Tips on How To Be A Basketball Girlfriend.

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I woke up with my phone blowing up lying on top of Blake with Jeter next to us on the bed.

Blake: Honey your phone is blowing up just as much as mine.

Me: I guess the whole world knows about us.

Blake: I would think so since this is the only post they are going to get of us for awhile at least on my page. You can post me all you want on yours if you wish.

Me: I am not much of a lovey person on social media the important moments should be kept in my phone and not for the social media world to see.

Blake: I do agree with that but we don't want people thinking we are weirdos.

Me: Yeah that also.

Blake: My god please check your phone.

Me: Yeah I am going to right now.

I looked over at my phone to fifty text messages from Ayesha Curry.

I saw the first one and knew what the next million were about.

Blake: Who is it babe?

Me: Ayesha. She is in town with Steph and they wanna have dinner and she will not stop chewing my ear off about how happy she is for us.

Blake: Yeah and Steph probably told her to stop texting me.

Me: That would be his exact words honestly.

Blake: Haha yeah. Do you want to make breakfast or do you want me to?

Me: You can start it and I will come over and help.

Blake: Okay. Wait do they know we aren't home?

Me: I am going to call her now and tell her.

Blake: Actually facetime her.

I clicked on the facetime and she picked up right away.

Ayesha: Hey girlie.

Me: Hey girl.

Ayesha: Girl where are you?

Me: On top of Blake. ;)


Me: I woke up on top of him silly girl we didn't have sex.

Ayesha: Oh okay. I am guessing you guys aren't home?

Me: Nope we aren't we will be home tomorrow.

Ayesha: Oh you are with Jeter! He's soo cute.

Me: Haha thank you. How long are you guys in town for?

Ayesha: The whole week!

Me: Oh good we can hangout this week.

Ayesha: Yeah I was thinking we could do that.

Me: Aren't you guys in town playing the Knicks?

Ayesha: Yeah we play them Thursday night but Steph loves NY like I do so we came a couple of days earlier. He has friends here he wants to see and then we can see you two lovebirds when you guys come home.

Blake: Yeah that sounds like a good idea.

Me: Where is Steph?

Steph: Hey girl.

Me: Hey!

Steph: Man you are glowing.

Me: Am I? I cannot see my face.

Steph: And she on top of her man. Yeah that is how you know they did it last night!

Me: We didn't do it yet! He is waiting for me to be okay with it.

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