32. oh no

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It was my first day back at work and honestly, I didn't feel like it. All I wanted to do was stay home and be with Xander but I couldn't. I worked hard to get this job so I'm going go and be my awesome self at work.

If it was left to Xander, I wouldn't be going back to work today or even at all. It's a good thing men can't get pregnant because I was pretty sure I'd be carrying by now. The drive to the office seemed shorter than usual and I spent it talking with Xander.

He pulls to a stop in front of my office building and kills the engine.

"Why do you look so determined?" Xander asked, smiling at me. He hadn't styled his hair this morning so it was soft and sweeping across his face.

"I've been away for a week. I'm pretty sure Mary from Accounting has eaten all my yogurt." I said, narrowing my eyes. Today was the day I was going to do something about this.

"Is that why you made me stop and buy you two packs a couple minutes ago?" Xander asked, his tone teasing.

"It has to stopp..."

"You're really cute when you're determined." Xander said, reaching across the seat to undo my seatbelt. Before he could move back, I cupped his face and leaned forward, pecking his lips. I really liked it when he called me cute. It made me feel all soft and gooey inside.

"You are the cute one." I said, playfully scrunching up my nose at him. Xander chuckled, shaking his head at me words. He does pull back a little, playing with the curls I had let slip out of my bun. Yeah, maybe we could go back home and cuddle. I had enough sick days I haven't used up yet! It could work.

However, before I could bring up the suggestion, there was a loud honk in front of us, breaking us out of our bubble. It was a red sports car, stupidly expensive. The best part though, was watching J walk out of the car, dressed in all black and walking over to the other side and pulling open the door.

I smiled so widely when I see Ryan step out of the car. I don't even have to be even closer to know his cheeks were stained red.

"They're so in love." I said as I watched the two of them. j's arm slipping around Ryan's waist, the two of them talking.

"That obvious, huh?" Xander asked and I nodded. It seemed like it was so long ago when we were wishing for men, men who would love us and treat us right and here we are. The two of us swept off our feet and treated like princes.

I turned to Xander and found him already watching me. A soft smile on his face.

"Watching you smile is my favourite thing." Xander said as he reached for my hand. Oh. This man. This silly cheesy man whom I love so much. With all of my heart and my body.

"I thought my laugh was your favourite thing."

"My love, everything about you is my favourite thing." he said and I mentally swooned. Fuck. His words. His words always do things to me and the way he looks while saying them, so earnest. Like he couldn't help it.

"I love you so much." I said as I looked at him, flipping my hand over so our fingers could lace.

"I love you so so much." Xander said, raising our locked hands to his lips.

There was a knock on the window, pulling my attention away from Xander's face to the window where Ryan was waiting for me, his brows raised. I rolled my eyes and raised a finger with my free hand, telling him to give me a minute.

"Have a nice day, darling." Xander said and I nodded. "I'm going to an auction today with J, so if you can't reach me for a bit, that'll be where I am. It's one of those private nonsense.

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