Anna on the phone. Making her next move.

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Anna decided to go down to the park the next day and call Sarah because she needed to get somethings off of her chest.

As Anna's phone rang she fidgeted on the park bench waiting for Sarah to pick up the phone.

After the last ring Sarah picked up.

Me: Hi Annabear.
Anna: Hi Sahara.
Me: What's up?
Anna: I was wondering if you were free to talk?
Me: Yeah Cody is out with his brother and the kids so I'm free. Is everything okay?
Anna: No actually. I was wondering if you had Cameron Yelich's number.
Me: I do not but I am sure you can call Christian. He definitely has his brother's number but is everything okay with Grant?
Anna: I am thinking about something's Sarah and I do not like the way he talks to people on the phone sometimes especially when they are not rude to him. I don't even know why I loved someone who maybe was just using me to get out of the dorm part of the base and into housing. What if Grant is using me?
Me: Is that what you think?
Anna: I know that is exactly what I am thinking and I am not having second thoughts about it. I cannot live with someone like this Sarah.
Me: Call Christian Anna.
Anna: Okay I am going to call him. Thank you for giving me advice.
Me: Your welcome Anna. Good luck.
Anna: Thanks girl.

As Anna hung up with Sarah she immediately called Christian.

After the third ring he picked up and said hello and that is when Anna told him what was going on.

Christian: Anna I'm sorry. I can give you Cam's number.
Anna: Thank you Chris. I'm sorry for bothering you because I know you are getting ready to go back to baseball.
Christian: Yeah I am but Anna you will never bother me and I am glad Sarah told you to call me. Cam misses you and he wants to talk to you.
Anna: Isn't he married?
Christian: Bitch used him Anna. She just wanted his money and he knew how to end it because he is smart enough to know who he needs in his life and to be honest with you Anna he was happy as hell with you. You made him smile when he didn't want to and you made him see life beyond what the Marines was giving him. Maybe you guys need to catch up. He's living in North Carolina but you can call him and talk to him because I know he has been thinking about you. You need to tell him exactly what you told me Anna because I think you both are in the same hot water.
Anna: You just might be right Christian. Thank you. Have fun at Sprint Training.
Christian: Thanks Anna.
Anna: Your welcome Chris.

As Anna hung up the phone and she just decided to use the number Christian gave her to call Cameron.

After two rings he picked up the phone and he knew Anna's voice so clear he didn't have to ask who was calling.

Cameron: Anna!
Anna: Hi Cam.
Cameron: I'm so glad you called me!
Anna: Did Christian tell you?
Cameron: Yeah he did. Did you not want him to?
Anna: No he had a right to. I guess we both just went through the same shit. I called my lawyer and she is going to bring over the divorce papers tomorrow. I cannot believe I was being played this whole time. Just like Josh played Sarah I was played by a person who I was crushing over then got married to! I'm such a fucking idiot Cameron!
Cameron: Anna listen we are both in the same boat here. After you sign those papers I think we need to meet up and you can actually stay with me since the bitch moved out like two months ago.
Anna: Wait you have been divorced for two months already?!?
Cameron: Yeah I have. I know it sounds insane but I don't know how we aren't together Anna you always cared about me, you never hurt me once, you always asked if I needed anything, you sent me care packages when I needed them, and you get along with my family.
Anna: I hate to agree with you but all of that is true and you never once hated me for anything that I ever did for you. Cameron I'm sorry I waited this long.
Cameron: No Anna, I'm sorry. Save my number and come see me when you are ready and I am going to give you my address and you can come see me when you are ready. I won't be deploying for a long time so we have tome to catch up and you know just chill out. Maybe we just needed to hear one another's voices again because it has been a long time and I talked to Christian just this morning and he had a feeling that you didn't forget about me. Maybe he knew something was going to happen because he may be my annoying older brother but he always looked out for me when he didn't have to.
Anna: That's a good brother Cam. I have to go I can hear the butthole opening the door but I will talk to you soon.
Cameron: If you need me.
Anna: Okay. Bye.
Cameron: Bye Anna.

As Anna hung up the phone Grant came through the house with this scowling look on his face and he knew he was busted.

Grant: I know you know what is going on and I am not going to argue with you Anna Rae.
Anna: Good because you are going to sign these divorce papers and I am gone. Thinking you could use me Grant was a bad ass idea. Thinking I wouldn't find out was another bad ass idea! I have people who knew what was going on this whole time and they absolutely give a damn about me! Unlike you you always want to be rude to the people who try so hard to help you out and want to be with you but you are nice to those who don't give five damn shits about you! Guess what Grant! I'm done with your bullshit!

Anna slammed the door and left the house with a bang and she knew who she needed to call and stay with and Cameron was the first and last person she could think of.

He was on his way after she called him about what happened and to be honest she knew she should have listened to Christian when she got the chance and now it was better late than never

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He was on his way after she called him about what happened and to be honest she knew she should have listened to Christian when she got the chance and now it was better late than never.

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