Virus Strikes....Closer Facetime Moments. ☺️

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Since the season was due to a delay because of the Corona virus after we got back from San wasn't that boring in mine and Cody's place.

The kids were with his parents and Anna went with James and Grant to stay with James' family in their house in Utah.

Cody and I were cuddling on the couch and it was a nice feeling.

Cody: Cole and Corey are coming to stay for a couple of days since Cole's girl is with her family and Corey's is with her's as well.
Me: Yeah that's fine.
Cody: Do you remember the times we used to meet in Barnes and Noble in NY?
Me: Yeah in the Jeter section.
Cody: Yep. I fell in love with you since those days.
Me: You did?
Cody: Mhm.

Since Corey and Cole were not coming until tomorrow since they were driving from San Fran. They were going to stop along the way to get all the things they needed for their trip.

Back to Cody and Sarah.

Cody: Sarah?
Me: Huh?
Cody: Do you want one last baby with me?
Me: Yeah I do. I mean the kids are grown but at the same time I do not think I can have anymore babies Cody even if I do want one of my own that looks like you.
Cody: I mean we can always try when we go on our honeymoon but oh wait the whole wedding and everything else has to be moved because of this stupid virus.
Me: Yeah. I know.
Cody: You know what I think we should spend sometime alone for the next week or so. We haven't done that in a long time.
Me: Are you going to FaceTime Corey and Cole then?
Cody: Yeah. I just got a text from them Cole ended up going back to Arizona last minute and Corey is with Maddy and her family here in California.
Me: Oh okay.
Cody: I mean we could try for another baby since the house is empty.
Me: Yeah I guess we could.

Cody leaned in to kiss me and then of course the kiss got heated to the next million levels possible until I felt Cody's lips on my neck.

Cody: Does that feel okay Princess? Me: *moans* Yes

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Cody: Does that feel okay Princess?
Me: *moans* Yes.
Cody: Wow that moan it has been a long time since I heard that.
Me: Get used to it because those lips dammit Cody they are soft.
Cody: Well you know how I do honestly speaking.
Me: Yeah. I know how you do. ;)
Cody: Do you think Anna is going to be okay?
Me: Yeah she is strong trust me. Since the first day I met her she always put others before herself and now that she has Grant and James helping her everything should be fine. I'm just shocked how Makayla is taking it.
Cody: Yeah I know but I am sure things like this don't always happen and you don't always plan like this if you know what I mean.
Me: Yeah I know.

Since Corey and Cole because of this virus are now not coming Cody and I decided to FaceTime Mariano.

Derek we knew he was busy with his family so we would FaceTime him sometime tomorrow.

As we were ringing Mariano he picked up and smiled at both of us.

Mariano: Hey you two! How is everything?
Me: Hey. We are hanging in there.
Mariano: I'm glad Sarah. Cody how does it feel to have Sarah next to you?
Cody: I don't want to let her go anymore that is how it feels.
Mariano: Good I'm glad. So anything planned for the future besides baseball after this stupid virus Cody?
Cody: Actually a wedding is coming up maybe next year or the end of this year.
Mariano: Oh my gosh! Who's?!?
Cody: Mine and Sarah's.
Mariano: You see! I knew you two would get married!
Cody: Yeah I knew we would. Honestly speaking it is like I wake up every single morning and feel happier that Sarah is next to me and she just makes me feel so complete again I do not know what I would have done without Derek knocking some sense into me that I needed to stop going back to people who were using me rather than Sarah who has always been there for me. I mean she didn't have to love me back but she did.
Mariano: Cody you don't know how happy the both of you make me. I look through your Instagram now with the pictures of you and Sarah and it is so nice to see you smiling again. Sarah same with you, always smiling now and it is so really nice to see that.
Cody: Thank you. I'm just really happy now.
Mariano: How are the kids taking it?
Cody: They love it. Honestly.
Mariano: Good I'm glad.

An hour later we got off the phone with Mariano and Cody got a text from his mom asking us how we were and we said we were fine and just checking in with family during this time is what helps. Sarah did the same with her family back in Jersey and they seemed to be fine also.

As Cody and I went back to cuddling on the couch he decided to take this picture of us cuddling on the couch.

He posted it to Instagram with the caption

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He posted it to Instagram with the caption.....

"Being cute with this one." ❤️
Tagged: sarahsmile_94

Cody: Babe, this picture is going to blow up.😂
Me: Oh I know. Trust me your mom is going to be like these two.

A couple seconds later I hear Cody's phone going off with a bunch of Instagram messages.

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Me: Oh yeah I'm looking definitely going to reach a million by the end of the night.

A couple of seconds later we get a FaceTime call from Derek.

Derek: Hey guys! My sister just showed me the picture on Instagram.
Me: Gosh. 😂 Hey!
Cody: Well I'm glad she did.
Derek: You two look happy. Thank God. Mariano called me. Congrats!
Cody: Thank you.

I flashed the ring and he just smiled.

Derek: I knew you two would make it. I'm just really happy for you both.
Me: Thanks Derek means a lot.
Derek: Are you happy now Sarah?
Me: Ugh, the happiest I have been in such a long time. He always brings back the kid in me and that is what makes him special.
Derek: I'm so glad. ❤️ How did the team take it Cody and the kids?
Cody: The team was over the moon and the kids were screaming with my parents. I knew I had made the right decision.
Derek: Well I'm glad you did. ❤️

As the hours went on and talking to Derek was nice he had to go spend time with his kids and he said he would see us soon.

Going back to Cody's phone blowing up it was nice to see that people did appreciate us as being engaged. Waking up next to him every single morning was definitely a blessing. ❤️

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