Maybe call him tomorrow and see what he wants but for right now I want to spend some time with you.
Me: Yeah that would have been my plan also.

What does Cody want from Sarah and after a year he is now calling her?

Hm? 🧐

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