6. food

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"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

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"Are you out of your fucking mind?!"

"Don't yell at me. I'm a baby." I said, pouting to even prove my point. Ryan just kept staring at me with wide eyes, his nose flaring a bit. He reminded me of an angry squidward.

"You went to see him by yourself? Without telling me! You just up and left and sent me a lousy text later. You didn't even share your address. If you had disappeared, where would I look for you? Where do I tell your mother you went to?" Ryan asked, he was getting even more tense with each word. My dear friend.

"I'm very sorry. I just had to find out, I couldn't let it go." I told Ryan. I was sincere about the apology but I do not regret going to see Xander.

"You're going to give me a heart attack, one of these days." Ryan said before taking a large gulp of his beer.

"That thing is going to give you a fat belly. You want to look like a pregnant man?" I asked, eyeing the large mug of beer on my friend's hand.

"You drink beer too."

"In a can with a straw. You can't judge me." I told Ryan. "And I drink once in a blue moon." I honestly did. I only drank when I felt like all my tears were going to bubble out of me and drown me.  When my skin feels too tight and all I want to do is grab a stuffie and put a pacifier in my mouth.

I couldn't do that myself though. Not by myself. It wasn't safe. I could tip over and hurt myself. Even more than I have been already.

I picked up my can and took a small sip of my beer. I honestly didn't fancy drinking but it sort of helps. At least for a bit.

"You're insane."

"Maybe a little bit." I replied, fingers playing with the straw. I smiled softly at it. It was a bendy straw and I had made it loopy. I was the only person in the bar drinking from a can and using a straw.

"So... what happened? What did you find out?"

"He wants to see me again and I've got his number and everything. I was thinking we'd go and see a movie, The Invisible Man is out and the trailer looked incredible." I said excitedly.

"Please tell me you at least remembered to ask him for his name this time."

"Actually I saw him in a news article while I was at work and that's why I had to leave. I thought it was a sign." I said with another small smile.

"His name, Bram." Ryan asked, taking another gulp of his beer.

"Xander Lupo."

Ryan spat out his drink, right on my face. Oh Lordy. Gross. I quickly reached for the handkerchief I keep in my pocket and tried to wipe my face off with it. I'm sure half of the bar was staring at the two of us, I could hear the conversations drop.

His Gorgeous Boy (BDSM) (DDLB) (ManxMan) Where stories live. Discover now