Who Is She? Before he cheats with nightmares brought to life.

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It was the day before mine and Cody's wedding and to be honest I didn't know what was going through my mind.

Cody was out with the guys that he was going to have in the wedding with him like Kike, Joc, Corey, and the rest of the Dodger clan was invited as well with their wives and kids.

I was now sitting with Joc's wife Kelsey in the backyard of my place while everyone was running around since I couldn't do much being that I am pregnant.

Kelsey: Well I know you are happy to be finally marrying Cody tomorrow.
Me: Yeah I am.
Kelsey: Oh no girl what is going on. That doesn't look like a happy to be marrying Cody face. You look scared.
Me: I guess it is just nerves and this little girl inside of me I mean is happy to have Cody as her father but you know mothers always are insane when about to be close to having a child and thinking about other things at the same time.
Kelsey: Are you scared about something else other than motherhood?
Me: I had this nightmare I didn't tell anyone a couple of nights ago that I woke up and Cody took the kids and left me alone with the new born.
Kelsey: Did you talk to Cody about this?
Me: No I didn't want to bother him with it considering he has been running around doing a lot of things for me since I can't do much.
Kelsey: I know he isn't going to leave you Sarah and if he does I am going to kill him myself. He doesn't seem like the person to do that but to be honest with you girlie I am always going to be here for you. Me and Mariana will always be here. Mariana is going through the same thing you are and to be honest with you I am glad you are having a baby girl even if she is having a baby boy. Maybe there would be a boyfriend and girlfriend in the near future with them.
Me: That would be nice but we will have to see where the future takes us honestly speaking.
Kelsey: I couldn't agree more with you honey. When I married Joc it was definitely interesting and there was a lot of people so my nerves were through the roof not kidding. I didn't know how I was going to move through my wedding day knowing my nerves were taking over me.
Me: Sometimes I do go back to my inner thoughts and to be honest I thought about giving Aaron many more chances but I know he is happier with Sabrina.
Kelsey: Are they coming to the wedding tomorrow?
Me: Yeah they said they were and I think Aaron is here visiting his parents in Linden so he should be able to drive down with Sabrina. I told them if they needed anything they should let Cody or I know.
Kelsey: That was a smart move.

As the day went on and everyone was in the backyard chilling out before Cody and I would make a speech thanking everyone for all their help since I couldn't do much other than book some things here and there.

I looked in the corner of the yard and I saw a woman talking to Kourtney Turner Justin's wife. I didn't know who she was and I do not remember inviting her.

I walked over to Mariana and Ellen Kershaw asking them who she was and they had no idea.

A couple of seconds later I see her walking over to Cody and touching his lower back and I was really livid how he wasn't pushing her away.

I saw Ashli talking to Jenn but they didn't pay much attention to it either.

I decided to just let it go being livid and not thinking anything about it until Mariana was talking about who she was and to be honest Cody didn't tell me he was talking to Chase Giancarlo's ex girlfriend. To be honest with you I know from the experience Jess and G had with her I was not going to keep a positive vibe about this so being that I couldn't curse because the baby would hear but there were children here like the Kershaw kids and a couple of Cody's cousins that had kids. I also didn't want to put
pressure on the baby so I walked towards the front of the house then walked to the near by park since I always liked time to myself and I just continued to cry like no one's business.

A couple of minutes later after walking away from the house of people I saw a car pull up and walked a little quicker thinking that is was some guy going to jump out and hurt me. Then I stopped and recognized the car to be Giancarlo and Jess' car.

Giancarlo: Hi Sarah. What are you doing out here alone?
Me: I needed some air.
Giancarlo: Sarah. That's a lie. What's going on?
Me: Everyone is back at the house not knowing I am gone and I know who I invited except your ex-girlfriend Chase has been talking to Cody and I told Cody the other day if you are talking to anyone behind my back I am going to find out.
Giancarlo: That fucking bitch! Sarah I am going to handle this.
Me: No G. This wasn't meant to be. Clearly I knew Cody was using me just like Aaron used me. This is exactly what happened. As soon as I'm about to be happy again someone else comes in and tries to ruin everything well you know what I'm so done with this shit Giancarlo.

Jess came over and hugged me and I hugged back and just walked away. I knew I had to go back since I had no place to stay but now that people knew I was going to start crying once I got back there I decided to just stay by Giancarlo and Jess' side the whole time.

Giancarlo: Sarah you aren't letting this happen again. You are going to be having a baby in a couple of months and you are going to get married tomorrow. I am going to make sure everything is under control.
Me: This is my problem G.
Giancarlo: I don't care Sarah.
Me: Okay.

I got into the front seat of G's car since Jess didn't want me getting squished in the back.

We drove away towards mine and Cody's place.

We walked into the yard and everyone was just staring at me while I was standing next to Jess.

I wanted to know why but then I saw blood on my dress and I knew what was happening.

I literally knew it was going to be a miscarriage because that is what had happened to my cousin and sister in law in the past and they told me that is what was bound to happen. I ran inside the house and Jenn with Ashli trailing behind her followed me.

I cleaned myself up upstairs and when I went to use the bathroom the baby was gone and I was so scared. My doctor was closed today but she gave me an emergency number to call her at.

I called the number and she automatically picked up. I explained to her what happened and she was heart broken. She told me what to do and thank God I had this happen now rather than the baby be gone when I was about to give birth. Maybe I just was too old to have kids anymore even if I wanted Sapphire to have a sister and Conner to have one as well. Right now I don't know my state or position with Cody but all I know is that I do not want Corey and Emma to have to have me leave but to be honest I knew I had to talk to them one day about what is going to happen with me and their father.

My doctor rolled up in front of the house and told me that she was sorry and she ended up helping me through this to be honest and then I told her she could go home and that was that. I was shell shocked and didn't know what else to do other than I couldn't have anymore babies and I was going to have to tie my tubes. I made an appointment for Friday to go see her to do that and she insisted I come with someone so I was going to tell Jess and Giancarlo to come with me since they were the only ones I trusted.

To be honest I don't know how this wedding was going to work tomorrow because I just lost my baby girl. I thought I was going to have her but with Chase here and me not being in the right state of mind things were bound to happen.

In the next chapter everyone finds out what happened and then plans change.

Stay tuned.

Sarah xoxo.

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