When He Tries To Talk. Pt.1

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I was sitting in the living room at Giancarlo and Jess' place alone in NY since we all went back. I found myself a place with Jeter and that was that. Knowing I was always on the move was just nothing to me anymore. I packed and left and left all the disgusting memories behind me.

Jess walked over and started talking to me but I zoned her out. I was in so much pain I couldn't even feel Jeter move. I looked down at Jeter petted his head and just looked out the window again. 

Jess: Sarah?
Giancarlo: Sarah?

They left me alone and then I just broke down in tears. Jeter came next to me and then he was making the whimper sounds and I just looked at him through glassy eyes and went back to crying.

Jess walked over and handed me some water and I drank it little by little. I felt so empty. I felt betrayed. I felt like my whole world was crashing down on me and I wanted to die. I just wanted God to take me and to never bring me back. I missed my grandma. I missed my grandpa that I never met and I missed my family.

Jess just held me and I just kept crying. I didn't come off her shoulder once. Giancarlo came to pick me up and he just brought me into his embrace and I broke down even more. I was so broken that nothing would ever put me back together again.

Jess: Sarah do you want G to take a walk with you and I will watch Jeter?
Me: Do you mind?
Jess: No honey of course not. I will watch him.
Me: Thank you.
Jess: Sarah we are family forever. I love you. You are my sister and no matter what tears or smiles I'm always gonna be your sister.
Me: Thanks Jess.
Jess: Welcome girlie.

I walked out with G to the park and we sat on the bench.

Giancarlo: Sarah I'm so sorry about everything.
Me: Yeah I'm not. I'm a fuckin mess.
Giancarlo: No you are not. You are just tired of everything and that is fine but I think you just need to realize that being single is okay.
Me: Yeah whatever. G I'm not good company right now I really just want to be alone.
Giancarlo: I understand Sarah. We can just sit in silence.
Me: Yeah I like that better.

I just put my head on his shoulder and I had silent tears roll down my face and he handed me a tissue.

I thought about everything going on and I just needed to go back to my place and just sit in silence with Jeter. That's all I wanted right now.

I walked back with G and I took my things and Jeter home.

I walked through my new place and I had everything set up already.

I walked to my bedroom and Jeter climbed up next to me and we both took a nap.

A couple of hours later I was on the couch with Jeter watching some cooking show and the door bell rang.

I walked to the door and pain in the ass was there.

Me: I told you I'm done with you.
Aaron: Are you really done?
Me: Yeah I'm done. I'm taking the fuckin dog asshole. Leave me the hell alone I NEVER wanna see you or that psycho ass bitch again! Do you hear me!
Aaron: Yeah! I heard you! Can I at least give Jeter one last hug?
Me: Fine make it fuckin quick!

He did for just a couple of seconds and walked out.

I never wanted to see his face again! I swear to the damn life of Frank Sinatra I never did!

At eight pm I was literally asleep on the couch until the door bell rang.

I screamed asked who the hell would come see me at this hour and it was Gio and Chrissy.

Me: Hey guys. I'm sorry. I'm not good company right now.
Chrissy: We know. We just wanna come say hi.
Me: Hi.
Gio: Sarah is there anything we can do to help?
Me: No Gio I think I'm okay right now.
Gio: Okay Chrissy let's give Sarah space.
Chrissy: Okay. See you around Sarah.
Me: Yeah see you Chris.

They walked out and I swear I locked the door and went to bed with Jeter.

I ended up putting on some instrumental music and fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up and heard noise from the kitchen. I didn't give anyone my house key! What the actual hell I just wanted to be left alone!

I stormed out of my room with Jeter and I just see G and Jess there with sad looks on their faces. I looked like hell I know.

I hadn't been eating, not sleeping much, I was just over everything and everyone and I wanted to be alone but I guess people just wanted me to feel like I had someone

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I hadn't been eating, not sleeping much, I was just over everything and everyone and I wanted to be alone but I guess people just wanted me to feel like I had someone.

I looked at G and he was crying.

Giancarlo: Sarah please we want the old you back.
Me: You won't get her back G. She's gone.
Giancarlo: That's not true Sarah. She's still there.
Me: No she isn't. She's really gone. Every last breath of mine is a tank reading empty. The pain he caused me. The misery he caused me. The whole bag of hell he caused me! HE GOES AND MARRIES THAT FUCKIN BITCH BEHIND MY BACK AND A WEEK FUCKIN BEFORE WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET REMARRIED! OH IF I SEE EITHER IF THEIR FUCKIN FACES IM GONNA REALLY BRING OUT SOMEONE WORSE THAN MALEFICENT!
Jess: Sarah listen we told Joey to come over.
Me: I don't want him involved in my shit.
Jess: Sarah maybe you need to talk to him. We can't get you to open up to us but every single time he's around you open up to him. It is crazy how much you tell him Sarah.
Me: Fine tell him to come I will be in my room with Jeter watching TV.

A couple of minutes later the door bell rang and then a couple of minutes after that I heard a light knock.

I mumbled for the person to come in and it was Joey with a sincere face. Jeter ran to him and he went down to pet him. He picked him up and brought him to the bed.

In the next chapter will Joey be able to help Sarah again?

Stay tuned.

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