31. cheese

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I tiptoed into the room, holding a tray of breakfast that I had prepared for Xander. I had gotten up early because it seemed like Xander rose with the sun. The weirdo. I got close to the bed and placed the tray on the dressing table, not wanting it to accidentally spill or something.

Once I was done, I crawled into bed, lying right on top of Xander. I giggled to myself as I poked his chin and then his cheek and bopped his nose. I watched in amusement as Xander scrunched up his nose, his hand trying to bat away whatever or in this case whoever was disturbing his sleep.

Like always, Xander sleeps half naked. No shirt and just pajama pants. He felt so warm like this and with my free hand pressed against his chest, right where his heart was, it could feel it. His heart beat. I couldn't let him sleep for long. His coffee would get cold.

I pressed kisses along his chest, up his neck and on his cheek. "Xannnn. Wake up." I whispered, pushing down the urge to jump on him. "Xanderrrrrr." I tried again, this time nipping at his jaw.


I grinned and leaned back, so I could look right at him. "Good morning..." I sang cheerfully and Xander let out a loud groan.

"Wake up, boyfriend." I said. I was about to shout it when I was suddenly grabbed and in the blink of an eye I was on the bed and pulled close to Xander. He did all this without even opening his eyes.  I couldn't help but laugh.

"You're to cheerful for arse o'clock in the morning."

"Did we swap bodies? That is usually my line."

"Bram..." Xander warned, his arm around me going tighter.

"Your coffee is going to get cold." I said, reaching up to cup his cheek, my thumb stroking his skin. Xander had been so busy yesterday that he didn't even have the time to shave in the morning and now here he is a day later and I'm loving the stubble.

Xander blinks open his eyes and I smile at him.

"Up we go." I cheered, pinching his cheek. Xander makes a face and I moved close enough to press a kiss to his cheek. It was a struggle but I got out of his hold and had to crawl off the bed. I  watched Xander stretch out his arms, watched the contrast of his abs, the tattoo on his skin and the way his hair waved every which way.

He was a sight to behold.

And I'm gonna be the only one to behold it for a very long, long time.

Xander slipped out of the bed and made his way towards me. I was simply dressed in one of his shirts that dropped mid thigh and my hair was in a loose bun. He slipped his arms around my waist and pressed a kiss to my head.

"Good morning, angel."

"Good morning, babe." I said. "Go and wash up or the food will get cold."

Xander looked away from me to the dressing table I was gesturing to. He smiled his big sunny smile.

"You're wonderful."

"Because I made you banana pancakes with syrup, eggs, bacon and freshly squeezed orange juice?" I teased and Xander laughed. He pressed another kiss to my head, his grip on my wait tightening. Every time he does it, it always makes me think he never wants to let go of me. And yeah, I feel the same.

While Xander went to wash up, I placed the tray on the bed, holding it back the side a bit so it wouldn't spill over. I was humming to myself when Xander walked back into the room and slipped into the bed. I made my way over to his side and pulled the big tray closer.

It was still hot. Yay.


"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast. So... ta dah!" I waved my hands over the food and smiled widely.

His Gorgeous Boy (BDSM) (DDLB) (ManxMan) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang