A day with Momma Griffin. 👱🏻‍♀️

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Blake went out with his dad for last minute things for the guys for the wedding and I went out with Gail to just shop around and have some lady fun.

Gail: How are you and Blake doing since the last we talked honey?
Me: We are amazing. He's like the other half of me that I was missing in my life.
Gail: Sweetie I'm so glad. The team still enjoying you?
Me: Oh yeah they always bother me asking me if there is another of me in this world. You know Vicki is still with Nic.
Gail: Is she?!? I'm so happy for her! Wait you set Vicki up with Nic?!?
Me: Yeah Blake and I did.
Gail: She looks soo much happier. According to her mom she's always FaceTiming with a smile on her face. So happy to see that! She deserves someone who will love her.
Me: Yeah Nic the same day that Blake proposed to me asked me if I had someone for him and I didn't think of anyone that wasn't already taken.
Gail: I'm so happy you put them together. Vicki keeps telling me how amazing Nic treats her and she always feels like she's on top of the world with him. I wonder if he knows that.
Me: I'm sure he does. The other day at practice since the playoffs are coming the guys have been practicing more than they should and Nic was smiling the whole time. KD and Ky walked up to him and the whole time his smile was just plastered on his face.
Gail: He really loves her.
Me: Yep he does. He said that one day he forgot his sneakers for practice that he wears and thinks they are good luck he left them in his room at his place and he gave her a key just in case she wanted a quiet place to study and she found them under his bed and just before class she brought them to Coach Nash for him. Even Coach thought it was very sweet that she would do that for him.
Gail: Yeah Vicki when she loves she really loves and I have known that girl my whole life and she always tells me how much she has wanted a man to love her like Blake loves you Sarah and it is nice that you guys set her up with Nic.
Me: Yeah. He looked so upset not having a girl to love him and then Blake told me about Vicki and I thought it was a perfect match. She even wears the Nets shirts to class that he gives her because she feels safe and comfortable with them on. She always thinks that he's right there with her which is soo nice.
Gail: That's something you do for my son. Is that his shirt?
Me: Oh darn I forgot to take it off. 😂
Gail: Oh honey I bought him that shirt for Christmas last year and he used to wear it all the time but I guess he gave it to you?
Me: Yeah he did yesterday. All my shirts needed washing and we don't do laundry until Friday night so he goes "my mom got me this just wear it."
Gail: I'm glad you get to wear his clothing. Keeps you two closer.
Me: Yeah it does.

Knowing I can have a nice conversation with Gail was always a blessing. She was a woman who loved her son and who appreciated the love I gave to her son. She knows I make him smile and the fact that we can talk like I can talk to my mom it is a nice feeling.

We walked into a coffee shop and sat down to chat some more before we went out shopping.

Me: How are things in Oklahoma?
Gail: Just peachy.
Me: Haha good.
Gail: Can I ask you something?
Me: Yeah.
Gail: Did my son ever talk about Wilson to you?
Me: Yeah he did. A month ago.
Gail: Wow he never told anyone about Wilson that he dated in the past.
Me: He didn't?!?
Gail: Nope Wilson was a part of his life he doesn't talk about but I'm not shocked he told you because he trusts you and he does love you.
Me: Yeah he sat me down one day and talked about Wilson and how much he meant to him. It is sad what happened. He told me he had cancer.
Gail: Yeah. It was sad. Blake was in his Rookie Season for the Clippers and for a week he would be on the phone with me every day for hours when he couldn't sleep. I wish you had known him back then.
Me: To be honest Gail I wish I did also. He told me about how crazy his Clipper days were.
Gail: Did he tell you about therapy?
Me: Yep.
Gail: He really trusts you. He never told anyone other than his dad and I. He didn't even tell Taylor or Marieka until like last year.
Me: Wow. Didn't know that.
Gail: He keeps a lot to himself. Just look out for him will you.
Me: I always do. When he goes into his thinking phase and he gets quiet he reminds me of myself when my anxiety takes over my body. It is crazy.
Gail: Yeah he told me he helps you with it.
Me: Yep. He's wonderful.
Gail: I'm glad you love him like he loves you Sarah.
Me: Yeah. As we speak I actually miss him.
Gail: Didn't you see him this morning?
Me: Nope I didn't. His dad was with him then you came to get me.
Gail: So you haven't seen him since last night?
Me: Yep. He gets up early for practice and I'm still asleep watching over Rose and Jeter who are with Taylor and Marieka right now.
Gail: Awe. 😥
Me: I mean I will see him in an hour.
Gail: Yeah you will.

Gail and I went to one place before we went home and as soon as I opened the door to mine and Blake's place his dad was sitting on the couch with Rose and Jeter and Blake came over to give me a hug and a kiss. He didn't see me this morning but he did see his mom.

Gail: You know this girl missed you.
Me: I did. 🥺
Blake: Awe. Come here give me another hug.

Blake: Feel better? Me: Yeah

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Blake: Feel better?
Me: Yeah. 🥰 You give great hugs.
Blake: I know. 💙

The rest of the day we just sat on the couch and his parents were staying with us for a couple of days and then my parents were going to stay with us next week for a couple of days. Last minute things to get done and the wedding is in two months. Blake and I couldn't wait. Just two months until I get to be Mrs. Griffin and I was over the damn moon. 💙🥰

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