On The Side Therapy Pt. 2

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I got home later that day after meeting Blake and we hung out at Max Brenner's Chocolate Place after and to be honest him and I did share somethings in common which I will explain later.

Joey smiled at me as soon as I sat on the couch next to him.

Joey: So.

Me: Yea. So.

Joey: You are smiling.

Me: Oh I am?

Joey: Yes and the last time you smiled like that was the day you met your now ex-husband.

Me: Screw his nuggets.

Joey: Haha. Okay moving on.

Me: Okay fine I had a good time with Blake.

Joey: Did you now?

Me: I did.

Joey: He called me before you walked in.

Me: What did he say?

Joey: He said he had an amazing time with you and that he wants to see you more often but he came to me first to make sure we have nothing going on.

Me: Oh and what did you say?

Joey: I said no we are nothing but friends and I am seeing someone else.

Me: Joey! Who is she?

Joey: Remember that italian bakery in Brooklyn the one that I told you about?

Me: Yes I like that place.

Joey: I am going on a date with the owner's daughter.

Me: Oh my god I love her! You are talking about Kelsey Romano right?

Joey: That's her! I am happy you know her!

Me: Yeah I met her the the first time I walked into that place. She's a wonderful person for you and she is family oriented like you are Joey which I'm happy about.

Joey: Yeah she wants to meet me later at the park so do you mind if I leave in a little while to get ready?

Me: No of course you can. I was just about to ask Blake if he wanted to come over and watch a movie with me.

Joey: That sounds nice. Sarah I know how much he makes you happy and he is a good guy who loves his kids like I know you do also. That is why I wanted you to talk to him.

Me: You set this up?

Joey: Yeah with the help of Gerrit. He knew you would want to talk to someone better than Aaron honestly and he knew how much you low key liked Blake.

Me: Wait how did he know that?!?

Joey: He saw you liking his pictures a lot recently and for the past couple of months and he knows he plays for the Nets now so yeah he called me and here we are.

Me: Thank you Joey. I need to thank Gerrit also.

Joey: Sarah you deserve to be happy and if it is Blake who makes you happy then so be it. We can still be friends and you can even bring him by my place if you want for dinner once in awhile.

Me: Yeah he would like that.

A couple of hours later Joey said good bye and took his things he kept here with me and left.

I called Blake and he picked up on the first ring.

Blake: Hey Sarah.

Me: Hey Blake.

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