At Times When You Feel Lost.

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I woke up in the middle of the night in Cody's guest house and I literally felt my anxiety come back randomly. I didn't know if anyone could help me with it anymore so I knew Giancarlo was back in NY but he always told me to FaceTime him when I needed help.

I walked into the living area with Jeter and he was sitting on my lap quietly.

Giancarlo: Sarah are you ok? It is 3am.
Me: I don't know my anxiety came back.
Giancarlo: Do you know why?
Me: I just have it when I feel like something is going on but it hasn't happened yet.
Giancarlo: I get like that also. Jess and I are actually near where you are, visiting some friends from when I was with Miami do you want me to come get you and Jeter?
Me: Yes please. I'm sorry I shouldn't be calling you this early but I feel like I have to.
Giancarlo: Sarah I always told you to call me when you need something. This is why you are like my sister and best friend. Now I need to be there for you and Jess would not mind you and Jeter staying.
Me: Thank you G.

I packed up some of my stuff and I didn't tell anyone where I was going since everyone was staying at Cody's and as soon as I walked outside with my stuff and Jeter's I saw Giancarlo's truck.

Giancarlo: Sarah are you ok?
Me: I just need time alone with my dog.
Giancarlo: I understand. We are in an Air B&B here down the road from my friends places they are living in so you should be okay sleeping in the room next door to mine and Jess'.
Me: Thank you G.

As soon as we got to the house I climbed out while G carried mine and Jeter's things.

Giancarlo: Sarah this is going to be your room and Jess and I are next door if you need us.
Me: Thank you!
Giancarlo: You're welcome. See you in the morning.

I was already in my PJ's so all I had to do was climb in bed with Jeter and we both fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and knew where I was and I saw Jeter look at me with sad eyes.

Me: Hey buddy, you ok?
Jeter just looked at me like he was sad for me.

He cuddled up into me and I kissed his head.

Jess walked in and I broke down in tears.

Jess: Sarah tell me girl I'm here what's wrong.
Me: I don't think I can trust Aaron anymore.
Jess: Really?
Me: Yeah.
Jess: Why do you think that is?
Me: I feel like he is hiding things from me and I do not want to even see him anymore.
Jess: Okay well according to Giancarlo he's out looking for you but we told him you just didn't want to see him anymore. He's angry but Sarah you have to do what is best for you.
Me: I feel like I make so many mistakes and they come back and haunt me.
Jess: We all do Sarah but guess what in the end we fight till the finish.
Me: Yeah.

Jess and I heard voices downstairs and it was Yeli and his brothers Cam and Colin.

Jess: You wanna stay up here for a little with Jeter or do you wanna come down to see Yeli and his brothers?
Me: No I think I will come down.
Jess: Okay.

Jess gave Jeter a kiss on the head and walked out to give me space.

I got myself decent and Jeter as well and we walked downstairs to Giancarlo sitting at the table with Jess and the Yelich's boys.

Yeli: Hey Sarah.
Me: Hey Yeli.
Yeli: Are you ok?
Me: Yeah hanging in there. G told you guys?
Yeli: Yeah he did and I'm angry Sarah. I'm really sad for you.
Me: Honestly I'm just better off alone. I never was meant to stay with someone for the rest of my life.
Colin: Maybe you will Sarah.
Me: Colin I'm too old for a stable relationship. I'm very happy with my dog and that's all I can ask for.
Colin: I understand.
Cameron: Can I hold Jeter?
Me: Yeah if he goes to you.

Jeter jumped on Cam's lap and started licking his face.
Me: I guess he was in the mood.
Cam: I'm good with dogs. I won't hurt him.
Me: Good he's my boy.
Cam: I know I can tell how much you love him.
Me: I do.

Yeli walked over to me with a cup of coffee and he sat down on the couch and I sat next to him.

Yeli: Are you sure you are okay Sarah?
Me: Yeah I'm just better off alone.
Yeli: I tell myself that all the time.
Me: Yeah I know.

Jeter jumped up on my lap when the door bell rang and there stood the stupid ass with Satan's mistress and to be honest I knew what had happened so I didn't want to say anything. I just got up and walked out with my cup of coffee and Jeter. Yeli did follow me though.

Yeli: I would rather sit out here with you if that's okay.
Me: Yeah I'm okay with that.
Yeli: Okay.

As Yeli was keeping me company I had a feeling that maybe being alone was okay in the end because all I needed was my puppy and that's all I could ask for. 

Yeli: Sarah are you hungry?
Me: No I'm okay. Thanks.
Yeli: Okay. I will be back out in a couple of minutes.
Me: Okay that's fine.

As I stared out with my dog I took a little nap and I had silent tears flowing down my face.

Sometimes many things go wrong over again and you just over the time you are alone with yourself you know that being just content with yourself is all you can ask for.

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