30. know

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I spent the entire day with Xander. He didn't even let me go back to the house to get my clothes, instead he took me shopping for new ones and to a stylist for my hair. He even got me a new watch, a brand new Rolex and he had refused to let me know the price.

We had our date on the rooftop of a little restaurant that was a long way from the city, where the lights were few and I could actually see the stars in the sky. It was like Xander had decided to romance the life out of me or something. It was just so wonderful and my cheeks were hot for half of the time.

I kept one hand on his thigh throughout the drive back to his house. It was already past eleven and to be completely honest, I was already feeling a little sleepy.

"You can go to sleep, baby. I'll wake you when we get home." Xander said, his voice soft like he was trying to not scare my sleep away.

"I want to sleep on our bed at home." the words came out before I could stop them. Our bed. Was it because I've spent a lot of time at Xander's house or did I really think of that house as a home too. Oh my god.

Sleep was long gone now and I was mulling things over in my head. I actually see Xander's house as mine too and oh, this is new. This was a new development. Were we at that point in our relationship? Was it too soon? What do I do?

I didn't even notice when the car pulled to a stop until there was a weight on the back of my neck. Exactly what I needed to pull me back to the present, to pull me out of my thoughts before it got really chaotic.

"Are you with me, Bram?" Xander asked, voice echoing in my head.

"I am. I was... thinking."

"Do you mind sharing what you were thinking about?" Xander asked, his hand squeezing just a bit.

I looked away from my hands to his face. Street-light coming in through the windscreen and onto his face. Xander looked absolutely gorgeous and it made me want to lean closer. So I did.

"I think of your house as our house. Of your bed as our bed." I said, my words coming out softly.

"It is your house too, baby. Everything I own is yours." Xander replied with no hesitation or pause. How could he be so sure? How could he just say that with so much confidence?


Xander slipped his hand off my neck, cupping my face, his thumb softly stroking my cheek. "There is no doubt in my mind about how I feel about you. So trust me when I say, everything I have is yours. Trust me when I say I am yours." Xander said. He takes off his seatbelt with his free hand and leaned forward and pressed a kiss to my nose and another to my forehead. "Let's get you home, baby."

I hadn't noticed it before because of my thoughts and all, but Xander had pulled to the side of the road to talk to me. For the rest of the drive home, I sang along to the songs on the radio. Once Xander pulled into the driveway, he tells me to go on in while he parked the car.

I walked up the stairs and got into the house. Instead of going upstairs though, I made my way to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. I had just walked into the kitchen when I noticed who was drinking apple juice right out of the carton.
"How many times have I told you that's a bad habit?" I asked as I fully stepped into the kitchen.

Ryan almost choked on his juice as he turned in my direction.

"Bram!" he screamed. He dumps the carton on the table and rushed towards me, pulling me in for a very tight hug. "I missed you so much." he said. He pulled back and promptly smacked my arm hard. "Never do that again! I was worried sick. You just left the office and no one was picking your phone for a while. If you do that again, I will smack you or put you in the naughty corner! Either big you or little you."

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