38. soulmates

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"Bram... Bram no!"

I ran after him, huffing as he ran as fast as he could towards the water. I could hear his giggle. If I catch him, he's going to go in the naughty corner for a long long time. I burst through the trees and found Bram standing really close to the water, his feet digging into the sand.

The naught boy didn't put shoes on before leaving the house.

"Bram..." I said, my tone dripping with warning. Bram looked at me with big eyes, acting all innocent while he took one step to the side, closer to the water.

"Bram, do not go in the water." I warned. The curly haired boy looked right at me before taking another step towards the water, smiling widely when the water wraps around his ankle. "Bra-"

He let out a loud scream before running full on into the water, laughing so loud. As soon as he got into the water, I face palmed. I kick into action after that, also running into the water. This little was going to be the end of me. Bram was still laughing and splashing about. My baby bunny was going to get cold once he steps out of the water.

I moved closer to him and grabbed him by the waist. Bram let out a huge squeal and splashed me with water. My grip on his waist momentarily loosened but that was all the chance he needed. He slips out and tried to swim away. I don't think I have ever seen or heard him laugh this much.

"Come play with me daddy." Bram said, splashing more water at me. "Come on...."

Somehow I got tricked into splash fight, swimming and just plain played with my favourite little. My only little. After a while, I grabbed Bram again by the waist and lifted him out of the water. I placed him back down on the sand and just like I knew he was going to be.

Bram says. "I'm cold, daddy."

"I know, little one." I replied.

Bram's hair was a wet and curly mess. Clothes sticking to him and he was shaking, his feet was digging into the sand. I took off my sliders and got on my knees so I could help Bram slip his feet into them. I looked up at Bram, smiling back at him.

Once I was standing again, Bram moved closer and slipped his hand in mine. We quickly made our way back to the house. I led Bram up to the en-suite and drew him a bath, tossing in one of his many Lush bath-bombs.

He was slowly blinking and trying to fight back a yawn while in the bath. He looked so adorable, honestly. I love him so much. So so much. A couple minutes later, he had on his big boy pajamas, plaid pajama bottoms with matching top, I had gently brushed his hair and packed it in a bun, before tucking him into bed. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and cooed at the small smile he had on his face.


While Bram napped, I took care of a couple business and began making a little snack for myself and Bram when he wakes. And I also made sure there was enough for Ryan and J because they were just hours away. Hopefully, they would be here before Bram wakes up.

He had kept texting Ryan through out the week, sending him pictures and exchanging voice notes with his friend. Snacks consisted of diced fruits with lots of Kiwi because that was Bram's new thing, some chicken nuggets, king prawns and some sweet potato wedges. For desert, there was some cake in the fridge. I'd cut it up and pour some double cream on it.

Everything for my boy.


"Piero, I don't do business with stupid people." I said into the phone. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I looked over and chuckled as Bram walked to the kitchen, he had a blanket draped over his shoulder.

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